Reports & Dashboard
  • 22 Jul 2024
  • 35 Minutes to read
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Reports & Dashboard

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Article summary

Harnessing Digital Agent conversation data with Reports and Dashboard Widgets!

Digital Agent’s reports & dashboard widgets are instrumental in providing a comprehensive view of Digital Agent Analytics. They go beyond mere data collection and offer a holistic perspective on the performance of Digital Agent and its conversations. These reports offer vital insights into key metrics such as the total conversations, performance, user and sessions, Live Agents, and much more. 

The data and statistics available through the widgets and reports serve as a vital yardstick for gauging user engagement and the overall adoption rate of Digital Agent. 

User Persona



Reports and Dashboard module is accessible only after selection of the bot.


Reports and Dashboard widgets

The Reports & Dashboard widgets help to analyze and track the performance of Digital Agent. Users can analyze the various metrics for performance assessment of Digital Agent as well as the Live Agent Transfer (LAT). From the left menu, navigate to and click Reports and Dashboard as shown in the below screenshot:

Figure: Reporting and Dashboard screen

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets display data about the conversations between Digital Agent and end users, users, sessions, Live Agent Transfer, and overall performance. These widgets help in monitoring and analyzing the efficacy of Digital Agent and often offer key insights into conversation volumes, response times, and user engagement metrics. (Refer the following screenshot for the widgets dashboard)

Figure: Dashboard widgets

Following are the dashboard widgets:

Total Conversations Widget 

The Total Conversations widget provides data about the total conversations initiated with Digital Agent including Live Agent Transfer conversations. The Total Conversations widget appears on the Overview section of the Dashboard as a number card. It displays the number of total conversations as per the selected channel and date in the filter. 

On mouseover, the Total Conversations widget also displays information about what the Total Conversations widget is all about. (Refer the following screenshot)

Figure: Total Conversations widget - Information

Total LAT Requests Widget

The Total Live Agent Transfer (LAT) Requests widget provides data about the total count of Live Agent Transfer requests as per the selected channel and date filter as a number card. 

The Total LAT Requests widget appears on the Overview section of the dashboard. The Total LAT Requests widget also displays information about what the Total LAT Requests widget shows on mouseover. (Refer the following screenshot)

Figure: Total LAT Requests widget - Information

Filters for Total Conversations and Total LAT Requests Widget

Select the channel type from the filter to view the Total Conversations and Total LAT Requests for that specific channel. By default, ‘All Channels’ is selected.

The following screenshot displays the different channels in the Channel type filter:

Figure: Channel filter

Select the date filter to view the details about total conversations and total LAT requests for a specific date range. The different filter options present in the date filter are as under:

  • This Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • This Year
  • Last Year

The following screenshot displays the different date range present in the date filter:

Figure: Date filter

Channel Specific Conversations Widget

The Channel Specific Conversations widget helps in understanding how Digital Agent performs on different channels like WebChat, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Chat. This widget offers statistics and insights into Digital Agent’s performance on different channels and data tailored to specific channels.

The Channel Specific Conversations widget provides channel specific conversation statistics. The widget displays the data related to the conversations by week/month/day. The widget presents the data in a table, or a graph view based on the preference.

How to view Channel Specific Conversations widget?

Use Channel Specific Conversations widget to drill down into the metrics of conversations of Digital Agent with users on different channels.

To view the Channel Specific Conversations widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard and click Conversation to view the Channel Specific Conversation widget. (Refer the following screenshot)
    Figure: Channel Specific Conversation Statistics widget
  4. The widget will display the statistics related to channel specific conversations in a graphical or tabular format, as per the selected view. 

Graph View

The graph view of the Channel Specific Conversations widget displays the data over time in a visual format. Refer the following screenshot:

Figure: Channel Specific Conversations widget – Graph view

The graph view of the Channel Specific Conversations widget represents the data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Month/Week/Day
  • Y-axis: Values for different channels (WebChat, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Chat)

The x-axis displays the data for different date range (month, week, day) selected from the filter and the format adapts based on the selected date range:

  • If the range of selected date is more than a month, then: 
    • The widget displays the data in months. Each data on the x-axis represents a month, and the data is aggregated at the monthly level. 
  • If the range of selected date is more than a week and less than a month, then: 
    • The widget will display the data in weeks. Each data on the x-axis represents a week, and the data is aggregated at the weekly level. 
  • If the range of selected date is less than a week: 
    • The widget displays the data in days. Each data on the x-axis represents a day, and the data is displayed at the daily level. 

