  • 07 Jan 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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The Approval iconon the top panel is a visual indicator that notifies about the approvals pending from the logged-in user. The number of pending Approvals is displayed as a badge on the Approval icon. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Approval icon

Approval icon is displayed in the top panel, only if the logged-in user has Approver access.

On clicking, all the pending approval actions to be taken are listed in different accordions as per the module. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Approval accordions

Click each accordion to expand it. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Approvals - expanded accordion

Click to view all the approvals day-wise in accordions along with the approval count per day. You can expand or collapse all the approvals by clicking Expand All or Collapse All on the top right corner of the approvals pop-up. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Expand / Collapse accordion

Each Approval accordion includes following details about the record:

  • Short code for the module. For example, INC for Incident, SR for Service Request, CR for Change, PR for Problem.
  • Record ID with hyperlink
  • Name of the Requestor
  • Photo of the Requestor
  • Time stamp: latest day approvals contain only the time. Previous days' approvals contain both date and time.

Click the ticket ID to go to the ticket details page and approve the ticket. As you approve the tickets, the respective count on the badge of decreases.

  • Those approvals which qualify for CR post implementation are a part of the Approval notifications.
  • Maximum of hundred approvals are displayed in the Approvals pop-up.
  • Approval icon is displayed in both web and mobile application for ITSM and ITAM app. 
  • When ITSM application is selected, then only ITSM approval notifications are displayed.
  • When ITAM application is selected, then only ITAM approval notifications are displayed.
  • If there’s an error preventing notifications from being sent to Outlook (Email), Mobile (SMS), or Teams, you won’t receive any notification for approvals in the top panel either.
  • SMS notifications will not be triggered if the user does not have a mobile number and country code updated in the application. They will also not receive notifications for approvals in the top panel. 


The notification iconon the top panel serves as an indicator of new updates, alerts, or messages that require the logged-in user's attention. The number of notifications received are displayed as a badge on theicon. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Notification icon

The notifications panel expands when you click. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Notifications

When you click, the notifications are displayed day-wise in accordions along with the notification count per day. When you click, accordions of the current and previous day notifications are expanded and all the other accordions with previous days notifications are collapsed. Click Expand All or Collapse All on the top right corner of the notifications pop-up to expand or collapse all the notifications. Refer the following figure:

Figure: Notifications accordion

Notifications appear in the top panel according to the priority of the channel:

  • First priority: Email (Notification displays the email subject in the notification accordion)
  • Second priority: SMS (Notification displays the SMS body in the notification accordion)
  • Third priority: MS Teams (Notification displays the notification template name in the notification accordion)

Refer the following figure that displays how the notifications appear as per the priority: 

Figure: Priority-wise notifications

Unread notifications have an indicator (vertical blue line) as shown in the following figure:

Figure: Unread notifications - indicator

Click on each panel to mark the notification as read. Once you click and read a notification, then the indicator is no longer visible. Refer the following figure which shows a notification that has been read and has no indicator:

Figure: Read notifications

As you read the notifications, the respective count on the badge ofdecreases. Each notification accordion includes following details about the record:

  • Short code for the module. For example, INC for Incident, SR for Service Request, Change for C
  • Record ID
  • Name of the Module
  • Subject of the notification
  • Time stamp: latest day notifications contain only the time. Previous days' notifications contain both date and time
  • The notifications are displayed as per the role of the logged-in user.
  • Maximum of hundred notifications are displayed in the Notifications pop-up.
  • Notification icon is displayed in both web and mobile application for ITSM and ITAM app.
  • All notifications from both ITSM and ITAM applications are displayed.
  • If there’s an error preventing notifications from being sent to Outlook (Email), Mobile (SMS), or Teams, you won’t receive any notifications in the top panel either.
  • SMS notifications will not be triggered if the user does not have a mobile number and country code updated in the application. They will also not receive notifications in the top panel.

To know more in detail about the dashboard and top panel icons, refer Dashboard.

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