  • 24 Jul 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Skills and workflows are grouped together to automate tasks based on requirements. These Skills are executed on specific AD servers or exchange servers using a proxy service called the Execution Service.

This execution service is a separate Windows application that runs as a service on the target machine. To summarize, Proxy manage the execution of Skills on the target machine, which automates tasks and eliminates manual execution of Skills.


Proxy configuration is the setup and configuration of a Proxy Server or gateway to manage communication between various distributed system components. A proxy server acts as an intermediary, transmitting requests and responses between two or more components.

Let's understand the benefits of this configuration from the following gif:


To view the main Service Automation application page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.


    Navigate to Orchestration > User >Orchestration.

  2. Click the left hamburger icon to access all the options from the MENU.

    Figure: Service Automation - Landing page with menu options

View Proxy

To view Proxy option, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon next to the user profile name at the top right corner.

    Figure: Settings icon

  2. Check and select Proxy option from the left menu. Proxy list page is displayed.

    Figure: Application Settings - Proxy option

  3. Click the desired Host Name hyperlink. Proxy IP Mapping page is displayed.

    Figure: Proxy IP Mapping

Proxy IP Mapping specifies that a particular proxy manages that particular range of IP addresses. This is defined using the Proxy mapping screen.

Import Proxy details

You can import proxy details in two ways:

Figure: Import options

  1. Import from Existing

    Select the required existing option and click Import.

    Figure: Import from Existing pop-up

  2. Import from JSON

    Choose the desired JSON file from the system and click Import.

    Figure: Import from JSON pop-up

Export Proxy details

You can export proxy details using the Export to JSON option.

Figure: Export to JSON option

Proxy List page

This page provides information about the machines and their status where the Service Automation Proxy is installed. The proxy list will be displayed based on the logged-in user’s domain access, also known as multi-tenant data.

Figure: Proxy List page


Proxy page will support multi-tenant to serve multiple customers, each one of them being isolated in terms of data. Using the Multi-tenant feature, the Managed Service Providers (MSP) or Global Domain can make sure that the user’s data of one domain is not accessible to another.

Proxy list page displays the total number of proxy hosts and the corresponding number of up(active) proxies and down (inactive) proxies.

It displays the following proxy details:

  • Host Name - Displays the hostname of the machine.

  • IP Address - Displays the IP Address.

  • Status - Depicts the proxy server status, if Up or Down.

  • Last Communicated - Refers to the date and time when the proxy server was last communicated.

  • ELS Status- Refers to the ELS (Event Listener Service) status.

  • ELS Last Communicated- Refers to the date and time when ELS last communicated.

  • Environment Type- Mentions the environment type if it is ELS, Proxy, or ELS & Proxy.


Let’s understand each action icon present on the Proxy page in detail.



Using Search control, you can filter data across all columns. This acts as a one-input search control for the list page.

Figure: Search control

Export to Excel- Exports the current page records in excel format.

Edit Columns feature allows you to customize the columns displayed on the list page according to your preferences. With this option, you can:

  • Select Columns: Choose which columns you want to display.

  • Reorder Columns: Drag and drop columns to rearrange their display order.

  • Remove Columns: Click the Delete icon to remove columns you no longer wish to see.

Figure: Edit columns

Upon clicking Filters, the available options are displayed. Enter the required filter criteria and click Apply to get respective record details.

Figure: Filters pop-up

Filter conditions can also be saved and updated using the Save/Update Filters option.

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