While hovering over the bars in graph, it will display the metrics of conversation on each channel in different colors, along with the date.

Table View

The table view of the Channel Specific Conversations widget represents the data in a tabular format. (Refer the following screenshot)

Figure: Channel Specific Conversations widget – Table view

The table view of the Channel Specific Conversations widget represents data in the following format:

  • Rows: Month/Week/Day 
  • Columns: Different channels (Web, Teams, Slack, Google Chat)

The Channel Specific Conversations widget displays data from the previous day, depending on availability and user preferences.

Export Data

Export the comprehensive report of channel specific conversation data in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button in the widget. Download the exported sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.

Conversation Handling Time

The Conversation Handling Time widget provides a comprehensive view of Digital Agent’s efficiency in addressing customer queries. The report not only tracks the average time taken by Digital Agent to resolve customer inquiries once a conversation is initiated but also offers an in-depth understanding of the flow completion time. The data helps for monitoring and optimizing the overall efficiency and performance of Digital Agent in customer interactions.

How to view the Conversation Handling Time widget?

The Conversation Handling Time widget displays the total time of the conversation from the time it started to the time it ended.

To view the Conversation Handling Time widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Performance to view the Conversation Handling Time widget. (Refer the following screenshot)
     Figure: Conversation Handling Time widget


The Conversation Handling Time widget has the following filter to selectively view and analyze specific data. 

Workflows: Select the specific Workflow type for which you want to view the metrics related to Conversation Handling Time. By default, "All" is selected. There are different Workflow options present in the filter. (Refer the below screenshot)

Figure: Conversation Handling Widget – Workflow filter


Select Graphical View or Table View from the filter to view data in a graph or table format.

Graphical View: The graph view of the Conversation Handling Time widget represents the data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Month/Week/Day 
  • Y-axis: Minimum, Maximum, and Average conversation handling time values
    Figure: Conversation Handling Time widget – Graphical view

The Conversation Handling widget captures data and displays the handling time statistics (minimum, maximum, and average) categorized by conversation flow types. While hovering over the line graph, it displays the Minimum, Maximum, and Average conversation handling time in seconds with different color coding. (Refer the below screenshot)

Figure: Conversation Handling Time widget - Labels 

The x-axis displays the data for different date range (month, week, day) selected from the filter and the format adapts based on the selected date range:

  • If the date selection is more than a month:
    • Display the data in months. Each row represents a month, and the data is aggregated at the monthly level.
  • If the date selection is more than a week and less than a month:
    • Display the data in weeks. Each row represents a week, and the data is aggregated at the weekly level.
  • If the date selection is less than a week:
    • Display the data in days. Each row represents a day, and the data is displayed at the daily level.

Tabular View

The tabular view will represent the data related to conversation handling time in a table format with following rows and columns:

  • Columns: Month, Minimum, Maximum, Average. The Month column will display the date range as per the selection. The Minimum, Maximum, and Average columns will display the minimum, maximum, and average time in seconds. 
  • Rows: displays the data as per the columns.
    Figure: Conversation Handling Time widget – Tabular view

Export the conversation handling time report with the applied filters in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button (Refer the below screenshot). Download the exported sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.

Figure: Conversation Handling Time widget – Export report

Response Time for API Integrations

The Response Time for API Integrations widget comes under the Performance dashboard. This widget provides insights into the average time taken by the chatbot to resolve customer queries through outbound API integrations, such as creating tickets for Incidents, Service Requests, FAQ knowledge search, and more.

How to view the Response Time for API Integrations widget?

View the Response Time for API Integrations to track the Digital Agent’s efficiency by monitoring user query resolution time after the conversation is initiated with Digital Agent. The widget represents the average response time for each API category through a bar chart.

To view the Conversation Handling Time widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench.
  2. Click Reporting & Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reporting & Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Performance to view the Response Time for API Integrations widget. The next screen displays the Conversation Handling Time widget. Scroll down the screen to navigate to the Response Time for API Integrations widget. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Response Time for API Integrations widget

The bar chart of the Response Time for API Integrations widget represents data in the following format:

  • X-axis: List of all external APIs (categories, e.g., IM, SR, FAQ, Knowledge search, etc.) 
  • Y-axis: Minimum, Maximum, and Average response time values

The widget captures timely data and present the response time statistics (minimum, maximum, and average) for each category of outbound API integration. While hovering over the line graph, it displays the Minimum, Maximum, and Average response time in seconds with different color coding. (Refer the below screenshot)

Figure: Response time details in different channels

Select graphical (bar chart) or tabular from the dropdown menu to view the data of Response Time for API Integrations widget in a bar chart or table format.


