Add User
  • 24 Jan 2025
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Add User

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Article summary


Under Platform Studio tab, you can navigate to Access Control Center to create a new End User.

User persona: Super Admin or Application Designer or Administrator 

Super Admin can create a new login at the Sub Domain level and add the General Details, Authenticate, assign Roles to an employee. 

You can view the following tabs for mapping control:

General Details

 To create new User, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Platform Studio > Access Control Center > User.

  2. Click User and add a new user by clicking New. The General Details tab is available by default. Here is a quick preview of the General Details tab.

Figure: Add General information for your User

Application Designer can enter the following field details as shown below:

Domain*Select the specific domain (highest level) on the hierarchy. For more information, refer to Domain.
Sub Domain*Select the specific Sub Domain (second level) on the hierarchy (Based on Domain selection the drop-down values for Sub Domain change). For more information, refer to Sub Domain.
Employee IDEnter the alphanumeric identification number of the employee.
First NameSpecify the First name of the Employee.
Middle NameSpecify the Middle name of the Employee.
Last NameSpecify the Last name of the Employee.
Email-IDType the username for Employee Login.
Mobile-PhoneSpecify the personal contact number of the Employee.
All the standard available country codes are populated in the dropdown field as shown:
Figure: Country codes

2. You can go ahead and add the details for End User as below:

Figure: General details

Refer below for the field description for more details.

Work PhoneSpecify the Company Contact number of the Employee.
Language*Select the medium of communication from the drop-down list (mandatory field).
Time Zone*Select the time zone of the location from the drop-down list (mandatory field).
Date Format*Select the suitable date (24 hours or 12 hours) and time format (hh:mm:ss). 
Profile PhotoUpload the Personal photo of the User (Maximum size - 4MB, supported formats: gif, jpeg, jpg, png, bmp).
SignatureUpload the Digital Signature of the User (Maximum size - 4MB, supported formats: gif, jpeg, jpg, png, bmp). 
Employee TypeSelect Permanent or Temporary from the drop-down list.
Join Date*Select the Date of joining from the drop-down list.
Exit DateSelect the Date of Exit from the previous Employer.
DesignationSelect the type of Designation from the dropdown list (Architect /Accountant/Manager). 

3. Add a few more details before clicking the Submit tab.

Figure: User details

Refer below for the Field Description for more details.

Field Description

GradeSelect the grade level of the User.
User CategorySelect the type of User from the drop-down list (End User/Analyst/Service account).
ManagerSearch and select the name of reporting Manager.
CustomerSelect the type of customer using keywords from the drop-down list.
DepartmentSelect the name of the department (IT/HR/Marketing).
LocationSelect the type of location by typing the keywords on the text field.  
AddressEnter the contact details of the User in the text field.
Zip codeEnter the Postal code of the location.

Remember to click the Active to make the User Active!

4. Click Submit to save the details of the Employee.

You can add additional e-mail IDs in the subsequent field and click Update to add the details for pre-existing IDs as shown below:
Figure: Additional details

5. After adding the details of the User, you can start with the Authentication process!


This section lists the steps for user authentication from Platform Studio under Access Control Center tab.  

User persona: Super Admin


  • A user record should be available before assigning the Login Type under Authentication screen in Access Control Center.

Authenticate User

To authenticate the user, perform the following steps:

  1. To create user Authentication, navigate to User Authentication > Add User Authentication.

  2.  Select the preferred Login type: Form, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Open-standard Authorization (OAuth)and Open ID Connect.

  3. If the Login type is Form Login, then the email ID added under the General Details section gets prepopulated in the Login ID field.Figure: Form Login
    The field is not editable, and it gets prepopulated from the General Details tab.

  4. If Login Type is selected as NT Login, it displays a field named NT Login ID as shown below:Figure: NT Login

  5. You can enter the NT Login ID of the User inside the text box (ID can be alphabet, numeric or special characters).
    For API Key as Login Type two fields: API Key, API Key Expiry is displayed below.
    Figure: API key and API Key Expiry 
    For Service accounts, the API Key field gets auto-populated by default.
  6. Select the API Key Expiry date by clicking on the calendar icon. A pop-up calendar appears where you can select the expiry date (as shown in the screenshot).
    Figure: Calendar

  7. Once the date is selected, click Update.
    Figure: API Key Expiry field

    Once the User is configured with the Authentication type, a few actions can be enabled under the Authentication tab to enhance the security of User accounts.

    Refer to the table that contains the list of tabs for enabling or disabling these actions.

    Table: Enabling Action
    SL #ItemDescription
    1Enables the End User to change the password at the next login.
    2If End User tries to enter an incorrect password 3 to 5 times for a specific domain, but the account gets locked based on the action enabled.
    3Enable the option for a permanent account (example: Service Account).
    Actions can be enabled or disabled based on the configuration set for each domain.
    Actions can be enabled or disabled based on the configuration set for each domain.


Under the Access Control Center, you can assign the Roles at Platform and Application levels.

User Persona : Application Designer or Administrator


  • A user should be authenticated before assigning Roles under the Access Control Center screen.

To map the user to Roles, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Platform Studio > Access Control Center > User > User Details.

  2.  Click Roles to navigate to the Roles configuration screen.
    Figure: Users
  3.  Toggle the bar for the respective Roles for a user created under Sub Domain. Use
    eye icon to view the screens to which user is mapped.Figure: Role list
     The screen appears as shown below.
    Figure: Mapped screens

  4.  Click Save to save the mapped Roles.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.