Create Record
  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Create Record

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Article summary


Once you have successfully set the Trigger and Conditions, you can set the Actions for the Business Rule. The first option we have while creating an action is to Create Record. Creating a record using a Business Rule is a common practice to automate the creation of records such as Incident to Work order, Incident to Problem, Incident to Change Record etc. 

Here are some key benefits of the Create Record Feature:  

  • Automation: Business rules automate the process of creating records based on predefined criteria. This automation reduces manual intervention, saving time and effort for employees who can focus on more strategic tasks.

  • Consistency: Business rules ensure consistent data entry and record creation. By defining rules, organizations can enforce standardized processes, reducing the risk of errors that often occur with manual data entry.

  • Efficiency: Automated record creation streamlines workflows and reduces processing time. This efficiency is especially crucial in high-volume environments, allowing organizations to handle large amounts of data without the need for extensive manual input.

  • Data Accuracy: Automated record creation minimizes the risk of data entry errors. Business rules can validate data before creating a record, ensuring that the information is accurate and complete.

  • Improved Decision-Making: By automating the process of creating records, organizations can gather comprehensive and reliable data for analysis. This data-driven approach enhances decision-making processes, allowing businesses to make informed choices based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case
User Persona: Application Designer
Rosy, an analyst wants to create an Incident to Work Order record request whenever there is an Incident related to ISP Issues or Internet Connectivity Issues that require the creation of a Work Order. 

The application Designer Sam can create a Business Rule which checks whether there are any keywords such as 'ISP Issue' or 'Internet Connectivity Issue' in the Description of the Incident. If this condition is matched, then using Form Relations, an Incident to Work Order record will be automatically generated every time there is an Incident related to Internet Connectivity or ISP Issue. Creating such a rule will automate the process of creating a Work Order and lead to a significant improvement in the reducing the time taken in handling both the Incident and Work Order.

To Create a Record using the above example, select the Option to Create Record and perform the following steps:

1. Log in to the Apex Platform > Design Studio > Select Module as Incident.

2. Navigate to Designers > Business Rule Designer > Select the Domain and Sub Domain prior to adding the Business Rule.

Business Rule Designer List Page is displayed. 

Figure: Business Rule List Page

3. Click New to create new business rule > Enter the mandatory details and click Next.
Add Business Rule page is displayed, requesting for input into the General properties tab.

4. Choose the Trigger Type as Created > Process Business Rule in After and then click Next.

Figure: Trigger Type

Here we are using the Created option as we want the rule to trigger only during the time of creation of an Incident. 

The After option is selected as we want the rule to process immediately after the Incident is created and don't want any other users to make any changes on the incident before the rule is executed.

5. In the Conditions Tab, choose to Run the rule Based on Condition > click Add Filter Set. 

Here we will define the condition based on which the business rule will trigger. 

Figure: Condition to create Incident to Work Order

Post adding the Condition click Next. 

6. Select whether you want to execute this action Every Time or First Time. 

Every time: If selected, a new record will be created every time the condition and trigger is met.
First time:  If selected, a new record will be created only first time when the condition and trigger is met.

Figure: Create Record

7. Select the Record to be created from the Dropdown. In this instance we are choosing the Incident to Work Order option. 

 Figure: Business Rule Select Record

8. Click the Preview Icon to view a summary of the Incident to Work Order Record attributes. 

  • The Preview will open in a new page, where you can view and edit the fields in the Form Relation Details Page.
  • The record fields we have created using Form Designer module will appear in the Select Record dropdown. 

To know more about how to create a Form Relation, click Configure Form Relationship

Figure: Incident to Work Order summary

9. Navigate back to the Business Rule Details Page and click Next. A summary of the Business Rule will be displayed where you can choose any one of the below options to Publish. 

Figure: Business Rule Summary

DesignedSelect Designed if you want to make any further changes before Publishing the Business Rule. 
PublishedSelect Published to publish the Business Rule for the selected Tenant.

10. Click Submit to update the changes. 

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