Quick Links
  • 30 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quick Links

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Article summary

Quick Links are short, commonly used phrases that Digital Agent recognizes and displays to the end user to help with frequent ticketing topics for a specific customer. Digital Agent displays the Quick Links in the form of options after the welcome message as per the utterance provided by the end user. The Quick Links are dynamic and change as per the configuration. These Quick Links are related to raising Incident or Service Request or any other service as per the configuration. Quick Links help Digital Agent to become more effective and responsive to user needs.

How Quick Links work?

Quick Links display the options to end user for raising an Incident or Service Request as per the configuration. The number of Quick Link options to be displayed to end users is configurable. These options can be related to Incidents or Service Requests.

To display Quick Link options to the end user while interacting with Digital Agent, you need to enable the following flag in classification quick links API: quicklinks.enable. If this flag is not enabled, then the default options are displayed in the Quick Links.


  • The number of Quick Link options depends on the configuration.

  • Quick Link options are derived from the historical data of the most used Incidents and Service Requests.

  • Text for Quick Link options is extracted from the symptoms, descriptions, category, and classification found in these Incidents and Service Requests.

User Interaction with Quick Links

Digital Agent displays a welcome message to the end user when they start interacting with it. Once the end user provides an input to Digital Agent about the issue they are facing, Digital Agent analyzes the utterances and displays Quick Links. Refer the below sample screenshot:

Figure: Quick Links - options

Digital Agent triggers the relevant conversation flow (Incident or Service Request creation) as per the selection by the end user.

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