Update Fields
    • 22 Oct 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Update Fields

    Article summary

    Update Field is the second action in the Custom Scheduler. Update field updates the values of one or more than one field automatically. Along with this, all the dependent fields would get updated automatically. This would streamline the process and avoid inconsistencies, manual errors or any delays.  

    Use Case
    User Persona: Analyst
    NovaTech Analyst has set a task to cancel all referred back Service Requests to callers which are more than 2 months old.  To achieve this, the Analyst would have to sit for hours to complete this task. So, Sam an Application Designer configures the scheduler to automate the process. He sets the following conditions in the scheduler. 
    • all SR's that have refer back.
    • created date is more than 2 months from current date. 
    In the update action he sets the status as cancelled. For cancellation, there are some dependent fields (cancellation reason, solution etc.). which gets auto populated. This action reflects across all the SRs matching the predefined condition.  This action removes any manual errors and avoids any inconsistencies due to dependent field validation. 

    Figure: Update Field

    Execute (One Time / Repeat)

    The Update Field can be configured by defining Update Action Type, Field, Operator and Value. For more information, refer the field description table below.

    Figure: Update Fields in Scheduler Action Type

    Field Description
    Update Action Type*Specify the action type to be set. For example, One Time or Repeat.
    One Time - The scheduler will update fields of a particular record one time.
    Repeat - The scheduler will update the field of a particular record at repeated intervals.
    FieldChoose from the drop-down menu the list of fields to be updated. The field selection is determined by the dependencies configured in the Form Designer.
    All the fields related to the main form and pop-over form are available for selection.
    Value Enter the value that will be updated when the scheduler executes. Dynamic values can be configured in the Update Field action. For more information refer to the image below. 
    If there are dependent fields configured in the Form Designer, it will auto-populate during configuration. For example, if the field value is 'status set to close', and a closure reason is configured in Form Designer, the closure reason will automatically get created.

    Figure: Update Fields

    If we have to update the value of a field with the value of another field (dynamic value), we use a $ value to replace the field values with the dynamic value. For more information refer to the image below.

    Figure: Update field

    If the field value is a mandatory field, then adding a static character is mandatory along with the $ field, as the dollar field selected can be blank field. For more information, refer to the image below.

    Figure: Values with static characters for mandatory fields


    The override values switch in front of each field helps to override the present values for the selected field.  


    The scheduler allows auto-population of dependent fields when a field is updated to a certain value depending on the dependencies configured in the Form Designer. For example: if the status is set to closed, the closure code and closure category are the dependent values that have to be filled in and will be auto populated. 

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