Discovered Asset Summary
  • 23 Jan 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Discovered Asset Summary

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Article summary

The Discovered Asset Summary report provides a comprehensive overview of all assets identified within an organization. This report helps streamline inventory management, ensuring accuracy in tracking both hardware and software resources. By offering insights into asset allocation and utilization, it supports informed decision-making and enhances operational efficiency.

The Discovered Asset Summary report is displayed below.
Figure: Discovered Asset Summary

The following table explains the details available in the report table.

Scan SourceDisplays the source of the scan used to discover the asset.
Scan ProtocolDisplays the protocol of the scan used to discover the asset.
System TypeDisplays the system type of the discovered asset.
Logged In UserDisplays the logged in username for the discovered asset.
StatusDisplays the status of the discovered asset.
Allocated UsernameDisplays the name of the allocated user for the discovered asset.
System NameDisplays the name of the system for the discovered asset.
Model No.Displays the model number of the discovered asset.
Serial No.Displays the serial number of the discovered asset.
IP AddressDisplays the IP address of the discovered asset.
MAC AddressDisplays the MAC address of the discovered asset.
CPU DetailsDisplays the CPU details of the discovered asset.
HDD QuantityDisplays the HDD Quantity of the discovered asset.
HDD SizeDisplays the HDD size of the discovered asset.
RAM Quantity Displays the RAM Quantity of the discovered asset.
RAM SizeDisplays the RAM size of the discovered asset.
System ManufactureDisplays the name of the system manufacturer of the discovered asset.
OS NameDisplays the operating system of the discovered asset.
OS ManufactureDisplays the name of operating system manufacturer of the discovered asset.
OS VersionDisplays the version of the OS of the discovered asset.
Agent VersionDisplays the version of the agent used to discovery the asset.
Found DateDisplays the date and time when the asset was discovered.
Last Contacted

Displays the date and time the asset was last contacted for discovery

Proxy NameDisplays the proxy name of the discovered asset.

The following table explains the options available on the toolbar at the report’s top.

Toolbar components 



Displays the number of pages available on the report page. Click on the dropdown to view the number of pages. To access a certain page, click on its corresponding number. 

First page

Click the first page icon to navigate to the report's first page.

Last page

Click the last page icon to navigate to the report's last page.

Previous page

Click the previous page icon to navigate to the previous page of the report.

Next page

Click the next page icon to navigate to the next page of the report.

Toggle Multipage mode

Select the toggle multipage mode to navigate between multiple pages of the report. 


Allows you to magnify the content on the report page. 

  • Zoom Out - Click - icon to zoom out to reduce the display size of the report. 

  • Zoom In - Click + icon to zoom in to increase the display size of the report. 

Highlight Editing Fields

This option highlights any editable fields available in the report. It is enabled only if there are any editable fields.


Click the print icon to print the report. You can print the current page of the report. 

Print Page

Click the print page icon to print multiple pages of the report. 

Export to

You can export the report to PDF, Excel, and Image. To export the report to a specific format, click the dropdown menu to select it. 


Click the search icon to search for any text in the report. The search panel has two options to search text.

Figure: Search

  • Match Case - You can search text and specify whether to use a case-sensitive search. 

  • Match whole word only - You can search text where the full word matches the search results.

Full Screen

Click the full-screen icon to view the report in full-screen view. 


Click the Filter icon to view the preview parameters. You can filter the report content with the available filters in the preview parameters.
Figure: Filters

The following table explains the filters available under the preview parameters panel.



Discovered Date

Select the date ranges for the discovered assets to filter the report data.


Click reset to reset the preview parameters. All the parameters will be reset to default values. 


After choosing the preview parameters, click submit for the filters to be applied. 

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