  • 30 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Contexts are simple single words that are related to a specific situation, circumstance, concept, etc.

Use contexts only for the questions and answers, not for replacing slot filling.

Step 1 - Create a context

To create a context, you have two options:

In Workbench:

  1. Click Q&A from the left menu.
  2. Click + at the top right of the page.
  3. Under Contexts, type the context you want to add.

    Don't forget to create your questions and answers.

In the Config File:

  • Create context specific to a bot, create (or edit) this file data/bots/<your_bot>/config/qna.json.
  • Create context specific to all bots, create (or edit) this file data/global/config/qna.json.
Best Practice
It's way easier to add a context directly in the Workbench.

Step 2 - Append your Context

To set a context, let's use the appendContext action and add our new context in the contexts field. You can use comma-separated values to pass multiple contexts.

Figure: Append Context

Then append the name of your new contexts to qnaCategories like so:


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