Service Automation Installation Guide
  • 13 Aug 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Service Automation Installation Guide

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Article summary

Installing Summit Service Automation

Installation Overview

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install Summit Service Automation.


This section describes the prerequisites of Summit Service Automation.

  • Summit Application (Supports Summit Version above DENALI HF15, DENALI SP1 HF15, DENALI SP3 HF11 & TAHOE).
  • Summit Web Service (Service that is used for Mobile Application).
  • Summit Application with the Service Automation License.

Installing and Providing Access to Service Automation

Pre-Installation Steps

Perform the following steps before installation:

  1. Download the Summit Service Automation files from Release Notification e-mail.
    1. The following screen displays the different components of Service Automation for Installation. You can download the required components from the mail and unzip on the server.
      Figure: Summit Release notification email
  2.  Host Service Automation API
    Perform the following steps to host the Service Automation API:
    a. Download the API files from the Summit Release Notification E-mail.
    b. Go to Internet Information Services (IIS).
    c. Create a new Sub application under the default website by specifying the alias name and selecting the API folder path as the physical path. Hosting Service Automation API inside Summit Web is not allowed.
    d. Set Start Mode to AlwaysRunning for the Application pool mapped to Service Automation API.
    * Open IIS >Application Pools. Right click on Service Automation API Application Pool.
    * Select Advance Settings in the context menu.
    * In the Advance Settings popup , select Start Mode as AlwaysRunning and click OK.

  3. Create or Upgrade Service Automation DB
    Perform the following steps to create new Service Automation DB in SUMMIT DB Server:
    a. Download the New DB Creation file from the Summit Release Notification E-mail.
    b. Create Service Automation DB using this DB backup file.
    c. Create a New DB login credentials for the Service Automation DB.
    d. Update the Service Automation DB Connection String in Service Automation API Config file as follows:
    (<Service Automation API Installed Path>\Config\ConnectionStrings\Prod.Config)

    Perform the following steps to update the existing Service Automation DB in Summit DB Server:
    a. Download the Database Upgrade Scripts from Service Automation Release Notification E-mail.
    b. Execute the scripts in Service Automation DB.

  4. Update Service Automation files in Summit Web Folder
    Perform the following steps to update the Service Automation files in Summit Web folder:
    a. Download the Service Automation Application file (CTP) from the Release Notification E-mail.
    b. Copy the Orchestration folder to the following path of Summit Web Server.
    <SUMMIT Installed Path>/app/
    If the Orchestration folder is already exists in the above mentioned path, delete the existing folder and add the copied folder.
  5. Execute Service Automation Integration Script in SUMMIT DB
    Perform the following steps to execute the Service Automation Integration Script in Summit DB:
    a. Download the Service Automation Integration SQL script from the following URL and execute in Summit DB. 
    b. In SUMMIT DB, open the Stored Procedure USP_ORC_ImportOrchestrationUsers.
    c. Change the following highlighted DB name with the new Orchestration DB name. set @ORC_DB_Name='[Orchestration_DB].'
    d. Click Execute to update the changes.
  6. Enable new Service Automation in SUMMIT and update Role Template
    Perform the following steps to enable new Service Automation in Summit and update the Role Template:
    a. Add the following key in the AppSettings section of the Summit Web.Config file:
    <add key="App:OrchestrationEnabled" value="true" />
    b. Log out and Log in to the Summit application.
    c. Select Admin> Basic > Users > Role Template.
    d. Add following keys in SUMMIT to specify Service Automation API URL, Token, and RabbitMQ details.
Sl NoFor WhatWhere to addFile SectionKey DetailsRemarks
1To Enable the new Service AutomationSUMMIT - WebWeb.ConfigAppSettings



nEnabled" value="true"


SUMMIT - Mobile AppWeb.ConfigAppSettings


SUMMIT - Proxy


2To connect with the Service Automation API from SUMMIT



<add key="ServiceUrl:Orchestration" value="" />

Specify the Service Automation API Base URL, without  "/" at the end.

To display the Service Automation execution details in IM/SR/WOSUMMIT - WebWeb.ConfigAppSettings

<add key="App:OrchestrationToken" value=""/>

Specify the token generated using "account/generatet oken" API for a specific Service Automation User Id or token specified in the Proxy configuration.

4To connect with the 


SUMMIT - WebWeb.Config



name="RabbitConnector" connectionString="amq p://username:password @hostname:5672/" />

Create a new credentials for the RabbitMQ and specify in the key. Supports encrypted Connection String.
SUMMIT - Mobile AppWeb.ConfigConnectionStrings


SUMMIT - Proxy



To display the Service Automation UI

SUMMIT - WebWeb.Config



<remove fileExtension=".woff2"/>


mimeType="application/font-woff2" />

Check this tag under system.webserver-static content. If it does not exist, then add it.

6To enable API triggerService Automation APIProd.ConfigConnectionStrings




7To enable/disable Telemetry and Userflow
Service Automation API
<add key="App:Features" value="Telemetry,Userflow"/>
If you wish to disable Telemetry or Userflow, remove the respective term from the key value.

 7. Export SUMMIT Users to Service Automation DB
Perform the following steps to export Summit Users to Service Automation DB:
a. Log in to Summit application.
b. Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.
c. Create new custom scheduler job.
Job option is “Export Summit Users to Orchestration DB”.
d. Ensure that Job had run and users with Service Automation access are exported to the Service Automation DB.

8. Install RabbitMQ in SUMMIT Application Server
Install RabbitMQ in SUMMIT Application Server with its pre-requisite. For more information, see Summit Service Automation Proxy Installation Guide.

9. Install the Service Automation Proxy
Install the Service Automation Proxy. For more information, see Summit Service Automation Proxy Installation Guide.

Configure Service Automation

To configure Service Automation, perform the following steps:

1. Login to the Summit application.
2. Select Orchestration > User > Orchestration. A new tab is opened with the Service Automation application.

For previous versions, the following navigation steps can be followed.
Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.

3. Select Menu > Integrations > Manage Integrations > ITSM.
4. Click the SUMMIT Product Name grid to view the ITSM Configurations page of SUMMIT product.
For example, http://localhost/Summit_WS/REST/Summit_RESTWCF.svc

Replace “http://localhost/Summit_WS“ with the actual installed URL in the above URL.

5. Enter the API Base URL and click VALIDATE to validate the API and then click SAVE.

Figure: ITSM 

6. Navigate to Integrations > Manage Integrations > Data Sources.
7. Select a Data Source from the list. Update the highlighted part with the base URL configured in ITSM.
This has to be done for all the Data Sources.
In the URL, this part has to be updated with the URL configured in the previous screen.

Figure: Data Source

Ensure that you do not delete the following text in the URL:


8. Update the Key in the Payload with the SUMMIT API User key for all Data Sources.
9. Click TEST to validate the Data Source  and then click SAVE.
10. Select Settings > Application Settings > Proxy.

Figure: Proxy 

11. Click the Host Name to map the Proxy IP Range.
12. Set Up a Notification System for License Usage and License Expiry:
Follow these steps to create a Standard Scheduler after the Service Automation application is operational:
a. Download the SQL script from the following URL: 
b. Open the Service Automation database.
c. Execute the downloaded script in the database.
13. Start the Service Automation Execution and Event Listener Services.
14. Configure the Skills and Workflows.
15. Log Incidents or Service Requests or Work Orders.
16. Ensure that the Service Automation information is displayed in the Orchestration tab of an Incident or Service Request or Work Order.

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