Workgroup Characteristics
  • 28 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Workgroup Characteristics

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Article summary

Configure a new Workgroup

Workgroup configuration is a 3-step process, where you must perform the following configurations:

  1.  General
  2.  Email Configuration
  3.  Publish

To configure a new Workgroup, perform the following steps:

  1.  Locate the settings icon at the right corner of the top panel and select Design Studio.
    Figure: Settings- Design Studio

  2.  Select the Application option from the left selection panel. Scroll down and click Workgroup.
    Figure: Workgroup - New

  3.  Select the desired Domain and Sub Domain from drop-down, to load the existing Workgroups list. Click New to configure a new Workgroup. 


Add all the initial general details required to configure a new Workgroup. Refer to the below snapshot for more clarity.

Figure: Add Workgroup- General

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the General segment:

Domain *Select the desired Domain from the drop-down.
Sub Domain *Select the desired Sub Domain from the drop-down.
Tenant *Select the desired Tenant from the drop-down.
Workgroup Name *Give a unique name for your workgroup in the text field.
Display nameEnter the alias name (name to be displayed at the user end) in the text field.
If no name is entered in this field, then the actual Workgroup Name is displayed.
DescriptionDescribe the workgroup in this text field.
Parent WorkgroupSelect the Parent Workgroup from the drop-down.
If any Parent Workgroup option is selected, the configured workgroup will act as the child of the selected Parent Workgroup.
Primary Owner *Select the desired Primary Owner for the workgroup.
Secondary Owner *Select the desired Secondary Owner for the workgroup.
Location *Select the desired Location from the drop-down.
Locations mapped to the Tenant are loaded automatically and the Workgroup will only be accessible in the chosen locations.
Sort OrderMention the desired order in which the Workgroups will be displayed to the consumer.
Master WorkgroupEnable the Master Workgroup checkbox to make the configured workgroup a master workgroup.
A user who has access to Master Workgroup can edit incidents of all the workgroups.
Default Enable the Default checkbox to set the configured workgroup as default.
There can only be one default workgroup for the selected Application, Domain, Sub Domain, and Tenant combination.
ActiveEnable/Disable the active checkbox as per requirement.
You can only add Analyst or assign tasks to active workgroups.

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