The Response Time for API Integrations widget has API Category filter to selectively view and analyze specific data.

API Category: Select the API category for which you want to view the metrics related to response time. By default, ‘All’ is selected. 

Chat Requests Received

The Chat Requests Received is a number card in the Dashboard that gauges the total number of chat transfer requests received. This metric measures and displays the total number of chat requests received.

How to view Chat Requests Received?

To view the Chat Requests Received widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent to view Chat Requests Received widget. The card displays the total number of chat transfer requests. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Chat Requests Received - Number card
  4. On hover over the card, a tooltip displays more details about the widget. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Tooltip

Chats Accepted by Agents

Chats Accepted by Agents is a number card in the Dashboard that displays the count of successful live agent transfers, ensuring an effective chatbot-to-agent handoff for inquiries. This metric stands as a proof of the seamless collaboration between Digital Agent and Live Agents, portraying the effectiveness of the chatbot-to-agent handoff process in addressing and resolving inquiries with precision and efficiency.

How to view Chats Accepted by Agents?

To view the Chats Accepted by Agents widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent to view the data related to the chats accepted by Live Agents. The screen displays the count of Chats Accepted by Agents in the number card. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Chats Accepted by Agents - Number card
  4. On hover over the card, a tooltip displays more details about the widget. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Tooltip

Chats Unattended by Agents

Chats Unattended by Agents is a number card that tracks the conversation transfer requests ignored by or unattended by the live agents. This metric helps in evaluating the responsiveness and chatbot-to-agent handoff efficiency to prevent unattended inquiries.

How to view Chats Unattended by Agents?

To view the Chats Unattended by Agents widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent to view data related to the chat requests unattended by the Live Agents. The screen displays the count of Chats Unattended by Agents in the number card. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Chats Unattended by Agents – Number card
  4. On hover over the card, a tooltip displays more details about the widget:
    Figure: Tooltip

Live Agent Average Transfer Time

The Live Agent Average Transfer Time widget tracks the average time it takes for a chatbot interaction to be transferred to a Live Agent, specifically from the moment the transfer is requested to when the Live Agent accepts the transfer. This metric is crucial for monitoring and optimizing the transfer process, identifying bottlenecks, and improving agent handling efficiency.

How to view Live Agent Average Transfer Time?

The Live Agent Average Transfer Time widget provides at-a-glance insights into operational efficiency by showcasing the average time taken for Live Agent Transfers, aiding in prompt decision-making.

To view the Average Transfer Time widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard - landing page
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent to view the Average Transfer Time widget. Scroll down to view the Average Transfer Time widget. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Average Transfer Time

The Average Transfer Time widget displays the average transfer time (in seconds, minutes, or hours) taken for an interaction to be transferred to a Live Agent. The widget displays the data in a line graph format.

When you hover the line graph, each of the bar showcases the average transfer time over time in a tooltip (refer the below screenshot). This provides insights into the trends and changes in transfer time performance.
Figure: Tooltip

The line graph of the Average Transfer Time widget represents data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Time period (Weeks/Days/Months)
  • Y-axis: Average transfer time 

Adoption Rate

The Adoption Rate widget displays the count of users who interacted with Digital Agent in a specific time interval. The widget serves as a dynamic tool that diligently monitors the fluctuation of user adoption on a month-to-month basis. Through its intuitive presentation in the form of a line graph, it encapsulates the evolving landscape of user acceptance, providing a visual narrative of Digital Agent's journey among its user bases.

This widget transcends mere numerical data, offering a comprehensive perspective on the platform's trajectory and resonance within the user community. As the line gracefully weaves through the graph, it unveils the story of growth, illustrating the evolving acceptance of Digital Agent among users over time.

How to view Adoption Rate widget?

Adoption Rate widget stands as a vital compass guiding the ongoing evolution and success of Digital Agent in the dynamic realm of user engagement. You can view the status of adoption rates as per the number of users as well as sessions.

To view the Adoption Rate Widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > User and Session to view the Adoption Rate widget. The screen shows the Adoption Rate widget. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Adoption Rate widget
  4. Click User to view the Adoption Rate statistics based on the number of users. Click Session to view the Adoption rate statistics based on the number of sessions.
    Figure: Adoption Rate Widget - User
    Figure: Adoption Rate Widget - Session

The line graph of Adoption Rate widget displays the monthly total count over time, allowing for trend analysis and comparison. It displays data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Time (Months/Days/Weeks) 
  • Y-axis: Total count of user adoption 

Each data point on the line graph represents the total count of user adoption for a specific time. The line connects these data points, showing the trend and changes in user adoption over time.

