Define Key
  • 19 Aug 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Define Key

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Article summary

Mails are received in any format to address this, parser provides two parsing types. With the help of these parse types, the UDK is defined. For both the parse types, a table is displayed with the UDK logic, which is based on certain parameters for which the values are defined.

At least one Parsing Type must be selected. By default, the Define Keys tab is selected and this section consists of the following Parse Types:

Figure: Parse Content

The following icons provides details into the Parse Content stepper.



Click Info icon to view the help text.

Click Help icon to view the Sample Emails related to Parse Type. For more information, refer to the following attachment.

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Line Form

The Line parsing type is used to parse the mails received in a Line format. The system will parse the Line based mail to a record. Based on the configured UDK(User defined Keys).

The option of Line Delimiter is used through which you can direct the system to define a new line. The configuration will be defined for each Line and these configuration fields will be visible only when the parsing type is selected as Line.

  1. Line Delimiter

  2. Fields

Figure: Line Form

Line Delimiter

Is used to direct the system on how a new line should be considered. By default, a value is present in the textbox which must direct the system to consider the line as a new line. However, the designer can also define a delimiter which will be considered as a break point for a new line.

Example: Outlook is not working, due to a server issue.

If the Line Delimiter is , (comma) then the following is applicable:

  • Line 4: Outlook is not working

  • Line 5: Due to server issue


The parsing rules for the Line Form are:

  • Mail Content Type

  • Line

  • Parsing Rule

  • Parsing Logic

  • User Defined Keys

  • Occurrence

  • Preview

  • Mail Content Type

    The content types that are parsed from mail are as follows:

    • Subject: Select subject to parse the content from the subject of email.

    • From Email: Select From Email to parse the content from the email.

    • Body: Select Body to parse the content from the Body of the email.

    Figure: Mail Content Type

  • Line

    The Line number is displayed as a field. This column will be available if the parsing type is selected as Line Form.

    Enter the value of the Line, the system will consider the Lines from the Subject and Body of the Email. This will define the User Defined Key for a line, based on the Line number entered in the field.

    Figure: Line Form

  • Parsing Rule
    You can decide the criteria based on which the characters must be extracted from the email. The various criteria that can be defined as described below:

    Parsing Rule Options

    • Between preceding and succeeding characters
      The characters entered between the Preceding & Succeeding will be the value of UDK.

      Example: If you want to define value in ( ) brackets for any UDK, like for Category UDK in an Email this Parsing Rule can be used. Following are a few examples:

      Category: (Network)
      Category: (Hardware)

      Category: (Software)





    • Before Focus Character
      The Focus character will act as the Key Delimiter and any number of characters defined before the focus character will be defined as the value of UDK.

    • After Focus Character

      The Focus character will act as the Key Delimiter and any number of characters defined after the focus character will be defined as the value of UDK.

      Example for Before and After Focus Character:
      If you want to define the priority of an Incident in Email as UDK. Then : (colon) special character can be used as a focus character and providing number of characters. To consider priority a value like P1, P2, P3 and P4.
      Define as below:

      Focus Character

      No. of Character



      On Email it will be considered as defined.
      Priority: P1
      Priority: P2


      • If the characters are less than the defined Number of Characters in the mail then, the system will consider all characters as the value. This is applicable for both Before and After Focus Character.

      • Spaces are not considered in this logic.

    • Entire Email Thread in HTML

      Entire email thread in HTML format will be considered for Parsing. To view the email HTML code download the email and view in .txt file as displayed below:

    • Entire Email Thread in Plain Text
      Entire Email thread as plain text is considered for parsing. This will directly parse the text on email.

    • Entire Line
      Selecting Entire Line will consider the complete line as the value of UDK. Parse Logic is not applicable, it will be greyed out.

    • First Few Characters
      Upon selecting First Few Characters, these few characters are considered from Left to Right. It accepts only numeric value, based on the defined value the first few characters are considered.

      Let’s consider an example based on the above figure, according to the Parse Rule and Logic it must consider first 17 characters of Line number One. In the following figure, Module name can be applied for this Parse logic.

    • First Few characters of mail Body

      Selecting this will enable the system to parse content for the first few characters of mail body.

    • Last Few Characters
      Upon selecting Last Few Characters, these few characters are considered from Right to Left. It accepts only numeric value, based on the defined value the last few characters are considered.

      Let’s consider an example based on the above figure, according to the Parse Rule and Logic it must consider last 10 characters of Line number One. In the following figure, Status can be applied for this Parse logic.

    • Latest Email Thread in HTML

      Considers, the latest email thread in HTML and Parse Logic is not applicable, it will be greyed out.

    • Latest Email Thread in Plain Text
      Considers, the latest email thread as plain text and Parse Logic is not applicable, it will be greyed out.

    The options in the dropdown list vary based on the selected Mail Content Type. For more information, refer to the following table:



    From Email

    After Focus Character

    After Focus Character

    After Focus Character

    B/W Preceding & Succeeding Characters

    B/W preceding & succeeding characters

    B/W preceding & succeeding characters

    Before Focus Character

    Before Focus Character

    Before Focus Character

    Entire Line

    Entire Email Thread in HTML

    Entire Email Thread in HTML

    First Few Characters LTR (Left To Right).

    Entire Email Thread in Plain Text

    Entire Email Thread in Plain Text

    Last Few Characters RTL (Right To Left).

    Entire Line

    Entire Line

    First Few Characters LTR (Left To Right).

    First Few Characters LTR (Left To Right).

    First Few Characters of Mail Body

    First Few Characters of Mail Body

    Last Few Characters RTL (Right To Left).

    Last Few Characters RTL (Right To Left).

    Latest Email Thread in HTML

    Latest Email Thread in HTML

    Latest Email Thread in Plain Text

    Latest Email Thread in Plain Text

  • Parsing Logic

    Based on the criteria defined, the Parsing Logic controls will reflect dynamically as indicated below:


    All spaces and tabs that come in between the parsing logic will not be considered characters.

    Figure: Parsing Logic

  • User Defined Keys

    Enter UDK value, this value is a text field supporting up to 100 alphanumeric characters.


    Duplicate User Defined Key cannot be added.

    Figure: User Defined Keys

  • Occurrence
    Enter a numerical value in the Occurrence text field. This Column is displayed for Line and Free Form. A word can be used multiple times in a mail, for the system to parse content on the correct word in a line for the UDK, occurrence is used.

    Functionality of Occurrence

    When two similar words are mentioned in an email, Occurrence will help the system find the correct word as the UDK. For more information, refer to the following:

  • Preview

    The preview is displayed for the user to understand how the parsing logic works and what details will be considered for the User Defined Key.



Click Add icon to insert a field to define a key.

Click Delete icon to remove the defined key.

Free Form

Upon selecting Free Form, all the fields remain same as in Line Form, except Line Delimiter.

Figure: Free Form

An example for free form email is as follows:

Figure: Example email for Free Form

Click Next to navigate to the next stepper, or Cancel to exit from the configuration screen.

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