  • 24 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Rule configuration enables users to establish detailed notification rules based on specific events like License Usage and License Expiry. Users define each rule with a unique Rule Name and Description, specifying the Gateway Type and Gateway Name for email communication. The Notification Type categorizes alerts, directing them to designated recipients listed in the To and CC fields.

Configure Rules

To configure a new rule, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Rules List page, click the New Rule + icon to configure a new rule.

    Figure: Rules List page - New Rule icon

  2. On the New Rule configuration page, enter the required details as shown below and click Save.

    Figure: New Rule configuration

    Figure: Success message

Let’s understand the fields and their significance.



Rule Name *

Enter a unique and descriptive name for the notification rule.
Example: License Expiry Notification, Critical Error Alert, Daily Usage Summary etc.


Provide a brief explanation of the notification rule.


Use this toggle to enable or disable the notification rule.


Gateway Type *

The gateway type determines the protocol and method used for routing notifications. Currently, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the available option, which is used for sending email notifications.

Gateway Name *

Select the configured SMTP gateway that will be used to send the notifications. The gateway name identifies the specific server settings through which emails will be routed.
Example: Primary SMTP Server, Backup SMTP Gateway, Marketing Email Server

Notification Type *

Select the type of notification that this rule will apply to. This categorizes the rule based on specific events or conditions. Options include:
License Expiry: Triggers notifications when a software license is approaching its end date.
License Usage: Triggers notifications based on the usage levels (Purchased and Consumed counts) of software licenses, such as when usage reaches a specified threshold.

Notification Trigger Options *

The trigger options are dependent on the type of notification selected. Let’s check the two available options:
License Expiry

License Usage


Enter the email addresses of the primary recipients who should receive the notifications.


You can enter a group name, email address from the master, or custom email address followed by a semicolon (;) to separate multiple recipients.

Example: ;  


Enter the email addresses of the secondary recipients who should receive a copy of the notifications. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.

  1. The saved rule will be displayed on the Rules List page.

    Figure: Rules List page - Saved rule


To modify rule details, click the Rule Name hyperlink. This will open the Edit Rule page, where you can make the necessary changes.

Process to trigger rules and notifications

Once all conditions are defined, a trigger must be set to initiate the execution of rules and notifications. This is managed through Schedulers.

By default, the following standard schedulers will be available in the system:

  1. License Usage

  2. License Expiry

  3. Notification Queue

These scheduler jobs run continuously with the following execution times:

  1. License Usage: Every 5 minutes from 00:00 to 23:59 daily

  2. License Expiry: Every 5 minutes from 00:00 to 23:59 daily

  3. Notification Queue: Every 1 minute from 00:00 to 23:59 daily

To view these schedulers, navigate to Schedulers > Scheduler List. Select the Action Type as Standard.

Figure: Schedulers List page - Standard Schedulers


These standard schedulers are pre-configured in the system by default and cannot be edited or modified.

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