While hovering over the line graph, it displays the exact count values on each data point along with the date enhances clarity and enables precise analysis. (Refer the following screenshot)
Figure: Adoption Rate widget - Labels

Export Data

Export the comprehensive report of the Adoption Rate with the applied filters in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button (Refer the below screenshot). Download the exported sheet for further analysis and record-keeping. When you select the Adoption Rate for User, the report will export the data of the Adoption Rate for the users only. When you select the Adoption Rate for Session, the report will export data of the Adoption Rate for the sessions only.

Agent Transfer Statistics

Agent Transfer Statistics widget offers insightful data regarding the chat transfers from one Live Agent to another. It displays Live Agent wise comprehensive metrics, including the number of times chats were transferred from one agent to another.

How to view Agent Transfer Statistics?

View Live Agent-wise data about the number of times Live Agents initiated chat transfers, accepted them, ignored, and unattended them.

To view the Agent Transfer Statistics, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu.
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click to Dashboard > click Live Agent.
  4. Click Transfers tab. The Agent Transfer Statistics widget is displayed:
    Figure: Agent Transfer Statistics widget
  5. When you hover over the name of Agent Transfer Statistics widget, a tooltip displays information about the widget. A sample screenshot is displayed below:
    Figure: Tooltip information – Agent Transfer Statistics widget
  6. Select on which basis the chat transfer statistics are displayed in the graphical or tabular view for top 5 or least 5 Live Agents by clicking on the Sort by button as displayed below:
    Figure: Sort by

    A dropdown menu is displayed as below. Select the required option:
    Figure: Sort by options
  7. There are two radio buttons in the top right corner. Click Top 5 or Least 5 to view the chat transfer statistics of top 5 or least 5 Live Agents, respectively, based on the selected option under Sort by filter. By default, Top 5 is selected.
  8. When you hover each of the bar in the graph, then complete details about chat transfer statistics for that particular agent.
    Figure: Hover over details

To change the view of Chat Transfer Statistics widget, click  icon. The dropdown menu displays two options: Graphical view and Tabular view. Select the option as per the requirement.

Figure: View - options

Graphical view

The bar chart of the widget represents data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Names of the Top 5 Live Agents or Least 5 Agents as per the selected option under Sort by.
  • Y-axis: Total number of chat transfers initiated, accepted, ignored and unattended.

The graphical view displays four bars under the name of each Live Agent. Each bar displays the count of initiated, accepted, ignored and unattended. When you hover over the bars in the graph, it will display name of the Live Agent and count of chat transfer statistics. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: Graphical view

Tabular view

The tabular view displays the Agent Transfer Statistics in the following format:

  • Rows: Top 5 or least 5 Live Agent names based on the selection
  • Columns: Initiated, Accepted, Ignored and Unattended

A sample screenshot of the tabular view of Agent Transfer Statistics is displayed below:
Figure: Tabular view


Select the channel type from the filter to view the Agent Transfer statistics for that specific channel. By default, ‘All Channels’ is selected.

The following screenshot displays the different channels in the Channel type filter:
Figure: Channel filter

Select the date filter to view the details about Agent Transfer statistics for a specific date range. The different filter options present in the date filter are as under:

  • This Week 
  • Last Week 
  • This Month 
  • Last Month 
  • This Year 
  • Last Year 

The following screenshot displays the different date range present in the date filter:
Figure: Date filter


Export the complete data of Agent Transfer Statistics widget in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button in the widget. Use the data in the Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Export icon

Chat Transfer Reasons

The Chat Transfer Reasons widget provides a detailed analysis and breakdown of the reasons behind chat transfers. By categorizing the reasons for chat transfers, such as preference, language barriers, or specialized inquiries, this widget offers valuable insights into areas where additional training or support may be required. Use this information to identify what are the most common reasons behind chat transfers.

How to view Chat Transfer Reasons widget?

The Chat Transfer Reasons widget displays the number of times the specific Chat Transfer Reasons are used. It displays the data in a bar chart format sorted by descending order based on the counts.

