Auto Complete
  • 24 May 2024
  • 11 Minutes to read
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Auto Complete

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Article summary

Auto Complete control shows suggestions based on the search text entered when a user inserts an alphabet or a number into the search field. Users can choose a suggestion to finish their entry swiftly and accurately or continue typing to narrow down the possibilities that are suggested. Select Auto Complete control from the Controls library, specify the settings, and take action!

Auto Complete control suggests options based on entered text for quick and accurate input. Single Choice control enables single selection, displayed in a dropdown, while Multi Choice allows multiple selections with checkboxes in a dropdown.

A glance at the Auto Complete control!

Figure: Auto Complete as seen by Application Designer

Figure: Auto Complete as seen by End User

Let's explore the following Use Case:

Use Case

User Persona: Application Designer

In a customer support ticketing system, representatives need swift access to customer information while creating or updating tickets. With autocomplete, they can start typing a customer's name, and the system suggests matching names, helping the representative find the correct customer record efficiently.

To achieve this, Sam can drag and drop the Auto Complete control on the form. He can configure options such as Properties, Advance, Validations, Appearance, Security, and Data Source

This ensures accurate and timely ticket creation or updates without the need to manually search through the entire customer database.

Configure Auto Complete

Auto Complete control can be dragged and dropped on the form canvas and configured as per the organizational needs. 

To configure Auto Complete control, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Form Designer > Design Form > Controls.
  2.  Expand Form Controls to locate the Auto Complete control.
  3. Drag and drop Auto Complete control on the design canvas. Hover over the added control to access the Settings and Delete icon.
    The Auto Complete control is displayed:Figure: Auto Complete Settings

  4.  Click Settings to configure the Auto Complete control.

On the Settings pop-up window, the following tabs can be configured:


Below are the 'General Properties' for the long text control, followed by specific details about each field.

Figure: Properties

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Properties section: 



Specify a unique name for the Auto Complete control. This name identifies the Auto Complete control in the form.
For example, Names, States etc.


Specify the text which you want to display just beneath the Title. You may use it to describe the purpose of the control or the way it should be used.

Help Text
Provide a help text that gives the end users guidance on how to fill out the field correctly.
For example, "Type here to find relevant choices", "Type to search and select from available options" etc.

Rich Text

Select it to enable the help text as a rich text format. It allows formatting like bold, italicized, color to the text, etc. for the help text. 

Figure: Rich Text


Add a Tooltip that is displayed when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the long text field.


This section contains the list of features that define Advance configurations properties such as Include as Filter, Include as a column in grid view, Is Clickable, and Show Clear Icon.

Figure: Advance

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Advance section: 


Include as Filter

If this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control is available as a filter option on the Form Designer list page of the application.

Include as a column in grid view

If this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control will be available as a column in the grid view.

Is Clickable
If this toggle button is enabled, then the respective control will be clickable.

Show Clear Icon

If this toggle button is enabled, then a cross mark (x) is displayed against all the drop-down values selected from the respective control using which the user can clear the individual value.


Validations ensure that the data entered into the field meets specific criteria or requirements. Application Designer can add pre-built validations to save time and effort by ensuring data accuracy and completeness without the need for custom rules. These offer a standardized method of data validation across forms, reducing errors and improving data reliability.  

Figure: Validations

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Validations section:

Select the desired tenant from the drop-down for which the long text control validations are to be applied. The validations added for a specific tenant will always precede common validations.

Auto Complete should be

Select the Mandatory from the drop-down to make the control a mandatory control. It ensures that this field must be filled out before submitting the form.
Select the Hidden from the drop-down to hide the control. It ensures that this field must be hidden if it contains any personal information.
Select the Disabled from the drop-down to make the control a disabled control. It makes the control read-only and prevents any changes or inputs.
Specific Characters
Select Specific characters such as alphabets, Numeric, Decimals, and Special Characters.
Less than
Select the less than from the drop-down to set a limit for characters in Long Text.
More than
Select the more than from the drop-down to set an upper limit for the characters in Long Text.
Select Unique from the dropdown to make the control a unique field for specific tenants.
Allow Characters
Select the allowed characters from the drop-down to allow special characters and symbols in Long Text.
Below Conditions Meet
Select this option if you want the validations on the control to be triggered based on a specific condition(s).
Figure: Conditions

Configure the conditions using the following fields:

Field: Choose the field from the dropdown list to which the condition applies.

