- 21 Aug 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Application Deployment
- Updated on 21 Aug 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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This section explains the list of manual steps for Apex v6.1.0.1 setup.
The prerequisites to install Apex v6.1.0.1 are as follows:
- DNS for Apex v6.1.0.1 - [customer application URL]
- IIS must be installed on the application server
- Database (DB) must be up and running
- Binary must be ready
- Install Redis, RabbitMQ, Hashicorp Vault and Graylog
Download the Build Binaries
Perform the following steps to download the build binaries.
- Download the build binaries from the path. Copy and paste the path on any browser.
https://summitbuild.blob.core.windows.net/apex-v6101-hf01/v6101_HF_Application.zip - Copy the .zip file from the downloaded path and paste it into a drive after downloading.
- Extract the .zip file and provide access to the folder.
- To provide access to the build binaries navigate to the folder.
- Right-click on the Folder > Properties > Security tab and click Edit.
Figure: Edit permissions
- Select the local user account and provide Modify access.
Create Folders
Folders are created in a common location to download the binaries.
- Angular - The binaries for the front end are stored in the Angular folder.
- API - The microservices binaries are created as separate folders. Here all the binaries/dll (uploaded by the build and release team in the Blob) related to individual API will be hosted
- Configuration Changes - It will host five files and four batch scripts.
- RBMQ - The binaries that will be run as a service are stored in the Rabbit MQ folder. It will not be linked to IIS.
For more information on the contents of Configuration Changes, go to the information detailed below.
The folder contains the environment file and the web config file. Any changes that need to be done has to be updated in the environment file and the Updateconfigs batch script has to be run to update the changes.
Configuration Changes
The folder named Configuration Services contains 5 files and 4 batch scripts. The files are different for each instance. The values can be updated in the four folders listed below and the batch scripts are run to update it.
- Angular - This folder contains an environment.js and the web config file. The environment file needs to be changed and the batch script run, so that whatever changes were updated in the environment file will get updated in the Angular binary.
- CAPI (Configuration API) - This folder contains the appsettings.production file. Here we need to update the value of Database, Rabbit Mq, & AllowOrigin and run the batch script so that it gets updated.
- Master - This folder contains the appsettings.production file.
- RBMQ - This folder contains the appsettings.production file.
- Report - This folder contains the appsettings.production file.
There are four batch scripts in the Configurationchanges folder.
- Servicecreation - The batch script is run to create a window service.
- Start_service - The batch script is run to start a service.
- Stop_Delete_service - The batch script is run to stop a service. This will be applicable only for an upgrade.
- Updateconfigs - The batch script is run to update the changes made to any of the files.
The folder contains the file appsettings.production which can be used to update the values in the API and Angular. .
The folder contains the binaries for Rabbit MQ which will be run as a service and not linked to IIS. These binaries can be downloaded from the URL that the build and release team will share.
1. Login to RabbitMQ site.
2. Create a Virtual Host.
3. Create a User.
4. Provide access of the Virtual Host to the User.
Upload File
This folder will be utilized for any files that are getting uploaded.