  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Project act as repositories for all your integration assets, including recipes, connections, and sub-folders. This structure makes it easier to access and manage integrations, keeping everything organized and enabling smoother workflows.

The Projects page is structured into two key sections.

Assets: The Assetsection includes smart folders that automatically aggregate all recipes, connections, and pages from your various projects. These folders provide a centralized location for managing your integration components.

As new recipes, connections, or pages are created within different projects, the smart folders dynamically update to display them, allowing you to quickly access and manage assets across multiple projects without the need to navigate between them.

Project: It displays a list of all the projects that are available for access. Projects help in managing and coordinating the integration development lifecycle more efficiently.

Best approaches for utilizing projects

Organizing and managing projects helps streamline collaboration and makes navigation easier across teams. By following these best practices, staying organized and optimizing productivity within the workspace becomes much simpler.

Manage projects effectively

Structure your projects by department, use case, or project type to establish a clear and logical organization. This helps you quickly find and manage related assets with ease.

Integrated Folders

Integrated Folders provide a centralized view of all accessible recipes and connections. You can easily filter the list to display Active or Inactive recipes and connected or disconnected connections.

Manage Projects

Project access permissions let you perform the following actions:

  • Create Projects

  • Move Folders, Recipes, and Connectors

  • Delete a Project

Create Projects

  1. Navigate to the Integration Hub > Projects.

    The Projects page is displayed. The left navigation pane consists of Assets and Projects categories.

    Figure: Projects homepage

  2. To create a new Project, click Create Project.

    Figure: Create project

  3. Enter the Project name, Project description, and click Create project.

    The new project appears in the Projects menu.

    Figure: Create New Project

  4. To cancel the project, click Cancel.

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