Operator: Select the appropriate operator from the dropdown list, which varies based on the selected field type.

  • Use  icon to add more conditions.
  • Use  icon to delete conditions.

Value: Define the value for the chosen field, determining when the condition should be triggered. For non-referenced fields like short and long text, enter the value in a text box. For referenced fields such as single choice and tree control, select the value from the respective field type.
Figure: Below Conditions Meet

Every Time

Select Every Time if you want to display this control always without any specific conditions.
Figure: Every time


This tab helps you to customize the Auto Complete control's appearance through appearance properties, enhancing user experience and reinforcing brand identity.

Figure: Appearance 

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:


Font Type

Select the desired font from the drop-down menu to customize the Long Text control.

Font Color

Select a font color from the color palette to enhance the visibility and aesthetics of the Long Text control.

Font Size

Select the desired font size to your preference for better readability and presentation for the Long Text control.

Font Style 

Select either Bold, underlined, or Italic font style to emphasize specific text within the Long Text control.

Minimum Height
Specify the minimum height of the Long Text control to ensure consistent layout and spacing across the form. 


The Security tab ensures data security and privacy by applying restricted access or encryption to sensitive field data, ensuring that only users with authorized roles can access or modify it.

Figure: Security

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Security section:


Restrict field access

Enable this option to ensure that designated roles possess exclusive viewing or editing privileges for the content within the Long Text control, thereby restricting access to authorized users only.

For example: In a financial management system, only designated financial analysts or managers should have access to view or edit sensitive financial data entered in long text control.


Enable this option to ensure sensitive information remains secure and confidential by making it unreadable without the appropriate decryption key. 

For example: In a financial management system, sensitive information such as bank account details can be encrypted and only personnel with a decryption key can access the information.

For more details about Security, see Form Security.

Data Source

The Date Source section allows users to specify the data origin for radio control, enabling the selection of predefined options or dynamically populated choices from external sources. 

Using this option, you can define from where the Data Source should populate for the control. A few available options are:


A method of defining data directly within the form design interface without relying on external sources. Form designers manually input and manage the options for choice controls or other form elements, providing flexibility and control over the available selections. Use this options when the label count is around 1 to 10. Based on the option selected by the user, the fields will populate on the Data Source tab.

Let us see how to configure Manual Data Source for Auto Complete controls! Refer to the screenshot below.

Figure: Data Source

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Manual section:


Data Source

Select the type of source. Here Table is selected from the drop-down list.
Figure: Data Source


Select the Parent from the drop-down list. Refer to Manual Data source for more details about Parent control.

Is Parent Encrypted
If this toggle button is enabled, the Parent field value is encrypted at the database level to maintain security.
Select the layer from the drop-down list. Here, Asset Management is selected as the Layer.
Figure: Layer
Select the module from the drop-down list. Here, Maintenance and Planning is selected from module list.
Figure: Module
Select the specific table from the drop-down list. Here Preventive Maintenance is selected from the module list.
Figure: Table

Label Column

Type in the option label in the Label Column field. It refers to the name of a data source value as it appears to users on the interface. Here Asset ID is selected from the drop-down list.

Figure: Label Column

Filter Column 
Specify the column name to apply the filter from the drop-down list.
Filter Records
Specify the field, value and operator to filter the records.

Click it to delete the filter set.

Click it to add more filter sets.


