- 23 Oct 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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Define Form Characteristics
- Updated on 23 Oct 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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The primary purpose of the General tab is to configure the basic characteristics of a form to ensure that it aligns with the specific requirements. It is the first stepper of form designing. It allows you to configure the generic properties of the form such as Form Name, Domain, Sub Domain, Form Mode, Form Group, Form Type, Tenant, and so on.
Configure General Properties
Let's get started configuring General stepper. It consists of the following three sections:
Let's discuss each of the above sections in detail.
General Section
The General section allows you to configure the name, description, image, domain, sub domain, tags, sort order and department of the form.
Figure: General - General Section
The following table contains a brief description of General section fields.
Field Description
Field | Description |
General | |
Name* | Specify the unique name of the form. This name will be displayed to the user and will help them to quickly identify the purpose of the form. Example: The form named as Service Request Management depicts its purpose to handle Service Requests. |
Description | Specify the brief description about the form such as the purpose or usage of a form or any other additional information. It provides a concise explanation of form's objective, utilization or any supplementary information. |
Form Image | Click Upload File icon to select the required image which you want to display for your form, System displays the Resize Image pop up window.ScreenshotFigure: Resize Image
Domain* | A Domain is the highest level on the hierarchy. Specify the domain to which the form belongs to. For more information on Domain, click here. |
Sub Domain* | A Sub Domain is the second level on the hierarchy. Specify the Sub Domain to which the form belongs to. For more information on Domain, click here. |
Tags | Specify the relevant keywords in tags. Tags are the synonym to the form name which will make the search hassle-free and faster.Exampleif you have mentioned the form name as HR Case Management, then tags for this form can be HR, Human Resources, Managing Cases, Issues and so on. Screenshot![]() Edit a TagYou can edit an existing tag using Edit icon located adjacent to every tag in the auto tag list. Click on Edit icon and the following pop up is displayed. Make your changes and click update. The updated Tag will be available in auto tag list.![]() You can make the tag active or inactive using the Active toggle button. |
Sort Order | Specify the sequence number in which the form is displayed to the user. It allows the Application Designer to control the order in which a specific form should appear. |
Tenant | Select the Primary Tenant linked to the form, from the list of all Tenants mapped to the current module. After saving, the chosen Tenant will automatically appear in the next stepper Design Form. In this step, you can also publish the form to other mapped Tenants as desired. |
Form Type
The Form Type section allows you to configure the form type, form mode, form group, persona and form mode.
Figure: General - Form Type
The following table contains a brief description of Form Type section fields.
Field Description
Field | Description |
Type | Classify the forms based on their purpose or functionality as and admin or transaction form. Select the type of the form. Available options are as follows:
Persona | Form personas streamline the customization of the form interface to align with different user roles and needs, thereby improving the overall user experience. The role type specific access control to forms helps in securing sensitive data. Restriction of forms based on personas ensures a more secure and user-friendly display of records. The form will be accessible only to the users who are assigned roles from the selected role type from the Persona drop-down. Available options are as follows:
Form Group | Serves as a mechanism to organize and manage forms based on common characteristics, functions or purposes. Select the appropriate form group while creating a form from the drop-down based on the form type.
Mandatory Configuration | This option is visible, only if Form Type is selected as Admin Form. If selected, this form configuration is mandatory to proceed with module level process. |
Render Form As | This option is visible only if Form Type is selected as Transaction Form. Available options for Render Form As are as follows:
Form Mode* | Select the Form Mode. Available options are as follows:
Parent Form | This option is visible only if Form Type is selected as Sub Form or Popover Form under Render Form As. The drop-down list will display the parent forms for the selected Application and Module. Select the required parent form form the drop-down list. |
Group By | This option is visible only if Form Type is selected as Sub Form under Transaction Form. The drop-down list displays all the attributes with pre-defined values such as Dropdown, Auto Complete, Tree View from the selected Parent Form. |
Menu Item | This option is visible only if Form Type is selected as Sub Form under Transaction Form. The drop-down list displays all the main forms associated with selected Parent Form. |
Include Parent Form Details in Current Form | If selected, all the attributes of the parent form to the current selected sub form will be available. You can include additional attributes also. If not selected, all the attributes of the parent form to the current selected sub form will be not be available. You can include other attributes. ExampleThe Parent form New Incident for User have attributes such as Tenant, Category, Classification, Impact, Status.Now, while creating a sub form named Add User with New Incident for User as parent form and Include Parent Form Details in Current Form is selected, all of the New Incident for User attributes will be available for Add User sub form. |
Form Table
The Form Table section allows you to link a table to each form, as it is essential to link a form table to each form. This association can be established in the following three ways:
- Create a table
- Use Existing Table
- Extends from Existing Table
The following infographic depicts the functionality of above three options:
Figure: General - Form Table
The following table contains a brief description of Form Table section fields.
Field Description
Field | Description |
Create New table | This option generates a fresh table with columns corresponding the added fields during the Design Form step.ExampleThe My Incident form is required to capture the minimal details to raise an incident by End User with all new fields such as ID, Department, Requestor, Symptom, Description, Attachment, and Status. All of these fields have to be embedded from scratch on the canvas.In this scenario, the option Create New table can be used which allows you to start fresh and all of these fields will be saved in a new dynamic table named im_d_manage_incidents. |
Use Existing table | This option re-uses the fields from an existing table, along with any new fields added during the Design Form step. The new form will be created on the same table. This option is useful to immediately leverage the existing table when the form has similar data structure. ExampleThe Manage Incidents form is needed by an Analyst. This form will include all the initial information provided by the End User (ID, Department, Requestor, Symptom, Description, Attachment) while reporting an incident along with additional fields such as Priority, Impact, Workgroup, Analyst, SLA etc. aiding in incident resolution.To achieve it, select Use Existing table option, and then im_d_manage_incidents table can be selected from the available options, so that we can leverage (ID, Department, Requestor, Symptom, Description, Attachment) fields from this table and also the additional fields (Priority, Impact, Workgroup, Analyst, SLA) can be added into the same table im_d_manage_incidents table. This form will also be associated with im_d_manage_incidents table. |
Extends From Existing Table | This option creates a new table while linking it to an existing table. This option is useful when you need to use the existing table as an extension for the current table and both the forms have a common data structure. ExampleThe Workorder Master form is already created with fields such as ID, Name, Description, Category, Classification, Impact, Urgency and Priority. Now, there are other two forms which should capture the User Creation Workorder details such as (Workorder ID, Name, Description, Category, Classification, Impact, Urgency, Priority, User ID and Employee Name ) and Server Workorder details (ID, Name, Description, Category, Classification, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Server ID, Server Name and Server Model). In this scenario, the same table Workorder_Master can be extended to create new forms (User Creation Workorder and Server Workorder) to leverage the common repetitive fields (Workorder ID, Name, Description, Category, Classification, Impact, Urgency, Priority). The new tables User_Creation_Details and Server_Details will be linked to the already existing Workorder_Master table. |
Table Name | Table Name field varies as per the selected option for the Form Table. By default, the form name would be taken as Table Name, which can be modified later as per the requirement.
Enable Variance | Select it to capture the variance between the two data sources against one attribute.ExampleFor the Asset Management module the data can be uploaded manually or through discovery. If this field is enabled, it will identify the difference between the data uploaded manually to the data discovered for an Asset against a specific attribute. It captures the hardware and software variance details.For more information on Variance, click here. Note
An asterisk (*) represents mandatory field.