Configure Department Group
  • 11 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Configure Department Group

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Article summary

A Department Group is created for Departments which cater the purpose for the Departments to function independently within the same group efficiently. The Department Group provides a structured and efficient way to manage and organize multiple Departments, catering to their unique requirements while benefiting from the advantages of a grouped structure.

The following actions can be performed on a Department Group.

Create Department Group

Creating a Department Group involves selecting a unique Department Group name. It streamlines the management of multiple Departments, helping to categorize them based on common criteria, and ensuring that they benefit from a shared configuration that aligns with their specific needs and objectives.

To create a new Department Group, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Platform Studio > Platform Topology > Department.
    The Department screenshot is displayed.

  2. Select the required Domain and Sub Domain for which you configure a Department.
    The Department listing screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Department Listing Page

    A Department Group can be created either from an existing Department or while creating a new Department.
  3.  Click ID hyperlink corresponding to the configured Department.

  4.  Click from the Department Group field to view and add new Department Group.
    The list of configured Department Group is displayed.
    Figure: Department Group

  5.  Click +Add New to create a new Department Group.
    The Create Department Group screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Create Tenant Group
  1. Enter the required details as described in the following table and click Submit.
    A confirmation message 'You have successfully created the Department Group' is displayed. Click GO TO LIST to navigate to Department listing page.

    Department Group Name*Enter the unique name of the Department Group.
    An infrastructure Department Group that manages assets can contain multiple Departments such as  HR, Support, Operations, and more business units. 
    Department Group DescriptionEnter the brief description about the purpose for creating a Department Group. It ensure a clear understanding of its purpose and how to interact with it within the departments and the application. 
    Sort Order

    Use the arrows to set the sort order number for the configured Department Group. The Department Groups are displayed on other screens according to their assigned sort order number.

    The sort order field accepts values starting from 1, the Department Group is displayed alphabetically on the pages when two or more Department Groups are configured with the same sort order.


    Suppose there are two Tenant Groups named 'Motors' and 'NovaTech Operations' with the sort order value as 1 (for both the Department Groups). The 'Motors' Department Group will be placed first followed by the 'NovaTech Operations' across the application wherever the Department group field is applicable.
    ActiveThe Active switch enables you to activate or deactivate a Department Group. By default, the switch is enabled, indicating that the configured Department Group is active.
    Deactivating a Department Group automatically deactivates Departments associated with the Department Group.

Edit Department Group

After configuring the Department Group, you can edit the Department Group configurations based on the requirements. This process involves updating the existing configured Department Groups.

To edit a configured Department Group, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Settings > Platform Studio > Platform Topology > Department.
    A list of configured Departments is displayed.

  2. Click ID hyperlink corresponding to the configured Department and view the required Department Group details.
    The Department Details screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Department Details

  3. Click from the Department Group field to view already configured Department Group and clickthe pencil icon.
    The Edit Department Group screenshot is displayed.
    Figure: Edit Department Group

  4. Edit the required Department Group details and click Update.
    A successful message 'You have successfully updated the Department Group' is displayed.

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