- 30 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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- Updated on 30 Dec 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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In notification templates, hyperlinks can be included to provide clickable links within the notification content. Hyperlinks allow users to easily navigate to specific web pages or perform actions by clicking on the link.
This is to let the recipient to navigate to the record that triggered the notification, provide approvals or rejections, and provide feedback.
Hyperlinks and Notification Language functionality for MSP Customer
In Managed Service Providers (MSPs) the Hyperlink Address URL will be different based on the Customer’s Application URL. To configure Customer Application URL, refer Customer.
Similarly, User details display the Customer that is configured for.
Now, while sending notifications from Business Rule Designer, Scheduler, or Workflow Designer. There is a particular recipient is selected which can be User, Workgroup etc.
If a Workgroup has 3 users mapped to different customers, then these users receive individual automated notification emails that contain configured Hyperlink in the template. As the user clicks on the Hyperlink they are navigated to the Base URL that is configured in the Customer screen under Access Center in the Platform.
In the Appsetting key if "isBaseUrlByCustomer" is true then the use case scenarios are applicable. When Appsetting key "isBaseUrlByCustomer" is false the mail is triggered as previous.
Use-Case scenarios for the Templates that are configured with the same Language.
Use-Case scenarios for the Templates that are configured with different Languages.
Use-Case scenarios for the Templates configured with same Language and other conditions.
This Notification Designer feature is not applicable in Send Email form action.
Add Hyperlink
To add an Hyperlink on the Notification Designer, perform the following steps:
Select Hyperlink and click +Add New to configure a new clickable link on the Notification Template.
Figure: Hyperlink
Hyperlink configuration screen is displayed.
Figure: Add Hyperlink
Enter the required details in the appropriate fields.
URL Name
Enter URL name, this name is for the reusable element within any template.
Enable to have URL active on the Template.
Append to the base URL to make the whole URL. This is a read-only text field.
Enter Label name for the Hyperlink. This is a clickable text that would lead the user to the URL.
Select Form from the dropdown, these are the forms by which the Table is used by.
Sub Form
Select SubForm.
Popover Form
Select Popover Form, this to be used if the URL is led to a pop-up form.
Click Submit, to save changes to the hyperlink element that are only local to that notification canvas.
Figure: Added Hyperlink
Click Cancel, to close the pop-up without saving changes.
For the URL accessibility and its flow on the notification, refer to the following:
URL Functionality on Notification
A notification email can be triggered by a Business Rule, Workflow or Scheduler. At this time, the system will access the URL from the backend table that stores URLs for all the Domains and Sub-Domains combination.
If the table has no corresponding record for the email recipient’s domain and sub-domain combination, the Default URL from the config file will be used instead.
Algorithm that explains URL Generation at Runtime
The final URL that is included in the email is computed at runtime when the email is triggered by a Business Rule, Workflow or Scheduler.
First the URL address is determined from the backend table, based the domain & sub-domain of the recipient.
The record identifiers are extracted from the Business rule, Workflow or Scheduler that triggered the Notification.
This is added to the URL address.
Figure: URL Generation
The browser will first lead the user to the login page, if needed, before directing to the record.
The hyperlink may not work for any reason and in that case, the browser will lead the user to the default landing page.
To configure the add Hyperlink, perform the following steps:
Click on the vertical ellipsis and select Configure.
Figure: Hyperlink
Hyperlink configuration screen is displayed.
Figure: Configure Hyperlink
Make the required changes and click on the following action buttons to act on the configuration.
Action Button
Save As
Click Save As to create new Hyperlink this makes the current URL as a reusable element.
Upon performing this action, Hyperlink pop-up is displayed.
Enter URL name and click Save to create a new Hyperlink element.Figure: Save As
The URL is displayed in the left panel of the Notification designer, under the Hyperlinks, with the URL name as configured. This URL can be dragged and dropped onto the canvas.
Multiple Hyperlinks cannot be saved with the same name.
Click Cancel to exit the Save As action.
Click Submit to commit the change to the the notification template.
Hyperlink on Notification Email
When an email with configured URL is sent to the recipient, the user can click and open the required form as displayed in the following figure:
Figure: Email Notification with Hyperlink
Upon performing click action on the hyperlink, the configured Sub Form or Popover Form open on the browser as displayed below:
In the following example, Manage Incidents is Main Form which contain the following Incident Popover Form.
Figure: Popover Form configured as URL
To delete the configured Hyperlink, perform the following steps:
Click on the vertical ellipsis and select Delete.
Click Delete.
Figure: Delete Confirmation
To configure other email template elements, refer to the following: