Change History and Versioning
  • 14 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Change History and Versioning

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Article summary

Prior to viewing details about Change History of SLA Value, configure at least one SLA Value. For more information, refer SLA Value.

On the list all the SLA Values are displayed. Upon selecting a SLA Value you will be redirected to it’s configuration where you will view the Change History and Version. For more information, navigate to the following:

Change History

Upon performing any changes on the configured SLA Value, the details of the change is recorded in the Change History of that particular configured SLA Value. It Specifies the action such as if it was Added or Updated. This is represented as a clickable hyperlink that navigates to properties pop-up window that display the details of change on the properties.

To view the Change History on the SLA Value, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Designers > SLA Designer > SLA Value.
    SLA Type List page is displayed.

  2. Select SLA Type and Rule.

  3. Configured SLA values are displayed.

  4. Click ID hyperlink on the List page to view it’s configuration.

    Figure: SLA Value List

  5. Configured SLA Value is displayed.

  6. Click Change History icon to view the changes made on this particular SLA Type.

    Figure: SLA Type Configuration

  7. History Pop-up window is displayed.

    Figure: History


    The latest change Date is displayed first with expanded date accordion, while the other following remain collapsed.

    Newly added SLA Value is displayed on the Change History as Added.

  8. Click Modified action hyperlink in the Change History.

  9. History properties screen is displayed with the change in properties.
    Figure: History Properties

    For more information on list headers, refer to the following table:

    List Column Header



    Display the field name on which the change was made.
    Example: If you have made changes on Description field, then it will display the same.

    Old Value

    Display the previous value, that is the value before making changes to the SLA Type Configuration. If no value was there then it will display null value.

    New Value

    Display the new updated value on the field.

    Updated By

    Mentions the name of the user who edited the field value.

    Updated Time

    Display the time the change or edit was made by the user.

    Simple Filters is applied to view the filtered results. For more information, refer Simple Filters.


For every change made on the configuration, it is logged as a new version with the version number on the SLA Value Configuration screen.

To view the Versions, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Designers > SLA Designer > SLA Value.
    SLA Type List page is displayed.

  2. Click ID hyperlink on the List page to view it’s configuration.
    Figure: List page

  3. Configured SLA Value is displayed.

  4. Click Version dropdown, this is represented with v<Version_Number>.
    Example: v1, v2, etc..

    Figure: SLA Type Configuration Version


    Version in blue color is the current version.

  5. Select the Version you want to change.
    Example: v2

  6. Click Yes or No on the confirmation message.

    Figure: Confirmation Message

  7. Selected version is applied on the configuration screen.

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