Search Box
  • 14 May 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Search Box

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Article summary

Search Box widget allows keyword search and retrieves results from any table or module based on your requirements. 

Let's explore the following Use Case for the Search Box widget!

Use Case

User persona: Administrator

Sandra wants to enable the functionality where she can search details on hardware records and the specifications of assets on a single dashboard without any navigation.
John can select Search Box, drag and drop it in the design canvas, and configure the properties of the tables from which the search results have to be displayed. This helps users find relevant results more quickly and reduce search errors, facilitating efficient asset management and retrieval of asset details at ITAM portal screens.

For details about the Use Case, refer to the graphics below:
Search box

Configure the Search Box widget

This section contains the list of steps using which Application Designer can select the Search Box widget in the Service Portal through the Design Portal screen.

To configure the Search Box widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Design Service Portal > Widgets > Search Box.Figure: Adding Search Box Widgets
  2. Customize the Service Portal by dragging the Search Box widget from the widget list screen.

  3. Click the Settings icon on widget container to view Properties pop-up.Figure: Modify the Search Box properties

You can view the following tabs on the Settings for this field:


This section details the watermark which appears in Properties tab. See the screenshots below for more details.

Figure: Search Box properties

You can define the Watermark for the Search Box using the text box. For example, here Watermark is defined as Search for Fixed, Accessories, Consumables or Software Assets.
Figure: Watermark
The screenshot of configured Search Box with watermark on the consumer screen appears as shown below:

Figure: Search box with watermark on consumer screen

Search Results

This section defines the Data Source from which the results can be fetched to configure the Search Results screen.
Figure: Search Results

Search Results can appear in the form of tabs to display specific results. For this purpose, steps to configure the tabs are given below. To know more about the field available under the Search Results, see the Field Description below. 

Field Description

Search Results

Click the pencil icon to edit the tab.Figure: Tab
The pop-up screen appears as shown below:
Figure: Edit Tab
Specify a Tab Name and select the icon. The screenshot of Tab with icon is displayed as shown below. For example, let's see how to configure the properties for the Fixed tab for Fixed Assets.
Figure:Tab details
See the screenshot for a configured tab named as Fixed under the consumer screen.

Click to add more tabs.
The pop-up screen appears as shown below:
Figure: Additional Tabs
Data Source
SourceSelect the type of source for Search Results from the drop-down list. Figure: Data Source type
If you select Internal as Source type, then you need to select Application, Module, Table and Search Columns to fetch the Search Results.

If you select External as the Source type, then it fetches the results from third-party app.
ApplicationSelect the Application from which the Search Results should be fetched from the drop-down list. Here Asset Management is selected as Application type.
Figure: Application
ModuleSelect the Module to fetch the Search Results. The Module appears based on the Application selection.
Figure: Module
TableSelect the Table from which data needs to be searched. The drop-down list for Table is populated based on Module selection. Figure: Table
Refer to screenshot where the table named Fixed is selected from the list.
Figure: Fixed as Table type
ScopeSelect the Field, Operator and Value by selecting the column from the field for defining the scope of search results.
Figure: Scope
Search ColumnsSpecify the fields to search for relevant data by selecting options from the Search Column drop-down list.
Figure: Search Columns
Here Asset Code and Serial Number are selected from the Search Column drop-down list for Fixed Assets.
Figure: Search Columns
The selected columns appear as shown below:
Figure: Columns

You can also use $ symbol to add the column. These columns will be replaced as values in search results.


Select the Field, Operator, and Value based on the filter conditions.
Figure: Add Filter Set
For more details about adding the filter set, see .Dynamic operators in Service Portal.

Search Display

Search Display
Display Columns Use the $ symbol to add the column in Display Column field value.
Figure: Display Columns
FormsSelect the Form from which data needs to be fetched. The drop-down list for Form is populated based on Module selection.
Figure: Forms
Open ModeSelect the type of Open Mode. It can be configured either to open the same browser that the user is currently using (Self Window) or can open in a completely new browser tab (New Tab).
Max Search ResultsSelect the count of maximum search results that should be displayed for Search Results.
Figure: Max Search Results

If you select Data Source as External, then the following fields appear as shown below. Here results are fetched from third party application.

Figure: External data source

For more about External Data Source, see the Field Description below.

Field Description

Data Source
SourceHere External is selected as Source Type. Refer to screenshot for more details.
Figure: Source
APISelect the appropriate API from the drop-down list to fetch the search results.
Figure: API type
If API type is selected as then Get Response and Test Now button appears   near the API drop-down list.
Get ResponseClick Get Response button to fetch data from third party application. This is stored in a temporary table.
Test NowPreview the data fetched by clicking the Test Now button.
Search ColumnsSpecify the fields to search for relevant data by selecting options from the Search Column drop-down list.
Figure: Search Columns

Under Scope, you can specify Field, Operator, and Value. Refer to the section for more details.

Under the Search Display column, you can select the columns to display, external URL, and specify the count of search results to be displayed. Refer to Search Display for more details.

Figure: Search Display

To know more about the fields available under the Search Display, see the Field Description below.

Field Description

Search Display
Display ColumnType the $ symbol to add the column in Display Column field value.
Figure: Display Columns
Form Enter URL that should appear after clicking the Search Results.
 Figure: Form
Maximum Search ResultsSelect the count of Maximum Search Results to be displayed for results.
Figure: Max Search Results


This section contains the list of features using which the Application Designercan select Text, Border, Background and Padding

The Appearance pop-up window appears as shown:

Figure: Appearance
The table below contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:

Field Description

Search Box
Text Type
Select the appropriate text type format for the widget from the drop-down list. The Text type can be changed for the widget if required.

Figure: Text Type

Text Color
Select the appropriate font color for the widget by selecting the color from the color palette.Figure: Text Color
Text Size
Select the appropriate font size by dragging the slider. Here text size is selected as 12.
Figure: Text Size
Text Style
Select the appropriate font style from the drop-down list. 
Text Style allows for the selection of one or more styles (bold, italics, and/or underlined) simultaneously.Figure: Text Style
BorderSelect the border style by selecting desired Border Type.
Figure: Border
Background ColorSelect the preferred background color for the search box. 
Search Body
BorderSelect the preferred border for the search body.
Background ColorSelect the background color for the search body field.
Tab Heading
Text TypeSelect the appropriate text type format for the widget from the drop-down list. The Text type can be changed for the widget if required.

Figure: Text Type

Text ColorSelect the appropriate font color for the widget by selecting the color from the color palette.Figure: Text Color
Text SizeSelect the appropriate font size by dragging the slider. Here text size is selected as 12.
Figure: Text Size
Text StyleSelect the appropriate font style from the drop-down list. 
Text Style allows for the selection of one or more styles (bold, italics, and/or underlined) simultaneously.Figure: Text Style
Highlight Text ColorSelect the preferred color to highlight the text color.
Result Text
Text TypeSelect the appropriate text type format for the widget from the drop-down list. The Text type can be changed for the widget if required.

Figure: Text Type

Text ColorSelect the appropriate font color for the widget by selecting the color from the color palette.Figure: Text Color
Text SizeSelect the appropriate font size by dragging the slider. Here text size is selected as 12.
Figure: Text Size
Text StyleSelect the appropriate font style from the drop-down list. 
Text Style allows for the selection of one or more styles (bold, italics, and/or underlined) simultaneously.Figure: Text Style
DimensionSelect the widget's height and width from the drop-down list. You can set the height in pixels (px) and the width in both percentage (%) and pixels (px). Using a percentage for width allows the widget to fill the container's width. Figure: Dimension

The configured Search Box widget appears as shown below.Figure: Search Box

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