To view Chat Transfer Reasons widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the Workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. A screenshot is displayed below:
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > click Live Agent.
  4. Click Transfers tab.
  5. Scroll down the screen to view the Chat Transfer Reasons widget.
    Figure: Chat Transfer Reasons widget
  6. When you hover over each bar of the graph, then it displays the chat transfer reason along with the count of how many times it was used by Live Agents. A sample screenshot is displayed below:
    Figure: Details of chat transfer reasons
  7. You can filter the data based on channel and date filter from the common filter.
    Figure: Date and channel filter


Clickicon to export the complete data of Chat Transfer Reasons widget in a CSV format. This data will be useful for further detailed analysis of the reasons why the chats were transferred by Live Agents.
Figure: Export chat transfer reasons data

Chat Transfer Reason by Agents 

The Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget transparently communicates the reasons behind transferring a conversation to live agents. It displays agent-wise breakdown of the reasons behind transferring the chat.

How to view Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget?

Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget displays the reasons to transfer the chat to another Agent in a tabular format.

To view Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu.
    Figure: Reporting & Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent > Transfers.
  4. Scroll down the screen to view Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget.
    Figure: Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget

You can also export the data of Chat Transfer Reason by Agents widget by clicking on the export icon.
Figure: Export icon

Chat Transfer Volume Trend

The Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget serves as a dynamic tool for tracking the trend in chat transfer volume over time. By visualizing this data, businesses gain valuable insights into the dynamics of their customer interactions. Through the analysis of chat transfer trends, patterns in customer behavior can be discerned, offering a deeper understanding of their needs, preferences, and pain points. Also, it will be helpful in identifying areas where additional resources may be needed.

How to view Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget?

The Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget displays the data in a line chart.

To view the Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu.
    Figure: Workbench
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent.
  4. Click Overview tab. Scroll down to view Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget.
    Figure: Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget

The line chart displays the count of the number of chats transferred each day over the past week, month, or day.

Following are the details displayed by the line chart of Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget:

  • X-axis: Day / Week / Month
  • Y-axis: Total chat transfer counts

Select the channel type from the filter to view the Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget for that specific channel. By default, ‘All Channels’ is selected.

The following screenshot displays the different channels in the Channel type filter:
Figure: Channel filter

Select the date filter to view the details about Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget for a specific date range. The different filter options present in the date filter are as under:

  • This Week 
  • Last Week 
  • This Month 
  • Last Month 
  • This Year 
  • Last Year 

The following screenshot displays the different date range present in the date filter:
Figure: Date filter

The data on the X-axis varies depending upon the different time periods (day, week, month) selected from the date filter. The line chart adapts based on the selected date range: 

  • If the date selection is more than a month: 
    • Then the line chart displays the data in months. Each point on the X-axis represents a month, and the data is aggregated at the monthly level. 
  • If the date selection is more than a week and less than a month: 
    • Then the line chart displays the data in weeks. Each point on the X-axis represents a week, and the data is aggregated at the weekly level. 
  • If the date selection is less than a week: 
    • Then the line chart displays the data in days. Each point on the X-axis represents a day, and the data is displayed at the daily level.

Export Data

Export the comprehensive data of Chat Transfer Volume Trend widget in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button in the widget. Clickicon to export the data. Use the data in the Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Export icon

Total time saved using Canned Responses (secs)

The Total time saved using Canned Responses widget is designed to quantify the efficiency gained using Canned Responses. This widget displays the cumulative time saved by leveraging Canned Responses instead of crafting individual replies. It provides a tangible measure of productivity. With clear insights into time saved, you can better understand the value of Canned Responses and streamline chat conversations for maximum efficiency.

How to view Total time saved using Canned Responses widget?

The Total time saved using Canned Responses widget is a number card that displays the time saved during conversations in seconds. The widget offers an estimation of the typing speed in terms of words per minute. It conducts an analysis of the collective utilization of Canned Responses by all Live Agents. The widget calculates the total number of words contained within these Canned Responses, providing insights into the efficiency gained by using them in conversations.

To view Total time saved using Canned Responses widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the following screenshot)
    Figure: Reporting & Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent.
  4. Under the Overview tab, the Total time saved using Canned Responses (secs) is displayed as a number card.
    Figure: Total time saved widget

When you hover over the Total time saved using Canned Responses widget, a tooltip displays more details about the widget.
Figure: Tooltip


Select the channel type from the filter to view the Total time saved using Canned Responses for that specific channel. By default, ‘All Channels’ is selected.

