Data Widget
  • 25 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data Widget

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Article summary

Data widgets enable users to display the data in the form of tables and scorecards.

On the Service Portal screen, you can customize the real-time data sources, as well as manipulate, explore, and engage with datasets according to your preferences.

Types of Data Widgets

We can divide Data widgets based on different visual representations as shown below:

Data widgets (4)

The following table contains a brief description of Data widget types. 

SL NoName Definition


Numerical widget

Fetches data from the application and displays the data in numerical format.


Tabular widget

Creates tabular data representation from the data fetched from internal and external applications.

Widgets help the user to fetch data from internal and external applications. Internal widgets route the system to pages or screens within the application and external widgets route to pages or screens outside the application like SharePointHuman Resource Management System tool etc.

Refer to the table for more information about Numerical and Tabular widgets.

Having seen the capabilities of Data widgets, let us start customizing the following widgets!

Numeric widgetTabular widget

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