Configure Source
  • 12 Aug 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Configure Source

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Article summary


The  Mailbox dropdown must display all the previously configured Mailboxes. If mailbox is not displayed, then it can be created from the same screen by clicking Create Mailbox.


Tool tip message is displayed as below:
Please select the mailbox to which the incoming mails should be received.

Figure: Configure Source

Create Mailbox

Upon performing click action on Create Mailbox, you will be navigated to mailbox configuration screen on a new  window. For more information, refer to Mailbox.

Figure: Mailbox Configuration

Upon selecting a Mailbox a subtitle is displayed as “To see the details of selected mailbox, click here”.
From the above message click here is an hyperlink that direct you to a new window with the configured mailbox.

Figure: Mailbox selection

As the Mailbox is selected from the dropdown, the following sections are displayed:

Mailbox Configuration

The Application Designer can allow or restrict parsing of mail if the mailbox is present in either Cc or Bcc with this option. By default, all the following options are selected but, “To” is mandatory and it cannot be disabled.

  • To

  • Cc

  • Bcc

Functionality of Mailbox in Notification Parser

Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Impact on Parser if the Mailbox is configured with To, Cc, and Bcc.
Scenario 2: Impact on Parser if the Mailbox is not configured with Cc or Bcc.

Scenario 1

  • In Mailbox configuration, if the recipient type To, Cc, Bcc is selected.

    Figure: Mailbox Configuration

  • In the Notification Parser, if Cc or Bcc is not selected. Then Parser will have higher precedence over mailbox. The mails will not be processed for parsing even though if mailbox is present in Cc and Bcc fields on mail.

    Figure: Notification Parser


In the Notification Parser's, Configure Source stepper, Mailbox Configuration section displays a subtitle as follows:

Configuration done here will have higher precedence over mailbox configuration. If the mailbox is present in the selected recipient type, it will be processed.

Scenario 2

  • In Mailbox Configuration Rules, the recipient type Cc is disabled and the selected folder to move mails is Inbox.

    Figure: Mailbox Configuration

  • In the Notification Parser the as you select the above configured Mailbox. By default, the Cc field is disabled and the selected folder is Inbox.

    Figure: Notification Parser Configuration

  • Due to Parser having higher precedence over mailbox the values can be changed in Parser Configuration.

If any one of Cc or Bcc can be disabled, or both can be disabled, then the system displays another field Folder, which will define the re-direction of mails to the selected Folder.


The system will override the mailbox configuration only for this parser.

However, the changes made at the child level (Mailbox Configuration) will not be reflected at the parent level (Notification Parser).

Figure: Parser Mailbox Configuration


The Folder field will display a subtitle as follows:

Please select the folder to which the mails should be moved if the recipient type is found to be CC/BCC

Select Folder from the dropdown list. The dropdown will display all the available Folders of the selected mailbox. This will be a mandatory field if either Cc or Bcc is disabled.

Figure: Mailbox Folder

A refresh iconis provided next to the dropdown. If the mouse is hovered over the refresh button the system will display the Last Updated Time. If clicked the system will check for any new folders within the mailbox and will be displayed in the dropdown.


The system will also display a success message as follows:
Connection established successfully! Folders are available

Figure: Mailbox Folder Refresh


The system will display an error message if the connection with mailbox is not established, and the dropdown list will not be updated with folders.

Action For Processed Emails

Action for Unprocessed Emails will have following fields such as:

  1. Action: Displays Delete and Move to Folder options.

  2. Folder: This field is displayed if Move to Folder is selected as a value in the Action field, as displayed below.

Figure: Action for Process Emails

Impact of Mailbox on Notification Parser’s Action for Processed Emails

Any changes made in the Action for Processed Mails in Notification Parser will have higher precedence over the Mailbox configurations.

Let’s consider the following example:

  1. If Delete is selected as Action for Process Mails on Mailbox Configuration.

    Figure: Mailbox Configuration

  2. If Move to Folder is selected on Notification Parser’s Action for Process Emails.

    Figure: Notification Parser

  3. Move to Folder Action will be executed by the parser, as the notification parser has higher precedence over Mailbox.


Action stepper has following values:

  • Delete

  • Move to Folder

Delete: If Delete is selected as the value, then the system will delete the processed mail. This will be the default option for Action for Processed Emails.

Figure: Action for Processed Emails


Move to Folder: If Move to Folder is selected, then the system will display Folder dropdown field. This field defines the folder in the mailbox, in order to move the processed mail.

Example: If you want to move the processed mail to Junk Email folder, then select the folder in the dropdown as displayed below:

Figure: Action for Processed Emails

A refresh iconis provided next to the dropdown. If the mouse is hovered over the refresh button the system will display the Last Updated Time. If clicked the system will check for any new folders within the mailbox and will be displayed in the dropdown.


The system will also display a success message as follows:
Connection established successfully! Folders are available

Figure: Action for Processed Emails


The system will display an error message if the connection with mailbox is not established, and the dropdown list will not be updated with folders.

Action for Unprocessed Emails

No changes can be made for Action for Unprocessed Emails. The configuration applied on Mailbox Configuration is displayed here.

Figure: Action for Unprocessed Emails

Impact of Mailbox on Notification Parser’s Action for Unprocessed Emails

The configuration applied on Mailbox Configuration is displayed here.

Example: Lets consider to move the unprocessed emails to drafts folder.

Figure: Mailbox Configuration

On the Notification Parser, if the above mailbox is selected then same rule applies that is unchanged.

Figure: Notification Parser

Restricted Mailbox

Enter the Mailbox name(s) that should be restricted. The system will not consider the mentioned mailboxes for parsing.

Figure: Restricted Mailbox

By default, all the configured mailboxes are auto populated in the Restricted Mailbox field. These mailboxes are  displayed as chips and can be removed from the textbox by clicking the “X” icon on the chip. Upon performing this action, an unrestrict validation message is displayed.

Figure: Unrestrict Mailbox

The message will be “You are unrestricting a mailbox on which parser rules are developed. This may lead to a Circular Loop of mails (i.e.) the sender and receiver of all mails will be a single mailbox. Do you still wish to continue?”

Click Yes, Unrestrict to unrestrict the mailbox or click No to exit from the pop-up message without unrestricting.

To restrict a mailbox again just click on the textbox and all the available mailboxes will be displayed in a dropdown for re-selection.

How the Restricted Mailbox works?

If a mailbox is restricted, then any incoming mails from those mailboxes will not be considered for parsing by the system. Since the mailbox can be linked to parser rules and if any incoming mails from the mailbox can trigger a parser rule and this may lead to a loop or circular reference of mails and parsing.

So, to avoid the loop the restriction of mailbox is introduced.

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