The following screenshot displays the different channels in the Channel type filter:
Figure: Channel filter

Select the date filter to view the details about Total time saved using Canned Responses for a specific date range. The different filter options present in the date filter are as under:

  • This Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • This Year
  • Last Year

The following screenshot displays the different date range present in the date filter:
Figure: Date filter

Most used/Least used Canned Responses 

The Most used/Least used Canned Responses is a widget that provides comprehensive insights into the usage patterns of Canned Responses. It identifies both the most frequently used and least used Canned Responses by the Live Agents. By analyzing usage frequency, it sheds light on prevalent queries and popular topics, facilitating a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences. This functionality enables Digital Agent administrators to tailor their response library and optimize user engagement strategies to better align with the requirements of their audience.

How to view the Most used/Least used Canned Responses?

The Most used/Least used Canned Responses are displayed as a list of all top 5 most or least used Canned Responses. The list only displays the Snippets of the Canned Responses.

To view most used/least used Canned Responses, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the following screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent.
  4. Navigate to Overview tab.
  5. The following screen is displayed. The Most used/Least used Canned Responses are listed along with their usage count mentioned in brackets:
    Figure: Most used/Least used Canned Responses widget
  6. When you hover over Most used/Least used Canned Responses, the following information is displayed that provides details about the widget:
    Figure: Tooltip information
  7. There are two radio buttons in the top right corner. Click Top 5 to view the list of top 5 used Canned Responses. Click Least 5 to view the list of least 5 used Canned Responses. By default, Top 5 is selected.
    Figure: Filters

Export Data

Export the comprehensive data of Most used/Least used Canned Responses in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button in the widget. Clickicon to export the data. Use the data in the Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Export icon

Agent usage of Canned Responses 

The Agent usage of Canned Responses widget displays the number of times a Live Agent has used Canned Responses. It provides with data on the usage count of canned responses by top 5 Live Agents and least 5 Live Agents, facilitating precise monitoring and evaluation of response efficiency. By visualizing the frequency of Canned Response usage, this widget enables to identify top-performing Live Agents who leverage the Canned Responses effectively.

How to view Agent Usage of Canned Responses widget?

Get a clear picture of the Canned Responses usage counts amongst the Live Agents for the selected date range.

To view the Agent Usage of Canned Responses widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the following screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > Live Agent.
  4. Navigate to Canned Responses tab.
  5. Scroll down the screen to view the Agent usage of Canned Responses in graphical or tabular view.
    Figure: Agent usage of Canned Responses widget

To change the view of the Agent usage of Canned Responses widget, click  icon. The dropdown menu displays two options: Graphical view and Tabular view. Select the option as per the requirement.
Figure: View - options

Graphical view

The bar chart of the widget represents data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Names of the Top 5 Live Agents or Least 5 Agents in descending order
  • Y-axis: Total number of Canned Responses used

Each bar represents the count of Canned Responses used by specific Live Agents (top 5 or least 5 Live Agents). When you hover over the bars in the graph, it will display name of the Live Agent and the count of Canned Responses used by that Live Agent. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: Graphical view - details

Tabular view

When you select Tabular view, the data is displayed in a tabular format. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: Tabular view

Export Data

Export the comprehensive data of Agent usage of Canned Responses widget in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button. This Excel export contains a comprehensive list of data for all Live Agents, including the number of times Canned Responses have been used by the Live Agents. Use the data in the Excel sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Export icon

LAT Trends Widget

The LAT Trends widget tracks the trends in Live Agent Transfers (LATs) over time. This report places its analytical lens on the quantitative aspect of LATs by displaying the data on a bar chart. The LAT Trends widget helps monitor the transfer rates of Live Agent Transfers over time and provides actionable insights to investigate and address any significant changes.

How to view the LAT Trends widget?

View and leverage the Live Agent Transfer Trends widget to make informed decisions and optimize processes based on the real-time insights provided. 

To view the LAT Trends widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > click Live Agent.
  4. Click Transactions tab. The LAT Trends widget is displayed. (Refer the following screenshot)
    Figure: LAT Trends widget

The bar chart of LAT Trends widget displays the LAT count for a specific Live Agent on each bar. This representation allows for a clear comparison of LAT counts between agents and highlights any significant variations over time. It displays data in the following format:

  • X-axis: Agent (Name of the Live Agent) 
  • Y-axis: Total number of LAT requests (Live Agent Transfers)

Select Graphical view or tabular view from Show as option to view LAT Trends widget in a graph or table format.

When you hover over each of the bar graph then a tooltip displays complete details of all the transactions related to LAT in different color codes. Refer the below screenshot:
Figure: Tooltip


Filter the data as per your requirement for the LAT Trends widget for focused understanding of the trends on different channels and for different date ranges.

