LAT - Canned Responses
  • 19 Jun 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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LAT - Canned Responses

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Article summary

Canned Responses feature is a valuable Digital Agent feature engineered for Live Agents to enhance their overall efficiency while in conversation with the end users. It offers a repository of pre-defined responses readily available for Live Agents to utilize while they chat with the end users. This streamlines the process of addressing common queries or issues. Canned Responses save time during chat conversations. So, Live Agents can handle a higher volume of chats within the same timeframe.

User Persona

Admin / Analyst


Configure Canned Responses

User Persona: Admin

Admin can configure and manage the Canned Responses through the Workbench application. Add, view, edit, and delete Canned Responses as per the requirement without any hassles.

Admins can perform the following actions:

  • View Canned Responses
  • Add New Canned Responses
  • Edit Canned Responses
  • Delete Canned Responses

View Canned Responses

View the list of existing Canned Responses placed in alphabetical order, snippet wise.

To view the Canned Responses, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench.
  2. From the left panel, click Settings.

    Figure: Workbench - settings
  3. Click Canned Responses. The list of existing Canned Responses is displayed. Refer the sample screenshot below:

    Figure: Canned Responses

Five Canned Responses are listed on a single page. To navigate to other pages, click on the navigation arrows at the bottom of the page. To go to a particular page, click on the specific page number. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Canned Responses - navigation

Search Canned Responses

You can search Canned Response(s) by entering keywords in the search bar. Once you type in the keyword in the search bar and click the search icon or hit enter, the results from all the pages are displayed. The search keyword is highlighted in the results.

Figure: Search Canned Responses

The search functionality is applicable to the Snippet, Response Text, and Tags columns.

Add New Canned Responses

Add new Canned Responses for different categories along with adding a response text for each of them.

To add a new Canned Response, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the top right corner to add a new Canned Response.

    Figure: Add new Canned Responses
  2. A pop-up is displayed where you need to enter details about the Canned Response like Snippet, response text, category and tags.

    Figure: New Canned Response - pop-up

    Refer the below table for the fields present in the Add New Canned Response pop-up along with their descriptions:


Enter a brief name for the new Canned Response you are adding. The Snippet should summarize the content or purpose of the Canned Response, making it easily recognizable and distinguishable from others.

The maximum characters limit for Snippet is 30.

There cannot be two Snippets with the same name. If you try to add a Snippet with a name that already exists and save it, there will be a validation message displayed - ‘Snippet already exists’.

Figure: Error message

Response Text*

Enter the pre-defined response that agents will use when selecting this Canned Response during chat conversations. Provide a concise and accurate reply to common queries or issues. Ensure the response is clear, relevant, and tailored to address customer inquiries effectively.

The maximum characters limit for Response Text is 500.


Select the category for which you want to add the Canned Response. By default, the option Default is selected.


Add keywords or labels in the Tags field. Tags help to classify Canned Responses based on their purpose. By adding relevant tags to Canned Responses, you can quickly search and locate them when needed during chat conversations.

To add new tags for a Canned Response, type the keywords in the Tags field and hit enter. The added tags are displayed as chips.

If you want to delete tags, click X icon next to the tag.

Figure: Tags - Canned Responses

  • If you add tags with commas, then each word is recognized as a separate tag.
  • Maximum of 10 tags can be added.
  • You cannot add same tags.

An asterisk (*) represents a mandatory field.

3. Click Save to add the new Canned Response. If you do not want to add the new Canned Response and close the pop-up, click Cancel. The newly added Canned Response appears at the top of the list.

Edit Canned Responses

To edit a Canned Response, perform the following steps:

  1. Clickunder the Action column of the respective Canned Response which you want to edit.

    Figure: Edit Canned Responses
  2. A pop-up is displayed where you can edit details of the Canned Response. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Edit Canned Responses - pop-up
  3. After updating details of the Canned Response in the pop-up, click Save to save the changes. If you do not want to save the changes, click Cancel.

Delete Canned Responses

To delete the Canned Responses, perform the following steps:

  1. Clickunder the Action column of the corresponding Canned Response which you want to delete.
  2. You can also click on the check box next to the Canned Response which you want to delete and then click .
  3. To delete multiple Canned Responses at once, click on the checkboxes of all the Canned Responses which you want to delete.

    Figure: Delete multiple Canned Responses
  4. Click the common icon on the top right corner to delete the selected Canned Responses.

    If multiple Canned Responses are selected, then the individual delete option (icon) is disabled and only the common icon on the top right corner is enabled.

  5. Once you click the or icon, a confirmation pop-up is displayed. Click Delete to delete the selected Canned Response(s). If you do not want to delete the Canned Response(s), click Cancel.

    Figure: Delete - confirmation
  6. If you want to delete all the Canned Responses displayed on a page, then click the common check box next present on the top of the Snippet column.

    Figure: Select all Canned Responses
  7. Then click the common icon on the top right corner to delete all the Canned Responses displayed on a page.

Use Canned Responses

User Persona: Analyst

Live Agents can seamlessly use Canned Responses in their conversations with end users through the Live Agent hub. These pre-defined responses serve as a repository of commonly used messages or solutions tailored to address common queries.

Figure: Information - Canned Response

To use the Canned Responses, perform the following steps:

  1. While conversing with an end user, enter # in the message text area. This will open a pop-up displaying a list of Snippets of all the available Canned Responses. Select the Snippet of the Canned Response as per the requirement. If you type specific characters after entering #, then the list of all Canned Responses is displayed as per the entered characters.

    Figure: Canned Responses - Snippets
  2. When you hover over the Snippet in the pop-up, the response text is displayed as a tool tip.

    Figure: Snippet hover over information
  3. As you type in the snippet after ‘#’ and press tab or click on any Snippet, the response text of the respective Snippet is populated in the text area automatically. You can also edit the response text.

    Figure: Snippet text
  4. You can also add the name of the Live Agent or the end user by typing @. This will open a pop-up displaying the names of the Live Agents and end users.

    Figure: Name of Live Agent / end user
  5. When you hover over the name of the Agent or User, name of the Live Agent or the end user is displayed. Click on the Live Agent or end user name to include the name in the message text area.

    Figure: Live Agent / End User name
  6. Click Enter or to send the messagfrom the Canned Response snippet.

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