Service Proxy Installation Guide
  • 19 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Service Proxy Installation Guide

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Article summary

Installing Summit Service Automation Proxy Server

Installation Overview

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install SummitAI Service Automation Proxy Server.


This section describes the prerequisites of SummitAI Service Automation Proxy Server.

Erlang OTP and RabbitMQ Requirements

Minimum Software Requirements:

1. Erlang OTP 22 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit, Recommended 64-bit for better performance).
a. Download the 32-bit from the below URL:
b. Download the 64-bit from the below URL:

2. RabbitMQ Server 3.8.2 or higher.
a. Download the RabbitMQ Server from the below URL:

Post Installation Tasks

Enabling RabbitMQ Management Plugin

After downloading and installing the Erlang OTP and RabbitMQ, enable the RabbitMQ Management Plugin as follows:

1. Open Command Prompt in Administrator mode.
2. Go to the RabbitMQ install location:
[C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.2.3\sbin]
3. Enter the following command that is highlighted:
[C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.8.2\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins enablerabbitmq_management]
4. The above-mentioned command runs the rabbitmq-plugins batch file that is located inside the sbin folder.

Configuring the RabbitMQ Admin Portal

To configure the RabbitMQ Admin Portal, perform the following steps:

1.  Open the browser and enter the URL http://localhost:15672/
2. Specify the Username and Password.

By default, the Username and Password are guest.

Figure: RabbitMQ Log in page

Figure: RabbitMQ configuration page

3. Navigate to Admin.
4. Provide the Username and Password.
5. Select the Tag as Admin in the drop-down list.
6. Click Add user.

Figure: Admin - Users

Figure: Permissions

7. Guest credentials cannot be used remotely.
8. Username is case sensitive.

Creating Virtual Host

The RabbitMQ Virtual Host feature support multiple instances of Service Automation environment with one instance of RabbitMQ installation.
To create new virtual host, perform the following steps:

1. Login in to RabbitMQ instance with the given access credentials.
2. Navigate to Admin > Virtual Hosts. The Virtual Hosts screen appears.
Figure: Admin page - Virtual Hosts

3. Enter the required details and click Add virtual host to create a new Virtual Host.

Sl NoFieldDescription
1NameEnter a unique name for the virtual host.
2DescriptionEnter the description for the criteria.
3TagsEnter the tag name for the virtual host.

4. Select the newly created Virtual Host in the Grid.

Figure: Virtual Hosts

5. Specify the Permission with default values and click Set permission. The Permission section appears for the selected virtual host name.
Figure: Current permissions window

The following table describes the various functions you can perform on this screen:

Click To
Set permissionSet the permission for the selected virtual host.
Set topic permissionSet the topic permission for the selected virtual host.
Delete this virtual hostDelete the selected virtual host.

Configure Firewall Rules

To configure the Firewall Rules, perform the following steps:

1.  Add Inbound Rules to connect the RabbitMQ remotely by doing the following:
a. In the Control Panel, click System and Security > Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall window appears.
b. In the Windows Firewall window, make sure the firewall is On. If not, turn on the Windows Firewall.
c. Click Advanced Settings.
The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window appears.
d. In the left pane, click Inbound Rules. The Inbound Rules pane appears.

Figure: Windows Firewall- Inbound Rules

e. In the Actions pane, select New Rule.
The New Inbound Rule wizard opens, and the Rule Type window appears.

Figure: New Inbound Rule Wizard

f. Specify the values as per the below table and click Finish.

Rule TypePort
Protocols and PortsTCP
Specified Local Ports5672, 15672
ActionAllow the connection
ProfileDomain, Private, Public

 2.    Specify the following ports:

3.  Ensure the following Port details:
a. RabbitMQ Management: 15672.
b. http Port: 5672 (Without TLS Enabled).
c. Required SSL :5671 (With TLS Enabled).

Installing Orchestration (Service Automation) Proxy Setup

To install the Orchestration (Service Automation) Proxy Setup, perform the following steps:

1. Download the Orchestration (Service Automation) Proxy Installer.
2. Double-click on the MSI file to start the installation
3. Continue the installation by following the on-screen instructions
4. This installer installs Orchestration (Service Automation) Proxy and Event Listener service.
5. Do not validate the following screen in the Setup (If any one service is selected, both services get installed).

Figure: Orchestration Proxy

Post Installation Tasks

After installing the Service Automation Proxy, open the same for configuration.
Figure: Service Automation Proxy setup tool

1.  Specify the Orchestration (Service Automation) API URL.
For example: http://localhost/summitweb/api_orchestration

API URL may change based on the hosting.

2. Select the Request type as POST and specify the Service Automation URL http://localhost/summitweb/api_orchestration/api/account/generatetoken
3. Click Body.
4. Select Raw.
5. Select the content-type as JSON.
6. Specify the Service Automation user ID from the Service Automation table (orc_users) as follows:
7. Click Send.
8. Copy the token from the response (ignore double quotes “ ”).

Configure RabbitMQ

To configure the RabbitMQ, specify the following details:

1.  Host Name of the RabbitMQ Server.
2. Newly created User Name and Password.
3. Port as follows:
a. HTTP Port: 5672 (Without TLS Enabled).
b. Required SSL: 5671 (With TLS Enabled).
4. Click Save.
The configuration is saved.

Figure: Service Automation Proxy setup tool

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.