Following is the filter present in LAT Trends widget:

  • Channels: Select the specific Channel type for which you want to view the metrics related to LAT Trends report. By default, "All" is selected.

Export the entire report for the LAT Trends widget with the applied filters in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button (Refer the below screenshot). Download the exported sheet for further analysis and usability.
Figure: LAT Trends widget – Export

Deflection Rate Widget

The Deflection Rate Widget displays the metrics related to the count of user queries that Digital Agent successfully resolves by showing the knowledge articles and FAQs, without the need for ticket creation. The widget displays the count of users who have clicked ‘I am done’ button prompted by the Digital Agent after displaying knowledge articles and FAQs.

How to view the Deflection Rate Widget?

The Deflection Rate widget is a key performance indicator, indicating Digital Agent’s effectiveness in handling user queries by displaying the right and relevant knowledge articles.

To view the Deflection Rate Widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the workbench.
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. Click Dashboard > click Conversation. The screen shows the channel specific conversation statistics widget.
  4. Scroll down the screen to view the Deflection Rate Widget in a bar chart format. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Deflection Rate Widget
  5. The bar chart provides a comprehensive breakdown of the deflection rate by showing the distribution of resolved queries among different categories. Each bar represents a category of resolved queries, such as IM, SR, others.

    The bar chart in Deflection Rate widget displays the data in the following format:
    1. X-axis: Incident, Service Request, Others
    2. Y-axis: Count of user queries resolved without raising a ticket

      While hovering over a bar on the bar chart, it shows the count of user queries resolved through FAQs, and knowledge articles along with the module (whether Incident, Service Request or others). Displaying the exact values on the bars helps in precise understanding. Refer the below screenshot:
      Figure: Hover over details

You can also export data of Deflection Rate widget by clicking on the export icon as shown below:
Figure: Export


Conversation Report 

Imagine having the power to unveil the in-depth details of the conversations between Digital Agent with end users will provide you valuable insights into the dynamics of these conversations. The Conversation Reports - a game-changing feature of Digital Agent engineered to provide a comprehensive overview of the conversations that unfold between Digital Agent and users. 

How to view Conversation Reports? 

View the conversation reports to analyze the metrics related to conversations between Digital Agent and the end users. You can also export the report, enabling informed decision-making and tracking of key metrics. 

To view the conversation reports, perform the following steps: 

  1. Login to the module. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports and Dashboard
  3. The Reports & Dashboard screen appears. Navigate to Reports > click Conversation Report. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Conversation Report


There are filters to view the Conversation Reports to enable users to tailor the data view to their specific needs. This enhances data relevancy and enables more focused analysis. 

Following are the filters present in the Conversation Reports: 

  • Conversation Type: Select the conversation type, whether the conversation happened between Digital Agent and user, or Live Agent and user. By default, ‘All’ is selected.
    Figure: Filter - Conversation Type
  • Channel: Select the channel for which you want to view the reports of the conversations. By default, ‘All’ is selected. The filters available are API, Slack, WebChat, Microsoft Teams.
  • Date: Select the custom dates for which you want to view the reports of the conversations. By default, the selection is of ‘last 7 days.’
  • Time Zone: Select the time zone to view the conversation reports along with the time stamp in the desired format. The available filters are UTC, IST, MYT, EST, CST, PST, BST / CET. The same time zone applies to all the information displayed in the conversation report. By default, UTC is selected.

Details in Conversation Report

The Conversation Reports provides complete details of the conversation that the user has with Digital Agent.

The following columns are included in the Conversation Reports:

  1. Session ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to a specific instance of the conversation between a user and Digital Agent. It is used to track and manage the flow of communication between the user and the chatbot during a single interaction session.
  2. Conversation ID: This is a unique conversation identifier assigned to a conversation. Click the Conversation ID to view the complete drill down details on a new pop-up window.
  3. Timestamp: This is the time stamp denoting the start time of the respective conversation.
  4. User Name: This specifies the name of the end user with whom the conversation of Digital Agent has happened.
  5. Conversation Type: This specifies whether the conversation happened between the end user and the Live Agent or between the end user and Digital Agent.

Conversation ID Details

Upon clicking the Conversation ID, a pop-up window appears with all the conversation details.

