Script Configurations
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Script Configurations

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Article summary

Scripts are the set of commands which are written to accomplish a specific task. Script configuration refers to defining and executing custom scripts to automate specific tasks within an organization's environment.
These scripts can be written in multiple languages like PowerShell, Perl Python etc. Published scripts will be available to create the Orchestration Workflow.

Discover the supported languages in the Service Automation application with the following gif:

SA configuration pages (5)

View Script Configurations

To configure a new script, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.
Navigate to Orchestration > User > Orchestration.

2. From the left MENU, select Script Configurations.

Figure: Script Configurations 

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions available on Script Configurations List page:

Field Description
This icon helps in expanding or collapsing the details window.

Script Name

Displays the script name.


Displays the status of the script.


Displays the category of the script.

Right click on icon and the following options are displayed:

  • Sort (A to Z)
  • Sort (Z to A)
  • Group by Column

Check the Group by Column check box to group the categories. Uncheck the Group by Column check box to un-group the categories.

Script Language

Displays the script language.

Created By

Displays the name of the user who has created the script.

Last Updated By

Displays the name of the user who has last updated the script.

Last Updated Date

Displays the date on which the script was last updated.

Created Date

Displays the date on which the script was last created.


Displays the description of the script.

Click this icon to add a new script.

Click this icon and select one the of following options:

  • Export to Excel – To export the all the listed script configurations to Microsoft Excel sheet.
  • Export to JSON - To export the individual listed script configuration to the respective individual json file.

Click this option and Filter Pop-up page is displayed. You can apply, save, and update the filters to the script configuration.

Figure: Filter Pop-up

Click this option and Edit Column pop-up page is displayed. You can add a column, delete a column, or change the order of columns. Click Apply to save the changes and you can view the applied changes on Screen Configurations page.

Figure: Edit Columns Pop-up

Update a script

To update an existing script, perform the following steps:

1. Select Script Configurations. Script Configurations List page is displayed.

2. From the list page, select the specific script to edit or view.

3. Click Load Parameters, after specifying the required parameters of the script.

4. Click SUBMIT. Configured changes are updated.

Configure Script

To configure a new script, perform the following steps:

1. Click "+" icon to create a new script. The configuration page is displayed. 

2. Specify required details in the fields and click SAVE.

Figure: New script configuration page

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions available on the new script configurations page:



Script Language

Select the language in which you want to write the script. SummitAI Orchestration supports the following scripting languages:

  • DOS Command
  • Perl Script
  • PowerShell Script
  • Python
  • Shell Script (Windows)
  • Shell Script (Non-Windows)
  • VB Script


You can select the theme while writing the script to get the better view of the script. The following themes are available:

  • Light
  • Dark
  • High Contrast Dark

Script Editor

Specify the commands in the script window.

Input Parameters should be declared as [*VariableName*]

The starting and ending of Output Parameters should be declared as [START##VariableName##] and [END##VariableName##].

Script Details

Specify the following parameters under script details.

  • Script Name – Specify the script name.
  • Category – Specify the category of automation script.
  • Status – By default, status will be in Design mode. Specify the status of the script as required. Available options are as follows:
    • Design
    • Maintenance
    • Published
    • Description – Specify the description of the script.
Except Status field, all other fields will be read-only. Only published scripts will be displayed in the Workflow Designer.


Specify the following parameters under execution.

  • Max Run Time (In Mins) - Specify the maximum run time for the script in terms of minutes. By default, it is saved as 0, if maximum run time is not specified.
  • Remote Execution By - Administrators can configure the Orchestration Scripts to capture the account under which the Script should get executed through Remote Executor Tool by selecting System Account or CI Account.


Once you click on Load Parameters, the parameters specified in the script are displayed under Input tab.


Once you click on Load Parameters, the output variables specified in the script are displayed in Output Variable drop-down under Output tab. You can map the Output Name to the required Output Value.

By default, the following options are available in Output Value drop-down list:

  • Execution Output
  • Execution Error


Click on Parsing if you want to parse script output using Keywords.

By default, the following options are available in Criteria drop-down list.

  1. Remove Before Keyword 1 (this option removes the content before the occurrence of Keyword 1 in your script output)
  2. Remove Between Keyword 1 and Keyword 2 (removes the script output in between Keywords 1 & 2)
  3. Remove After Keyword 1 (removes the script output after Keyword 1)

Remove Keyword 1 (removes Keyword 1 from your script output).

Select the output variable in the Variable field. Specify Keyword 1 and/or Keyword 2 in the corresponding fields.


Specify the condition to define the success or failure of the Orchestration Script.

  • Slide the Active button to make the success criteria on.
  • Select the variable from the list.
  • Choose the condition from the list.
  • Specify the value for the condition.

Search Control

Using Search control, you can filter data across all columns. This acts as a one-input search control for the list page.

Figure: Search Control


Import script data or records in the JSON format to system by using Import control.

Figure: Import control


Using Export control, you can export all the data in the form of Excel and JSON.

Figure: Export control

  • Export to Excel/JSON- Exports the current page records.
  • Export All to Excel/JSON- Exports all the existing records.

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