Configure Department
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Configure Department

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Article summary

Departments within a Department Group serve a vital purpose for effective management and segmentation of data and configurations. Different Departments can function independently within the same Department Group. They provide the flexibility to experience the segregated configurations.

The following actions can be performed on a Department.

Create Department

Creating a Department involves selecting a Department Group to which the Department will belong and defining with a unique name. Every Department will be auto populated with a Department code. The configuration provides the feasibility of configuring Department at the global or local level. 

To create a new Department, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Platform Studio > Platform Topology > Department.
    The Department screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Department

  2. Select the required Domain and Sub Domain for which you configure a Department.
    The Department listing screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Department Listing Page

  3.  Click New to create a new Department.
    The Department configuration screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Add Department
  1. Enter the required details as described in the following table and click Submit.
    A confirmation message 'You have successfully created the Department' is displayed. Click GO TO LIST to navigate to Department listing page.

    Domain*Specify the domain name. The drop-down list shows all configured domains, including one global domain (appears with Global in parentheses to signify) and all local domains. If there is only one active configured domain, it should be loaded by default. By default, the drop-down field is automatically filled with the initial selection.
    Sub Domain*Specify the Sub Domain name, the drop-down list displays all configured sub domains based on the selected Domain. If there is only one active configured Sub Domain, it should be loaded by default. By default, the drop-down field is automatically filled with the initial selection.
    Department GroupMention the name of the Department group, this is drop-down field for selecting the group name from an existing list or create  a new group.
    A Department group allows to organize and manage multiple Departments. It serves as a higher level structure that can group or categorize related Department based on certain criteria.
    Expand to view the configuration screen

    Figure: Department Group

    Department Name*Enter the name of the Department, the name should be of an unique value. This unique name on the text field can contain alphanumeric values.
    Department Code*Enter a unique code that is assigned to the configuring Department.
    Department Description

    Enter in brief the exact purpose of the Department along with its detailed objectives.

    Figure: Tenant Description
    Sort OrderUse the arrows to set the sort order number for the configured Departments. The Departments are displayed on other screens according to their assigned sort order number.
    The sort order field accepts numerical values. If multiple departments are assigned the same order number, they are displayed in alphabetical order.
    ActiveThe Active switch enables you to activate or deactivate a Department. By default, the switch is enabled, indicating that the configured Department is active.
    DefaultSelect the Default switch to designate this Department as the default. By default, this Department will be visible for the configured Domain and Subdomain. You can only set one Department as the default.

    If a default Department is already configured, selecting another Department as the default will prompt a validation message: "There is already a default department configured (Department Name). Would you like to override the configuration?" Clicking "Yes" will designate the current Department as the default.

Edit Department

After configuring the Department, you can edit the Department configurations based on the requirements. This process involves updating the existing configured Departments.

To update a configured Department, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Platform Studio > Platform Topology > Department.
    A list of configured Departments is displayed.
    Figure: Department List Page

  2. Click ID hyperlink corresponding to the configured Department and edit the required details.
  1. Click Update to save the edited details.

    A confirmation message 'You have successfully updated the Department' is displayed. Click GO TO LIST to navigate to Department listing page.

Deactivate Department

To deactivate a configured Department, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Platform Studio > Platform Topology > Domain.
    A list of configured Department is displayed.

  2. Click ID hyperlink view the details of configured Department.
    The Department details screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Department Details
  1. Disable Active switch and click Update.
    A successful message 'You have successfully updated the Department' is displayed. Click GO TO LIST to navigate to Department listing page.

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