This provides a more detailed view of the conversation, enhancing better data comprehension, and enabling in-depth analysis. (Refer the below screenshot)
Figure: Conversation ID details - pop-up

The pop-up window displays the following details:

  1. Session ID: This specifies a unique identifier for a particular session. This appears on top in the pop-up window.
  2. Conversation ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to a specific conversation between the user and Digital Agent. This appears on top in the pop-up window alongside the Session ID.
  3. From: This field specifies the from whom the selected message is sent. It will display the names of the Live Agent and End User with different icons.
  4. LAT ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to an instance if the conversation happens between the Live Agent and the user.
  5. Date/Time (UTC): This field specifies the date and time of the conversation.
  6. Conversation: This field displays the messages of the conversation that happened between the Live Agent and the End User.

Export Data

Export the comprehensive conversation report with the applied filters in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button (Refer the below screenshot). Download the exported sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Conversation Report – Export

Live Agent Transfer Report

The Live Agent Transfer Report provides data and statistics about the instances when a chat conversation is transferred from Digital Agent to a Live Agent. The report includes various details to help assess the performance and effectiveness of Live Agent Transfer such as conversation start time, duration of the conversation, end user name, Live Agent name, as well as whether the Live Agent Transfer request was accepted by the Live Agent or not.

How to view Live Agent Transfer Report?

To view the Live Agent Transfer report, perform the following steps: 

  1. Login to the module. 
  2. Click Reports and Dashboard from the left menu. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: Reports & Dashboard
  3. Navigate to Reports > Live Agent Transfer Report. The Live Agent Transfer Report will be displayed.
    Figure: Live Agent Transfer Report


There are filters to view the Live Agent Transfer Report to enable users to tailor the data view to their specific needs. This streamlines the data analysis process and enhances the value of the data presented. 

Following are the filters present in the Live Agent Transfer Report: 

  • Channel: Select the channel for which you want to view the reports of the conversations. By default, ‘All’ is selected. The different channels available are Web, Slack, Teams, Google Chat.
    Figure: Channel filter
  • Date: Select the custom dates for which you want to view the reports of the conversations. By default, the selection is of ‘last 7 days.’ 
  • Time Zone: Select the time zone to view the Live Agent Transfer Report along with the time stamp in the desired format. The available filters are UTC, IST, MYT, EST, CST, PST, BST / CET. The same time zone applies to all the information displayed in the conversation report. By default, UTC is selected. 

Details in Live Agent Transfer Report 

The Live Agent Transfer Report provides complete details of the transfer of chat from Digital Agent to Live Agent. 

The following columns are included in the Live Agent Transfer Reports: 

  1. Session ID: This is a unique session identifier assigned to a particular session.
  2. Conversation ID: This is a unique conversation identifier assigned to a conversation. Click the Conversation ID to view the complete drill down details on a new pop-up window. 
  3. LAT ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to a Live Agent Transfer request mapped to the conversation. 
  4. Conversation Start Time: This column displays the time stamp at which the conversation started between the end user and Live Agent. 
  5. Duration: This column displays the total conversation duration in minutes. 
  6. End User: This column specifies the name of the end user with whom the conversation of Live Agent has happened. 
  7. Analyst: This column displays the name of the Live Agent who has had a conversation with the end user. 
  8. LAT Wait Time: This column displays the time taken for the end user to connect with the Live Agent after the end user has requested to transfer the conversation to a Live Agent. The wait duration is displayed in minutes.

Conversation ID Details 

Upon clicking the Conversation ID, a pop-up window appears with all the details related to the conversation between the Live Agent and end user. This provides a more detailed view of the conversation, enhancing better data comprehension, and enabling in-depth analysis. (Refer the below screenshot)
Figure: Conversation ID – Pop-up window

The pop-up window displays the following details: 

  1. Session ID: This specifies a unique identifier for a particular session. This appears on top in the pop-up window. 
  2. Conversation ID: This is a unique identifier assigned to a specific conversation between the user and Digital Agent. This appears on top in the pop-up window alongside the Session ID. 
  3. From: This field specifies the from whom the selected message is sent. It will display the names of the Live Agent and End User with different icons. 
  4. Date/Time: This field specifies the date and time of the conversation. 
  5. Conversation: This field displays the messages of the conversation that happened between the Live Agent and the End User. 

Export Data

Export the comprehensive Live Agent Transfer report with the applied filters in an Excel or CSV sheet format using the export button. Download the exported sheet for further analysis and record-keeping.
Figure: Export Live Agent Transfer Report

  • Reports provides all the data up to the most recent record.
  • Dashboard widgets provide data up to the end of the previous day.
  • Export icon in Reports and Dashboard Widgets is disabled when there is no data in the report or widget.

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