  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

From closure to clarity: Closure Codes in Change Management!

Closure Code refers to predefined codes assigned to a Change Request when it is closed. These codes are used to capture the reason for closure of the Change Request. The specific codes can vary depending on the organization and their change management processes.

Configuring closure codes results in better analysis, reporting, compliance, communication, and overall efficiency in handling Change Requests within the IT environment.

User Persona: Administrator

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case

User Persona: Administrator

ACME's Administrator, Fredrick, is facing a challenge for capturing and analyzing Change Request outcomes, making it difficult to track and report on the success or failure of implemented changes.
Fredrick can configure Closure Codes which are used while changing the status of the Change Request to closed. The Closure Codes will convey the reason behind closing the Change Request.

Following are some of the examples of Closure Codes:
  • Successful Implementation
  • Partially Successful Implementation
  • Withdrawn
  • Rejected
  • Duplicate
  • Out of Scope

Configure Closure Code

You can configure Closure Code for Change Requests to provide a structured and organized approach to manage, record, and analyze the closure.

To configure Closure Code, perform the following steps:

  1. Login with Admin access to the portal. 
  2. Navigate to Module > Select Change > Configurations > Change Masters > Closure Code. The Closure Code List page is displayed.
    Figure: Closure Code - list page
  3. Click New to configure a new Closure Code for a change request.
  4. The Closure Code ID screen is displayed, where you need to enter the details in different fields to configure the Closure Code.
    Figure: Closure Code ID screen
  5.  Enter the required details in the Closure Code ID screen as described in the following table.
Select the Department for which you want to configure Closure Code for Change Requests from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field.
Specify brief description about the Closure Code. This provides the necessary context to accurately apply the Closure Code and understand the implications of the change implementation.
Closure Code
Enter the name of the Closure Code. This name should be clear, concise, and to the point. This will help the change management teams in better reporting, analysis, and decision-making.
Sort Order
Select the sort order in which the Closure Codes are displayed or listed within the ITSM system when Analysts are selecting or viewing them.
Select the check box so that the configured Closure Code will be by default displayed for the selected Department.
Select the check box to make the Closure Code available on the other pages of the application.

5. Click Save to configure the new Closure Code. Click Reset to clear all the inputs in the Closure ID screen. If you do not want to save the details and configure the Closure Code, click Cancel.

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