Execution History
  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Execution History

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Article summary

Execution History page provides a comprehensive overview of past workflow executions. It includes detailed records of each workflow's status, such as new, in-progress, and failure, timestamps, execution duration, and relevant data. This page is essential for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analyzing the performance and outcomes of automated workflows.


To view the main Service Automation application page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.


    Navigate to Orchestration > User >Orchestration.

  2. Click the left hamburger icon to access all the options from the MENU.

    Figure: Service Automation - Landing page with menu options

View Execution History

To view Execution History, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Workflows > Manage Workflows > Execution History.

    Figure: Execution History option

  2. Execution History page is displayed with all the records.

    Figure: Execution History page

Status Count

Execution History page features four key indicators at the top, providing a quick overview of the workflow execution statuses.

  • Total button displays the total number of workflow executions.

  • New button displays the total number of workflows in the new status (recently created).

  • In-Progress button displays the number of workflows that are currently in progress.

  • Failure button displays the number of failed workflow executions.

The respective records are displayed on the list page after clicking each status button.


Let’s understand each action button present on the Execution History page in detail.



Upon clicking Period bar, the Time and Date Period options are displayed. Select the required time period criteria and click Apply to get respective record details.

Figure: Period pop-up

Search field allows you to quickly find specific workflows by entering keywords, workflow names, IDs, or other relevant terms.

Figure: Search field

Refresh interval (mins) allows you to set a specific time interval, in minutes, for automatically refreshing the page.

Refresh button allows you to manually update the displayed data. By clicking this button, users can instantly refresh the page to view the most current workflow execution information, ensuring they have access to the latest status and details of recent executions.

Export to Excel- Exports the current page records.

Export All to Excel- Exports all the existing records.

Edit Columns feature allows you to customize the columns displayed on the list page according to your preferences. With this option, you can:

  • Select Columns: Choose which columns you want to display.

  • Reorder Columns: Drag and drop columns to rearrange their display order.

  • Remove Columns: Click the Delete icon to remove columns you no longer wish to see.

Figure: Edit Columns

Upon clicking Filters, the available options are displayed. Enter the required filter criteria and click Apply to get respective record details.

Figure: Filters pop-up

Filter conditions can also be saved and updated using the Save/Update Filters option.

Click this icon to create/configure a new workflow.

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