UI Menu Restructure
  • 06 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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UI Menu Restructure

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Article summary

Change is the new constant!

When it comes to using a software application, there is never an end for innovation especially if it's with respect to user interface. New suggestions and requirements pour in every release and we only want the best things for you.

In this release, we have made significant changes in our main Service Automation application MENU options. Our main intention is to provide a user-friendly interface and enable you to perform swift actions.
This segment gives a comparison of the previous release menu (up to V7SP2- including hotfixes) and the newest V7SP3 version.

Let's have a look at the previous version's menu options (up to V7SP2)


Let's check the latest menu options in V7SP3 version


New Menu options

The new MENU comes with sleek options where the sub-categories are grouped under the relevant main category. The following segment covers all the available options in the latest release with relevant snapshots:

The main MENU consists of the following options:

1.    Automation Dashboard 

Figure: MENU - Automation Dashboard

2.  Skill Configurations 

> Manage Skills
  * New Skill
  * Skill List

Figure: MENU - Skill Configurations

3.  Workflow Configurations 

> Manage Workflows
    * New Workflow
    * Workflow by Category
    * Workflow List
    * Execution History

Figure: MENU - Workflow Configurations

4.  Automation Schedulers 

> Manage Schedulers
   * New Scheduler
   * Scheduler List

Figure: MENU - Automation Schedulers

5.  Integrations

> Manage Integrations
* ITSM Configurations
* API Configurations
* Field Mapping Configurations

Figure: MENU - Integrations


In the Settings option, the following application settings options are included and displayed as follows:

1. General
2. License
3. Telemetry Consent
4. Category
5. Proxy 

Figure: Settings - Application Settings

Let us have a look at other significant changes in the application UI.

Upto v7SP2v7SP3 onwards
Label rename
Service Automation scripts are renamed to skills
Application landing page
Service Automation application landing page is changed from ITSM Configurations page to Automation Dashboard page
Application rename
Orchestration application is renamed to Service Automation application

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