Conversational Workflows
  • 30 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Conversational Workflows

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Article summary

The Flow Editor in Workbench enables the creation of conversational workflows through a user-friendly interface. This editor allows to create structured conversational workflows for Digital Agent. A conversational flow represents the sequence of interactions between the user and Digital Agent to achieve specific objectives, such as answering queries, providing assistance, or guiding users through processes.

Define various elements of the conversation flow, such as prompts, responses, actions, conditions, and transitions. Specify what Digital Agent should say or do in response to different user inputs or events, as well as define the logic for branching paths based on user responses or system triggers.

Flow Editor simplifies the process of designing, implementing, and managing conversational workflows. It helps to create engaging and interactive experiences for Digital Agent users.

Following are the configurations under Flow Editor to create conversational workflows:

  • Flow Lifecycle
  • Control Elements
  • Actions
  • Skill Nodes

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