Update, Remind, Escalate Ticket
  • 30 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Update, Remind, Escalate Ticket

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Article summary

Swift and smart way to update, remind, and escalate tickets with Digital Agent!

Digital Agent provides you the flexibility to update, remind, and escalate a ticket. It identifies the utterance or keywords mapped to the specific QnA. Based on the mapped utterances or keywords with QnA, the Digital Agent triggers the response.

Update Ticket 

Interact with Digital Agent to provide additional information, request status updates, or make edits to the ticket details.

To update a ticket, perform the following steps:

  1. Type-in the utterance such as Update Ticket or Update or Update SR or Update Incident and so on. The list of tickets is displayed to select the required one. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Update ticket

    You may type in a specific ticket number as well to update it.
  2. Scroll horizontally right or left using the icon oricon respectively. Click select hyperlink to select the required ticket which you want to update. Let's say you have selected the ticket number INC00265 from the displayed list, the system displays the following message:
    Figure: Update Ticket Message
  3. Enter the required information to be updated. After entering the required information, the system displays the following message:

    Figure: Additional Information

    The updated information will appear in the additional information field of the incident details page.

Remind Ticket

Digital Agent allows to easily send a reminder about a ticket. Provide input to the Digital Agent like 'remind ticket', 'remind SR', 'remind incident'.

To set a reminder for a ticket, perform the following steps:

  1. Type-in the utterance such as Remind Ticket or Remind or Remind SR or Remind Incident and so on. The list of tickets is displayed to select the required one. A sample screenshot is shown below:
    Figure: Remind Ticket

  2. Scroll horizontally right or left using the icon oricon respectively. Click select hyperlink to the required ticket which you want to remind. Let's say you have selected the ticket number INC00265 from the list, the system displays the following message:

    Figure: Remind Ticket Message

    A reminder is sent for the selected ticket.

Escalate Ticket

Engage with Digital Agent to communicate to escalate a ticket. This helps ensure that critical tickets receive prompt attention and appropriate actions are taken to resolve them swiftly.

To escalate the ticket, perform the following steps:

  1. Type-in the utterance such as Escalate Ticket or Escalate or Escalate SR or Escalate Incident and so on. The list of tickets is displayed to select the required one. A sample screenshot is shown below:
    Figure: Escalate ticket

  2. Scroll horizontally right or left using the icon oricon respectively. Click select hyperlink to the required ticket which you want to escalate. Let's say you have selected the ticket number INC00265 from the list, the system displays the following message:

    Figure: Escalate ticket message

    The selected ticket is escalated.

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