Category Configurations
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Category Configurations

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Article summary

Category configurations involve organizing and grouping of various scripts and workflows based on their purpose and functionality. These configurations help to manage the complexity of the orchestration system and make it easier to locate and analyze specific settings.

What is the benefit of categorizing? Check out the below gif to learn more.

SA configuration pages (3)

Configure Category

To configure a new category for a script or workflow, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
Navigate to Orchestration > User > Orchestration.

2. From the left MENU, select Category Configurations.
Category Configurations page is displayed.

Figure: Category Configurations

Configure Script Category

To configure a new script category, perform the following steps:
1. Select Script Category from Category Type drop-down.
2. Select the desired Parent Category by clicking search icon.
3. Enter the Category Name as per the requirement.

Let's consider an example to understand script category configuration steps, refer to the below gif to learn more:

Script Category gif

Here, we are configuring a script category for cloud management called Oracle Cloud.
The above configuration steps are performed, and upon clicking SAVE, the script category is saved.

The Category segment displays a list of existing script categories for reference.

Configure Workflow Category

To configure a new workflow category, perform the following steps:
1. Select Workflow Category from Category Type drop-down.
2. Select the desired Parent Category by clicking search icon.
3. Enter the Category Name as per the requirement.

Let's consider an example to understand workflow category configuration steps, refer to the below gif to learn more:

Workflow category gif

Here, we are configuring a workflow category for user management called Employee onboarding.
The above configuration steps are performed, and upon clicking SAVE, the script category is saved.

The Category segment displays a list of existing workflow categories for reference. 

Update an existing Category

To update an existing category, perform the following steps:

1. Select Category Configurations. The Category Configurations page is displayed.
2. To update an already existing category, select the category from the category list displayed under Category tab.
3. On the Category Configurations page, specify all the required fields to update an existing category. 
Click Save. The category configuration is updated.

Change History

Any change pertaining to Category Details such as Category Type, Category Name, Parent Category, and Active toggle switch will be captured and displayed in the Change History List. 
The following images explains Change History option:

Figure: Change History option 

Figure: Change History List page

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions available on the Category Configurations page:


Category Details

Category Name

Specify the category name.

Category Type

Select the Category for which you want to do the configuration. Available options are as follows:

  • Script Category
  • Workflow Category

By default, pre-defined script categories and workflow categories will be populated.

Parent Category

Search and specify the parent category.


Select Active to display all active categories.


Select Inactive to include inactive categories along with active categories. Inactive categories will be displayed with a red vertical bar prior to category name in the tree view list. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Inactive Category Display

Change History

Captures the changes done in Category Configuration. Displays the Property/Field Name, Old Value, New Value, Updated By, and Updated Date.

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