Dashboard Menu
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Dashboard Menu

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Article summary


The title of the dashboard appears at the top of the page. You can customize the title of the dashboard with the various options available. 

The Title tab under the dashboard menu is displayed.
Figure: Title

Field Description

This table contains the list of items and their descriptions that are available under the Title Tab:


Specifies the title of the dashboard.


Check the box to make the title of the dashboard visible. 


Specifies the alignment of the dashboard title. You can choose to align the title either left or center.

Include Master Filter

Specifies if the master filter should be included on the dashboard title.


Allows you to display an image within the dashboard title.

  • Embedded - Allows to add the embedded image.
  • Linked - Allows to add a link to the image. 
  • None - This option is selected if there is no image added.

Allows you to see the preview of the dashboard title.


The currency tab allows you to add currency data to the dashboard. 

The Currency tab under the dashboard menu is displayed.

Figure: Currency 

You can specify the culture Use client system settings - Allows to use the system settings on the client machine. 


The parameters tab allows you to create and add the parameters to the dashboard. 

To create a parameter, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Dashboard Menu > Parameters > Add New Parameter.
    Figure: Add new parameter

  2.  On the following page enter the details of the parameter.
     Figure: Parameter details

The following table explains the fields available on the add parameter page: 

NameSpecify the name of the parameter to be added.
DescriptionSpecify a brief description of the parameter. 
VisibleSpecifies if the parameter should be visible or no
Allow NullSpecifies whether or a not null value can be passed as a parameter value.
Allow Multiselect

Specifies whether or not multi-selection is enabled for the current parameter.

TypeSpecifies the parameter type.
Default Value

Specifies the default parameter’s value.

Look-Up Settings

Specifies the parameter's look-up editor settings.
Figure: Look-up settings

  • No Look-Up - Allows you to specify the required parameter value manually.
  • Static List - Allows you to select a parameter value defined in a static list. To add predefined parameter values, use the + button.
  • Dynamic List - Allows you to select a parameter value defined in a data source. 

Color Scheme

The color scheme tab allows you to define the colors for the elements of the dashboard. 

For example: Within the dashboard, when showcasing ticket statuses like new, assigned, in progress, resolved, closed, and canceled, it's possible to assign distinct colors to each status for clarity.

To define the color scheme, perform the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Dashboard Menu > Color Scheme.
    Figure: Color scheme

  2.  Select the required field under Color Schemes to edit. The preexisting color scheme is displayed.
    Figure: Select color schemes

  3.  Click Add Color to edit the color options.
    Figure: Add color

  4.  Enter a name in the status and select a color by adding the RGBA value.
    Figure: Select color

  5.  After adding the RGBA value, click OK. The newly added status and the color are displayed.
    Figure: New color scheme
  6. If you want to remove the added color schemes, click on the delete icon next to the name.
    Figure: Delete color scheme

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