A table data source refers to a structured collection of data stored in database. This source allows form designers to populate data from the Platform layer or Application or Module layer tables. Use this option when the label count is more than 10. For example – 50 to 100. This section contains the fields and their descriptions available under the Data Source for Table type.Figure: Table

See the Field Description for more details.

Field Description 



Data Source

Select the type of source. Here Table is selected from the drop-down list.
Figure: Data Source
ParentSelect the Parent from the drop-down list. Refer to Manual Data source for more details about Parent control.

Is Parent Encrypted?

If this toggle button is enabled, the Parent field value is encrypted at the database level to maintain security.

LayerSelect the layer from the drop-down list. Here Asset Management is selected as the Layer.
Figure: Layer

When the layer is selected as Platform, all the Platform layer tables will be available in the drop-down list. 
Figure: Layer - Platform
When the layer is selected as any application, it displays list of available modules under that application. You can select the required module from the Module drop-down. It displays the list of all tables available under that selected module. 
Figure: Layer - Asset Management


This option will be available only if Layer is selected as any application such as Service Management, Asset Management. 
Figure: Module Options
TableSelect the required table from the drop-down list. The Table drop-down displays the list of all tables available for the selected Application from Layer drop-down and selected module at Module drop-down.
Example: For Layer selected as Service Management, Module selected as Incident, the Table drop-down displays the list of all the tables available under Incident module of Service Management application.

Figure: Table

Label Column

Type in the option label in the Label Column field. It refers to the name of a data source value as it appears to users on the interface. Here Asset ID is selected from the drop-down list.

Figure: Label Column

Filter ColumnSpecify the column name to apply the filter from the drop-down list.

Filter Records

Specify the field, value and operator to filter the records. Figure: Filter Records

You can add Dynamic filter under Operator. A sample screenshot is shown below:Figure: Filter Record - Dynamic Operator

Example: If you select the Field as Asset Owner, Operator as Dynamic, and Value as Logged in User, Asset Owner, it will filter the records with the fixed assets allocated to the logged-in user as an Asset Owner.

Dot walking concept is supported for the Field. 

Figure: Filter Record - Dot Walking

Example: If you select the Field as Asset Owner.Location, Operator as Dynamic, and Value as Logged in User, Asset Owner, it will filter the records with the fixed assets allocated to the logged-in user as an Asset Owner for a specific location.

Click it to delete the filter set.

Click it to add more filter sets.


When configured as a data source, it provides controls with the ability to fetch and populate choices with data retrieved in real time from the external system. This section contains the fields and their descriptions available under the Data Source for API type.
Figure: API

See the Field Description for more details. 

Field Description 



Data Source

Select the type of source. Here API is selected from the drop-down list.
ParentSelect the Parent from the drop-down list. Refer to Manual Data source for more details about Parent control.

Is Parent Encrypted?

If this toggle button is enabled, the Parent field value is encrypted at the database level to maintain security. Example: If Parent field is SSN of a citizen and it needs to be secured at database level, enable Is Parent Encrypted button.

This field is visible only if Data Source is selected as API.
Select the origin for the API request. Available options are as follows:
Same Origin - Select it if the API request is from same origin.
Cross Origin - Select it if the API request is from different origin.
For Example:
Scenario I
Origin I =
Origin 2=
In this case, Origin I and Origin 2 are same Origin.
Scenario II
Origin I =
Origin II =
In this case, Origin 1 and Origin 2 are cross Origin.


Select the type of the API. Available options are as follows:
Get - Select it to fetch data from a specified resource.
Post - Select it to send data to update a resource.
AddressSpecify the API URL. 


Select the Parameters from the drop-down list. 

Label Field
Label is the text that appears to the user for that choice. Use short phrases in your choice lists.
Value Field
Value is a string that is stored in the variable when that choice is selected.

Filter Records

Specify the field, value and operator to filter the records. Figure: Filter Records

Click it to delete the filter set.

Click it to add more filter sets.

Click Save to save the configurations. Configurations get saved, window closes, and control moves back to design canvas. If you want to cancel the configuration, click Cancel.

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