  • 22 Jul 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Dashboard is a visual representation of automated workflow executions. It visually tracks, analyzes, and displays data to monitor Service Automation Application. 

It also provides detailed logs and audit trails that allow users to track the history of the workflow and identify any errors or issues that may have occurred.


Dashboard will support multi-tenant to serve multiple customers, each one of them being isolated in terms of data. Using the Multi-tenant feature, the Managed Service Providers (MSP) or Global Domain can make sure that the user’s data of one domain is not accessible to another.

The following gif highlights the key benefits and sections covered under the Dashboard:

Automation dashboard- benefits (2)

Excited to explore the dashboard? Keep reading to discover its capabilities!


To view the main Service Automation application page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
    Navigate to Orchestration > User >Orchestration.

  2. Click the left hamburger icon to access all the options from the MENU.

    Figure: Service Automation - Landing page with Menu options

View Dashboard

To view Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. From the left MENU, select Dashboard.
    The Dashboard page is displayed.

    Figure: Dashboard


The following segment covers the list of sections displayed on the Automation Dashboard page.

1. Workflows

This chart displays a graphical representation of the number of successful and failed workflow executions(No of Tickets/Reference ID executed count)
The axes' format is as follows:

  • X-axis- Time frame in months 

  • Y-axis-  Number of tickets

The following figure depicts Workflows graph:

Figure: Workflows

2. Skill Execution Status

This chart displays the total number of skill executions along with successful and failed executions based on the date range selected in the Period drop-down.
It has the following components:

  • It displays the graphical representation as well as the count of the total, successful, and failed skill executions. By default, it displays the data for the last 7 days.

  • Period: Select the date range for which period data should be displayed.

The color format is as follows:

  • Red - It displays the list of all failed skill executions.

  • Green - It displays the list of all successful skill executions.

  • White (Center) -  It displays the list of total skill executions.

Refer to the below gif to understand the graph operation:

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions available under Period tab in the Skill Execution status segment:



Date period

Displays the following in-built periods to select:

  • Last 1 Day - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the previous day and today.

  • Last 2 Days - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the previous two days and today.

  • Last 3 Days - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the previous three days and today.

  • Last Week - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the last week.

  • Last 2 Weeks - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the last 2 weeks.
    The From will display the date (today's date -14) and the To will display the date (today's date +14).

  • Last 3 Weeks - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the last 3 weeks.
    The From will display the date (today's date -21) and the To will display the date (today's date +21).

  • Last Month - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the last month.
    The From will display the date (today's date -30) and the To will display the date (today's date +30).

  • Last 6 Months - If selected, it displays the skill executed for the last 6 months.
    The From will display the date (today's date -180) and the To will display the date (today's date +180).


Specify the start date of the required date range.


Specify the end date of the required date range.


Click Apply to apply the specified date range.


Click Clear to clear the specified date range.

Skill Execution List

It displays the list of skill executions based on the selection (Total, Failed, Successful). By default, the list displays 10 entries. Scroll down further to see the next available entries.

The color format is as follows:

  • Red - It displays the list of all failed skill executions.

  • Green - It displays the list of all successful skill executions.

  • White (Center) -  It displays the list of total skill executions.

A sample snapshot of Skill Execution List is shown below:

Figure: Skill Execution List pop-up

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Skill Execution List pop-up page:



Sl No

Displays the serial number of the skill executions.

Ticket ID / Reference ID

Displays the ticket ID.
This is also a hyperlink, which allows you to drill down further.


Displays the module name. For example - IM (Incident Management), SR (Service Request), API / Scheduler etc.


Displays the execution event such as ITSM on Create/Update/Always etc.


Displays the status of the workflow execution. 

  • Name - Displays the name of the workflow.

  • Status - Displays the status of the workflow. It can be Success or Failure or In-progress.

  • Execution Start - Displays the start date of workflow execution.

  • Execution End -Displays the end date of workflow execution.


Displays the status of the skill execution.

  • Name - Displays the name provided in the Title field of Workflow configuration Skill properties

  • Version - Displays the version number of the skills.

  • Status - Displays the status of the skill execution. It can be Success or Failure or Failed.

  • Execution Start - Displays the start date of skill execution.

  • Execution End - Displays the end date of the skill execution.

3. Skills

This chart displays the count of skills configured. It displays the skills configured based on one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  1. By Language

  2. By Category

  3. By Status

The axes' format is as follows:

  • X-axis- Option selected from drop-down

  • Y-axis- Number of skills

To understand the skill chart, refer to the below gif:

4. Execution Overview

Execution Overview has two charts. By default, previous one-year data will be displayed for the Execution Overview chart.
The first chart displays the failure percentage of a specific skill. The failure percentage is calculated based on the execution.
The second chart displays the information based on the following filters:

  1.  Module- Select the module from the following options:
    * All
    * Incident Management
    * Service Request
    * Work Order


  2.  Work Order Source- Select the Work Order source. (This is Applicable if Workorder module is selected)

  3.  Tenant- Select the desired Tenant from available options.

  4.  Period- Select the desired period from the following options:
    * Date Period- Select duration from the provided options.
    * From- Select start date from the calendar.

To understand the skill chart, refer to the below gif:

5. Top 5 Workflow Executions 

Displays the top five workflow executions based on the number of executions. Click View All to view all workflows.

The axes' format is as follows:

  • X-axis- Number of executions

  • Y-axis- Workflow name

A sample snapshot of Top 5 Workflow Executions is shown below:

Figure: Top 5 Workflow Executions

6. Top 5 Tenants

Displays the top five tenants based on the number of executions. Click View All to view all tenants.

The axes' format is as follows:

  • X-axis- Number of executions

  • Y-axis- Tenant name

A sample snapshot of Top 5 Tenants is shown below:

Figure: Top 5 Tenants

7. Top 5 Categories

Displays the top five categories based on the executions. Click View All to view all categories.

The axes' format is as follows:

  • X-axis- Number of executions

  • Y-axis- Category name

Figure: Top 5 Categories

Live Feed

Live feed feature provides a real-time stream of updates and activities within the application. It allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest information and recent workflow executions.
Click the Live Feed icon at the right corner. Live Feed pop-up page is displayed.

Figure: Live Feed pop- up

When the Live Feed toggle is enabled, the recent tickets that were created or updated and linked with Workflows will be displayed.
Once the ticket’s workflow is executed, it will disappear from the Live Feed list after one minute.

Figure: Live Feed toggle enabled

You can apply the filters based on the provided parameters such as Workflow Name, Ticket ID/Ref ID, Skill Name, Skill Status, and Completed Date. The recent ticket status is pushed automatically to Live Feed. By default, 10 tickets are displayed in the list.

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