Asset Management (2)
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Asset Management (2)

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Article summary

Secureworks CTP (Counter Threat Platform) Asset Management refers to the capability within Secureworks CTP that helps organizations manage and monitor their IT assets from a security perspective. This includes maintaining an inventory of assets, tracking their configurations, assessing vulnerabilities, and ensuring compliance with security policies.

Integrating SymphonyAI Service Automation with Secureworks CTP Asset Management enhances organizations' ability to manage IT assets securely, improve operational efficiency, and strengthen their overall cybersecurity posture by leveraging automation and AI-driven insights. This integration ensures that organizations can proactively manage and protect their IT infrastructure against evolving cyber threats.

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Deactivate Monitoring for an Asset

Deactivate Monitoring for an Asset under Asset Management in Secureworks CTP.


Add Assest for Monitoring

Add Asset for Monitoring under Asset Management in Secureworks CTP.

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