Apex Platform Overview
  • 13 Sep 2024
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Apex Platform Overview

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Article summary

What is Apex

Using the AI Powered Experience (Apex), we optimize IT and enterprise workflows for enhanced efficiency and productivity that delight users with ITSM/ESM with predictive and generative AI.

A modern user experience platform designed to facilitate the creation of a wide range of applications across various domains, including HRMS, ITSM, Finance, and beyond. Experience the new level of flexibility to tailor the various functionalities as per your unique requirements. Embrace the combined power of customization and personalization with drag and drop mechanism and minimize the core technical barriers.

Let's take a look at a visual high-level overview of the platform user's persona roles.

Why Apex?

  • Harness the power to design apps, exactly the 'way you want - tailored to your individual preferences'
  • Simplified and highly intuitive User Interface
  • Extensive customization capabilities tailored to perfection
  • Rich library of controls, widgets, and customizable templates
  • Provision to seamlessly & easily integrate with 3rd-party apps
  • Capability to design apps with minimal technical knowledge

 Let’s have a quick look at the platform’s capabilities.

Apex Components 

Create visually appealing, user-centric designs with intuitive navigation using myriads of designing components. 

Platform Studio
It consists of fundamental blocks (Domain, Sub Domain and Department) which provides hierarchical structure that organizes the applications and services developed within the Apex platform. Each domain will have its own permissions, and allows the administration of users, groups, and roles.
User Persona: Super Admin
Let's look into this infographic to understand more on the hierarchy.

Design Studio 

The Design Studio is a unified console to manage diverse applications such as Enterprise Service Management (ESM) or Asset Management (AM). It follows the structured approach to organize the functionalities at the module and application level for effective management. 
The Design Studio at the module level includes a robust set of designers such as Form Designer, Workflow Designer, Notification Designer, Business Rule Designer, SLA, and so on.
User Persona: Application Designer
Let's explore the Design Studio at the module level with this informative infographic.

Blue and Green Project Progress Mind Map

The Design Studio at the Application level includes a robust set of components such as Themes, Service Portal, User Role, User Role Template, and so on.
User Persona: Application Designer/Administrator
Let's explore the Design Studio at the application level with this informative infographic.


Quick Start Guide

Apex platform empowers you to customize the applications to your preferences using a wide range of controls and designers.

Service Management

Get a glimpse into the Apex platform with the following quick start guide:

Asset Management

Take a sneak peek into the Apex platform with this ITAM quick start guide:

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