Analyst Portal
  • 17 Oct 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Analyst Portal

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Article summary

Analyst Portal serves as a user-friendly interface for ITAM Analysts to access and manage the End User's assigned assets efficiently. This dashboard serves as a central hub for managing and tracking the assigned assets effectively.

Let's explore Analyst Portal!

Figure: Analyst Portal

View Analyst Portal

To view the Analyst Portal, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Asset Management and select the Role as ITAM Analyst. Click Proceed.
    The Analyst Portal page is displayed.


The Analyst Portal provides key insights and tasks to help analysts manage assets efficiently. Below are the detailed insights and descriptions:

Data Insights

This grid provides a summary of numerical data related to various asset types and contracts which offers a quick overview of key metrics.

Figure: Data Insights

Analyst Tasks

Monitor and address key actions, such as maintenance, warranty expirations, and contract renewals, to ensure seamless operations.

Figure: Analyst Tasks

  • Pending Maintenance:

    Tasks related to upcoming or overdue maintenance of assets that need attention.

  • Warranty Expiry < 15 Days:

    This alerts the user about warranties that are set to expire in less than 15 days, allowing time for renewals or replacements.

  • Allocation In Last 5 Days - FI:

    Indicates the number of fixed assets allocated within the last 5 days, providing insight into recent asset distribution and usage.

  • License Added >5 Days:

    Shows licenses that were added more than 5 days ago, tracking updates or delays in software asset management.

  • Contract Renewal < 30 Days:

    Highlights contracts that are due for renewal within the next 30 days, prompting timely reviews and actions.

Figure: Analyst Tasks - Pie chart representation

  • Fixed Asset by Make:

    Displays the distribution of fixed assets based on their manufacturers. This helps in understanding the preference for certain brands or makes.

  • Accessories by Customer:

    Provides insight into which customers are utilizing accessories, aiding in customer asset management strategy.

  • Consumables by Customer:

    Shows consumable usage by customer, assisting in inventory planning and customer support.

  • Software by Customer:

    Illustrates the allocation of software licenses to different customers, useful for license management.

  • Contracts by Category:

    Organizes contracts into categories, facilitating quick understanding of contract types and their prevalence.


This segment covers all the data specific to Fixed asset type. Let’s explore each segment in detail!

Figure: Analyst Portal - Fixed

  1. Pending Under Reconciliation: Shows multiple entries representing different groups of assets awaiting reconciliation.

  2. Assets By Status: Percentages and numbers for each status is displayed.

  3. Assets by Make: Displays assets categorized by their manufacturer or model.

  4. Assets By Allocation Acceptance Status: Shows assets categorized by acceptance status such as Accepted, Pending Acceptance, and others.

  5. Variance by Model: Provides information on asset discrepancies based on the model.


This segment covers all the data specific to Accessories asset type. Let’s explore each segment in detail!

Figure: Analyst Portal - Accessories

  1. Pending Under Reconciliation: Displays counts of accessories awaiting reconciliation.

  2. Accessories by Status: Shows accessory allocation statuses like Allocated, Allocation Rejected, and Deallocated.

  3. Accessories by Allocation Type: Categorizes accessories by their allocation or deallocation, showing status counts like Allocate and Deallocate.


This segment covers all the data specific to Consumables asset type. Let’s explore each segment in detail!

Figure: Analyst Portal - Consumables

  1. Consumables Allocated This Month: Displays the number of consumables allocated this month.

  2. Consumables Deactivated This Month: Shows the number of consumables deactivated this month.

  3. Pending User Acceptance: Indicates the number of consumables awaiting user acceptance.

  4. Pending Under Reconciliation: Represents consumables awaiting reconciliation.

  5. Consumables by Status: Displays allocation statuses like Allocate, Deallocated, and Allocation Rejected.

  6. Consumables by Allocation Type: Breaks down consumable allocation and deallocation numbers.


This segment covers all the data specific to Software asset type. Let’s explore each segment in detail!

Figure: Analyst Portal - Software

  1. Software Licenses Allocated in Last 5 Days: Shows the number of software licenses allocated in the last five days.

  2. Pending User Acceptance: Displays software licenses awaiting user acceptance.

  3. License Deactivated This Month: Represents software licenses deactivated this month.

  4. Software License by Status: Highlights license statuses like Allocate, Allocated, and Allocation Rejected.

  5. Software Allocation by License Type: Breaks down licenses by types: Client Provided, Open License, and Subscription.

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