APEX Platform Integration Guide
  • 01 Dec 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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APEX Platform Integration Guide

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Article summary

Apex Platform is a new predictive and generative AI-based IT service management/enterprise service management (ITSM/ESM) platform to turbocharge productivity, simplify work, and create delightful experiences for end users, IT teams, and executives.
Summit Apex platform delivers responsive, effective, and efficient ITSM/ESM capabilities with a lightweight architecture to roll out new services and resolve service requests up to 50% faster using generative AI.

Curious to learn more about Apex Platform, refer to Summit APEX Platform Documentation Site.

The latest Service Automation V7SP3 enables the integration with Summit Apex ITSM platform which involves a few configuration procedures. Let's dig in and understand in detail.


I. Install Service Automation V7SP3 to integrate with Apex

To integrate Service Automation V7SP3 and Apex platform, perform the following steps:

  1.  In IIS, create an application/virtual directory for UI. Name it OrchestrationUI. 
  2.  In IIS, create an application/virtual directory for API. Name it Summit.API.Orchestration.
  3.  Update DB connection string in API.
  4.  Update Apex users' details to Service Automation users' table.
  5.  Update Product name from SUMMIT to SUMMITNTP
     i. In table ORC_ITSMSettings  
    II. Service Automation API Config
    <add key="App:ProductName" value="SUMMITNTP"/>
  6.  Access Service Automation UI URL and log in to the portal.
  7.  Install and configure Event Listener Service and Execution Service

II. Service Automation navigation and configuration on Apex Platform

Service Automation configuration on Apex platform requires Application, Service Portal, and a Widget. Perform required changes in Service Portal and Widget.

To configure Service Portal and Widget to integrate Service Automation with Apex, perform the following steps:

  1.  Log in to Apex platform and select the Role as Designer. Click Proceed.
    Figure: Role selection

  2.  Click Settings icon and select Design Studio as shown below.
    Figure: Settings - Design Studio
  3.  Select Service Automation Application. Navigate to Application > Service Portal.
    Select the desired Domain and Sub Domain. The Service Portal List page is displayed.
    Figure: Application - Service Portal

  4.  Click the configured Service PortalID hyperlink to configure or make changes. The configuration must be changed to Maintenance state to edit or make changes. That can be done by navigating Publish stepper and changing the state from Published to Maintenance.
    Click Update.
    Figure: Publish stepper
  5.  Click the same ID which is now in Maintenance state to perform the configuration. In the General tab, update all the field details as per requirements and click Next.
    Figure: General tab

  6.  In the Design Portal, select the Service Automation Widget and access the Settings.
    Do the following changes in Code >Javascript.
async function getUrlToRedirect(bodyCSSVariables) {
        const res = await fetch("https://localhost/api.orchestration/api/auth/createssopackage", {
            method: "POST",     
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "UserId": userSession.id,
                "bodyCSSVariables" :bodyCSSVariables
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json;  charset=UTF-8',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': 'https://integrations.apex.com,'
        return res.json();

Update the API URL link in fetch function. Specify the Apex platform application base URL under the Access Control Allow Origin function.

7.  Save and Publish the Service Portal. Click the Widget and navigate to Service Automation application.

III. Configurations in Service Automation application

The ITSM Configuration requires an update to the Apex API Base URL. Additionally, the API Configuration should be configured to retrieve Domain, Tenant, and Users, with a corresponding update to the field mapping for these elements under Field Mapping Configuration.

Configuring Domain API is mandatory, whereas Tenant and Users are optional.
  1.  Navigate to Menu > Integrations > Manage Integrations > ITSM Configurations.
  2.  On the ITSM Configuration page, specify the Apex platform application base URL in Base URL field and validate.
    Figure: ITSM Configurations page

  3.  Navigate to Menu > Integrations > Manage Integrations > API Configurations.
  4.  Specify Apex API URL, Method Type, Headers, and Payload to fetch Domain, Tenant, and Caller.
    Figure: API Configurations

  5.  Navigate to Menu > Integrations > Manage Integrations > Field Mapping Configurations.
  6.  In the General module, update the data source name and the fields for domain and perform the Response Mapping as shown below.
  7.  Update Proxy IP Mapping.

IV. Trigger a Workflow from Apex Service Management

To initiate a Workflow upon the creation or update of an Incident/Request, the following steps should be performed on Apex platform.


  • Set up an API Trigger Workflow in Service Automation to retrieve and download request details
  • Obtain the SA token
  1.  To trigger the workflow for service requests log in to Apex Platform as a Designer.

To configure an API by using API Trigger URL and its payload, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Settings > Design Studio.
  2.  Select Service Management Application.
  3.  In the Module drop-down, select Service Request.
  4.  Navigate to Designers > API Configuration.
  5.  Update all the required data. Mention the Service Automation URL to trigger a specific workflow.
  6.  Use API Trigger Workflows request details to configure the API.

Figure: API Configuration page

Figure: API Configurations Details page

To configure a business rule, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Design Studio.
  2.  Select Service Management Application.
  3.  In the Module drop-down, select Service Request.
  4.  Navigate to Designers > Business Rule Designer.
  5.  Select the desired Domain and Sub Domain from the drop-down. Click New to configure a new business rule.
  6.  In the General tab, under the Table field, select the Service Catalog name for which automation has to be configured.
    Figure: Business Rule Designer - General tab

  7.  Specify all the required conditions in the General, Trigger, and Condition tab.
  8.  In the Actions tab, click ADD API
  9.  In the Add API pop-up, update the information as shown below.
    Figure: Add API

V. View Workflow details on Apex Request/Incident details page


  • Create a new tab named "Automation" for the Request/Incident details form
  • Make a note of the Automation tab ID

To view the workflow details, perform the following steps:

  1.  Log in to Apex platform as an Analyst and navigate to Service Request > Manage Service Request.
  2.  In the Manage Service Request List page, click the desired SR ID by using Open link in new window option.
    Figure: Manage Service Request List page

  3. In the newly opened SR details page, click Custom Script from the top panel and select Page Custom Script.
    Figure: Manage Service Request Details page

  4.  In the Custom script window, Select Typescript. In the Typescript window, add /update the below script and update the Automation Tab ID and save the configuration.

setTimeout(function () {


}, 1000);


In Client Script update  SA API base URL in variable orchestrationAPIBaseURL and SA UI base URL in variable orchestrationUIURL. Update SA token in _token variable.
Figure: Automation tab

5.  Log a Service Request for the configured catalog and navigate to Manage Service Request and open an SR which has Workflow details. Workflow details are displayed under the Automation tab.

Summary of URL Updates 

The following segment provides a summary of all URL updates:

  • Update Orchestration UI base URL in the following:

1.SA API Application Settings Config file 

<add key="ServiceAutomationSSOUrl" value="http://localhost:4200/orchestrationui/#/authtransitionhandler?token={0}"/> 

2.Apex, Custom Script àPage custom script of IM Manage Incident or SR Manage Service Request àClient Script 

var orchestrationUIURL='https://ntpautomation.symphonysummit.com/orchestrationui'; 

  • Update Orchestration API base URL in  the following:

1.SA Angular file 


    "API_Base_Url": "http://localhost/summit.api.orchestration" 

2.Apex, Custom Script àPage custom script of IM Manage Incident or SR Manage Service Request àClient Script 

var orchestrationAPIBaseURL='https://ntpautomation.symphonysummit.com/summit.api.orchestration'; 

3.Apex, Service Portal à Service Automation Widget àSettingsàCodeà Javascript 

Update the SA API base URL in fetch method 

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