Predictive AI
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Predictive AI

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Article summary

Service Desk Intelligence

User Persona: Analyst

In addition to automatically resolving some selected IT service issues as described in Conversational Digital Agent, Digital Agent also has the functionality of AI-driven automatic Categorization and Classification of all Incidents and Service Requests. This makes Analyst's job faster and simpler.

The predictions made by AI model is a reflection of past data. Based on the inputs such as Symptom and Description, Service Desk Intelligence scans all the available history or records and identifies similar records. Further, the Service Desk Intelligence understands human responses to similar records in the past and then provides suggestions. Analysts can view and apply the AI suggestions. If sufficient records exist with “proper” data, the field predictions are in conjunction with that.

Analysts can view AI Suggestions on the Incident details page of an Open Incident. A pop-up is displayed with AI Suggestions. Refer the below sample screenshot:
Figure: AI Suggestions

Copilot's Service Desk Intelligence efficiently identifies the right resolver or group of experts to address an issue by analyzing the issue's specifics and matching them with the skill sets and expertise of available support teams. Leveraging historical data and predictive analysis, Copilot ensures that each issue is directed to the most qualified personnel, enhancing resolution speed and accuracy. This capability optimizes resource allocation and improves overall service quality.

Service Desk Intelligence makes the Analyst's job easier by providing predictions for the following fields of the Incident:

  • Workgroup
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Category
  • Classification
  • Analyst
  • Priority

  • The AI Suggestions pop-up is displayed only once when the Incident details comes up for the Analyst to whom the Incident is assigned.
  • Service Desk Intelligence predicts Priority for the Incident by using AI predictions.

Response SLA

The Risk of SLA Breach bar shows the likelihood that the Incident will not meet the Response Service Level Agreement (SLA) deadlines. This assessment is based on analyzing current conditions and historical data patterns. A higher risk level indicates a greater chance of failing to respond within the agreed timeframe, enabling proactive measures to prevent SLA breaches and maintain service quality.

Risk of Response SLA breach is displayed only when the following conditions are met:
  • Status of the Incident should not be closed or cancelled.
  • Incident with unrecorded Response SLA.

To view the Risk of Response SLA breach for an Incident, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents. The list page of all the incidents is displayed.
  2. Click on the Incident ID to open a particular record. Incident details page is displayed.
  3. Navigate to Response SLA section on the right side of the screen. There is a bar for Risk of Breach as shown in the below screenshot:
    Figure: Risk of Response SLA Breach
  4. When you hover over the Risk of Response SLA Breach bar, more details about it is displayed in a tooltip. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Response SLA - tooltip

Resolution SLA

Risk of Resolution SLA breach reflects the likelihood that an incident will not be resolved within the agreed Resolution SLA timeframe. This assessment is based on analyzing both current conditions and historical data trends. By evaluating patterns from past incidents and the present situation, this metric helps predict whether the incident resolution is at risk of exceeding the set SLA limits, enabling proactive measures to avoid potential breaches.

Risk of Resolution SLA breach is displayed only when the following conditions are met:
  • Status of the Incident should not be closed or cancelled.
  • Incident with unrecorded Resolution SLA.

To view the Risk of Resolution SLA breach for an Incident, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents. The list page of all the incidents is displayed.
  2. Click on the Incident ID to open a particular record. Incident details page is displayed.
  3. Navigate to Resolution SLA section on the right side of the screen. There is a bar for Risk of Breach as shown in the below screenshot:
    Figure: Risk of Resolution SLA Breach
  4. When you hover over the Risk of Resolution SLA Breach bar, more details about it is displayed in a tooltip. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Resolution SLA - tooltip

Risk of Escalation

The Risk of Escalation bar visually represents the probability that an incident will need to be escalated to meet SLA deadlines, using current and historical data patterns for its calculation. By analyzing trends and past incidents, the bar provides a clear, real-time indication of how likely it is that the issue will require higher-level attention to ensure timely resolution. This helps in proactively managing incidents and allocating resources effectively to avoid SLA breaches.

To view the Risk of Escalation for an Incident, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incidents > Manage Incidents. The list page of all the incidents is displayed.
  2. Click on the Incident ID to open a particular record. Incident details page is displayed.
  3. Risk of Escalation is displayed on the top of the details screen as shown in the below screenshot:
    Figure: Risk of Escalation
  4. When you hover over the Risk of Escalation bar, more details about it is displayed in a tooltip. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Risk of Escalation - tooltip

Change Risk Analysis

Copilot provides intelligent risk advisory for planned changes by providing the risk and success rate of proposed changes on the basis of historical data and predictive analysis. When an approver reviews a Change Request, Copilot assesses previous changes' outcomes and identifies potential risks associated with the new Change Request. This insight helps the approver make informed decisions, enhancing the reliability and success of change implementations.

To view likelihood of change success, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > Approve Change Requests. The list of all the Change Requests is displayed which require approval.
  2. Click on the Change Request ID which you want to approve. The details screen of the Change Request record is displayed:
  3. Click Approve to approve or reject the Change Request.
  4. A new pop-up is displayed. It shows the Likelihood of change success represented in the form of a bar along with percentage rate of success and a note whether it is safe or not to approve the Change Request. Refer the below sample screenshot:Figure: Change risk analysis

    The bar indicates the chance of successfully implementing the change, considering current settings, past results, and predictive models. A higher percentage means a higher likelihood of success.

  5. Click on the dropdown menu under Status column to select 'Reject' or 'Approve'. Click Submit after approving or rejecting the Change Request. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Approve or Reject CR

Change Risk Prediction

The risk level represents the potential danger or impact linked to implementing this change. A 'low' risk level suggests that the change carries minimal risk and is unlikely to cause significant issues. Conversely, a 'high' risk level indicates that the change is associated with substantial risk and could lead to serious problems if not managed carefully. This assessment helps in making informed decisions and preparing appropriate mitigation strategies.

Change Risk Prediction is only visible to Analyst persona.

To view change risk prediction, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > Manage Change Requests. The list of all the Change Requests is displayed.
  2. Under the General tab, change risk is predicted and represented as a bar. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Predicted Change Risk bar
  3. When you hover over the Predicted Change Risk bar, more details about it is displayed in a tooltip. Refer the below screenshot:
    Figure: Predicted Change Risk- tooltip

Change Type Prediction

Copilot predicts the change type for a suggested change record by analyzing historical data and patterns from previous changes. It evaluates various factors, such as the nature of the change, its potential impact, and past outcomes, to determine whether the suggested change should be classified as standard or normal. This prediction helps streamline the change management process by providing accurate categorization and ensuring appropriate handling of the change.

Changes can be of below types:

  • Standard change type: Standard Changes are low-risk, pre-authorized changes, such as installing additional hardware on a client PC or installation of Operating System patches. For Standard Change, the CAB approval is not required. After authorization, the CR can be pushed for implementation. If the Change Type is selected as Standard for a Change Record under the approval tab, you will not see any CAB approval section.
  • Normal change type: In the Normal Changes, the Authorizer and the CAB members must approve the CR to implement the change. If any of the CAB members reject or object, the change based on the impact of cost, time, or any other reason, the CR cannot be implemented. Only after all the approvals from the CAB members, a change is moved to the implementation stage.

To view change type prediction, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > click Manage Change Requests. List page of all the change records is displayed.
  2. Click a Change Record ID. The details page of the Change Record is displayed. Under General tab, there is Change Type Prediction bar as shown in the below screenshot:

    Figure: Change Type Prediction bar
  3. When you hover over the Change Type Prediction bar, more details about it is displayed in a tooltip. Refer the below screenshot:Figure: Change type prediction - tooltip

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