Call API
  • 13 Feb 2025
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Call API

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Article summary

This is the fourth action of the Custom Scheduler. This action allows us to send or retrieve data to/from a third party to create or update records.  

Use Case
User Persona: Analyst
A client company has two service providers who provide support for their services. NovaTech is the one of the service providers of the client. The employees of the company create tickets on the platform of the other service provider. NovaTech is faced with the task of migrating the information on to their platform so that these tickets can be resolved by their support staff.  To achieve this, Sam configures the scheduler with the Call API functionality. The scheduler is set to run every five minutes and capture and fetch the data onto NovaTech platform. The Call API functionality is configured to retrieve the data from the other platform and create records on NovaTech platform.  

Figure: Call API

Configure Call API

The Call API function can be configured by defining Action Type, API, Response, and Column Mapping. For more information, refer to the field description table below.


Action Type 

Action Type*Select from the drop-down menu the Action Type to be specified. For example, Inbound or Outbound.
Inbound: Get data from any third-party API
Outbound: Post data to any third-party API 
Target Action* (When Action Type is set as Inbound)Select the action that needs to be done with the data received. For example, Create Record, Update Record. For example, create a new record or update existing record based on unique ID. 
API* Specify the API based on the Action Type selected. 
Process Type* (When Action Type is set as Inbound) Choose the process type in which the data has to be imported or exported. For example, Bulk Request or Sequential Request. 
Data Discovery Action*
(only for Asset Management)
A multi-select dropdown for Variance Configuration in Asset Management. 
Variance identifies the difference found between the data uploaded manually to that of data discovered for the Asset. For more information refer to the screen below.

Get API Request

Click the option to select the parameters required to access the API. This is done while configuring the API and the parameters set in the body of the API Configuration. It will be displayed in the Request Body.

Send Request

Click the option to send a request to the third party to test whether the parameters selected in the API is working as expected. 
Configure ColumnsWhen the Action Type is selected as Inbound, the Target Action is selected as Update Record and Process Type is chosen as Sequential Request, the condition section will be displayed. For more information, refer to the screenshot below.

When the conditions specified is met, the column mapping takes place as shown below.
Add Filter SetSpecify the conditions based on which the API will update the data by providing the conditions in this area.
  • If the Process Type is selected as Bulk Request, then the condition section will not be applicable. 
  • If the Target Action is chosen as Update Record, then the condition section will be applicable. 
FieldChoose from the drop-down menu the list of fields on which the condition has to be applied. We can select the field of the table on which the scheduler is configured, or the API called.
Select Source - Select the source table of the field on which the condition has to be applied.
Search Column - Choose the column from the source table selected on which the condition has to be applied.
All the fields related to the main form and pop over form are available for selection. 
OperatorChoose the operator to meet the stipulated condition in value. The operator would vary depending on the type of values selected in the Field. For example, is not, is one of etc.
ValueSpecify the value to which the field value must be compared. 

URL Params

These parameters are defined to provide additional data to the server. URL params are defined to specify the data that needs to be retrieved. This option is visible when the Action Type is selected as Inbound.
To dynamically update the parameters using URL, the defined parameters are displayed when we click Get API Request. Type the required parameters by prefixing the '$' sign. For more information, refer the image above.

Request Body

The request body is displayed as per the API Configuration. We can use Get API Request to view the request body.
To dynamically update the parameters using the Request body, type the required parameters by prefixing the '$' sign. For more information, refer the image below.


Display TypeChoose the Response to be in the available Display Type. For example, Text or JSON.

Column Mapping

This is option to map columns for the selected table. This option is visible when the Action Type is selected as Inbound.
Column (of Table selected)Here we are mapping the columns of our internal table to the columns of the data received from the third party. This allows us to map the columns of the selected table to the columns of the API data.
The left column will contain fields in the internal table selected in the General section. The middle column will contain the columns from the API, where details are available as a dropdown to be matched with the columns of the internal table. 
The sub-form mapping icon will be enabled for the field that is mapped as a group in the sub-form related to a particular table. 
Parameter (of the API selected)Choose the parameter from the dropdown menu of the selected API
A custom dropdown called Custom Value has been introduced for the dropdown value of API Key.

Upon selecting the value, a window for Add Parameter is displayed below where we can enter a custom value by adding an '&' symbol.

The '&' displays a list of field suggestions which is a response of the API selected.

Do activate the Unique Switch based on the column that needs to be considered as a unique ID. 
The unique switch is not applicable when Target Action is selected as Update Record or when Process Type is selected as Sequential Request.

Value MappingValue mapping is only available for referenced fields like drop-down, auto complete, tree view etc. Mapping can be done on the values based on source and target fields.
Automap - This is the process of transforming or translating data from one set of values to another according to a predefined logic. Click the Auto Map button under Map Values to automatically map the same values of source and destination.

For any referenced field like drop-down, auto-complete, tree view, if some value is not mapped in value mapping, then a default value is to be present which can be used. 

For any reference field like dropdown, auto-complete, tree view, field mapping is to be followed by value mapping. Once the columns of the parent table are mapped with the API Columns, the reference field values will also be mapped. 

  • Field Mapping = Department to Tenant 
  • Value Mapping = IT to Information Technology or HR to Facilities

Sub Form Mapping This field is only available when there are subforms mapped to the table on which the Scheduler is being created. Here the subform related attributes can be mapped to the columns of the data received from the API.  (Automap feature) 

Dynamic URL

Configuring a scheduler for a dynamic URL in an API call action typically involves setting up a scheduled task or job that triggers an API request at predefined intervals or conditions. The dynamic URL in this context adapts based on parameters or environmental variables, ensuring flexibility.

1. Navigate to Design Studio > Module > Scheduler. 

2. Click New

3. Enter the required values in the General step. 

4. Navigate to Frequency and set the desired frequencies. 

5. Navigate to the Condition and enter details as given below.

Figure: Condition

6. Navigate to Actions > Call API. Enter the required details as given below. 

Figure: Call API

7. Click Send Request and the following Response is generated and can be viewed as given below.

Figure: Response

8. The URL Params tab can be used to specify the ID and its source. This ID is the one that is added in API Configuration.

Figure: URL Params

The ID configured in the API Configuration is displayed. While the Scheduler gets executed, it will replace the ID provided in condition step with the values given. 

9. Navigate to the next step and click Publish


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