Skill List
  • 26 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Skill List

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Article summary

Skill List page provides a comprehensive view of all configured skills within the system. It allows users to easily manage, filter, and analyze skills based on various attributes. The top panel provides a quick summary of the number of skills available in each language, and the main table offers detailed information on each skill.


To view the main Service Automation application page, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration.


    Navigate to Orchestration > User >Orchestration.

  2. Click the left hamburger icon to access all the options from the MENU.

    Figure: Service Automation - Landing page with Menu options

View Skill List

To view the Skill List, perform the following steps:

  1. From the left Menu, navigate to Skills > Manage Skills > Skill List.

    Figure: Skills Menu - Skill List

  2. Skills list page is displayed with all the configured skill records.

    Figure: Skills list page

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions available on Skills List page:



Skill Name

Displays the configured skill name.


Displays the status of the skill, Draft or Published.


Displays the category details of the configured skill.


Displays the version number of the skill.

Example: V1, V2, V3 etc

Skill Language

Displays the language in which the skill is configured.

Created By

Displays the user name who created the skill.

Created Date

Displays the date and time of skill creation.

Last Updated By

Displays the user name who last updated the skill.

Last Updated Date

Displays the date and time of the last update of skill.

Top panel

Top Panel provides a quick summary of the number of skills available in each language. Upon clicking each language box, the respective records are displayed on the list page.

Figure: Top Panel

Check out the below gif to understand how this works.


Using Export control, you can export all the data in the form of Excel and JSON.

Figure: Export options


Export to Excel/JSON- Exports the current page records.

Export All to Excel/JSON- Exports all the existing records.

Export to JSON/Export All to JSON - Each skill record is created as an individual JSON file.


Import skill data or records in the JSON format into the system by using Import control.

Figure: Import option

Refer the below gif to understand import option:

Step 1:  Select file(s) from the directory.

Step 2: Click Validate.

Step 3: Check the color indicators. Green - File ready to be imported. Red - File not suitable for import.

Validate option considers the following two options:

  1. Valid JSON file

  2. Skill should be in published state and not in the draft state.

Step 4: Once the validation is complete, click the Import option.

Edit Columns

Edit Columns feature allows you to customize the columns displayed on the list page according to your preferences. With this option, you can:

  • Select Columns: Choose which columns you want to display.

  • Reorder Columns: Drag and drop columns to rearrange their display order.

  • Remove Columns: Click the Delete icon to remove columns you no longer wish to see.

    Figure: Edit Columns - Select columns

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