Edit My Service Requests
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Edit My Service Requests

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Article summary

End users have the flexibility to edit Service Requests that they logged easily through Apex. Thus, ensuring accuracy and completeness of information in the SRs.

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case

User Persona: End User
William, an employee of NovaTech, encounters a challenge to track her service requests. With numerous ongoing tasks and deadlines, she found it increasingly difficult to keep tabs on the status and updates of her submitted SRs. The absence of a centralized and user-friendly system made it cumbersome for William to prioritize and follow up on her IT concerns, leading to delays in issue resolution and a dip in her overall productivity.
The SR list page in Apex provides instant visibility into the lifecycle of all the SRs logged by William, along with real-time updates on their statuses. Now, William can easily track the progress, identify priority items, and even access relevant communication threads. This ensures a seamless and transparent experience.

Edit Service Request

You can edit the the SRs to make necessary adjustments. Whether it's correcting details, adding more context, or attaching relevant files, this function ensures the SRs remains accurate and up-to-date.

To edit the SR details, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to My Apps > Service Management.
  2. From the left panel, select Service Request.
  3. Click My Service Request to view the list of all logged SRs.
    Figure: SR list page
  4. Click the SR ID hyperlink of the SR which you want to view and update.
  5. SR details screen is displayed. (Refer the below screenshot)
    Figure: SR details screen
  6. There are different sections and tabs in the edit SR details screen. View or edit the details as per the progress of the SR. Click Save to save the updated details in the SR. Click Cancel to exit the screen without making any changes to the SR.

Read further to understand the different sections present in the SR details screen and their description:

Status of SR

Status of the SR is displayed on the top ribbon of SR details screen. (Refer the screenshot below)

Figure: Status of SR

An SR can have the following statuses:

  • New
  • Assigned
  • Awaiting approval
  • Cancelled
  • Closed
  • In progress
  • Pending
  • Rejected
  • Resolved

Update Service Request

Update Service Request to provide additional information, updates, or clarification related to your current service request by clicking icon on the top ribbon.
Figure: Update SR icon

Once you click icon, the following pop-up window appears:

Figure: Update SR details

Use this space to communicate any changes, progress, or new details that may help the Analysts or other stakeholders better understand and address your SR. Refer the following table for the fields in the Update SR pop-up and their description:

User Communications
User Communications section displays details about the communications exchanged regarding the SR.
Use the Message field to provide any additional information or updates related to your SR. The message can help in addressing your SR effectively and promptly.
Attach relevant files or documents related to your SR. This could include screenshots, error logs, or any additional information that can assist the team in resolving your SR efficiently.
Click Save to update the SR details after filling in all the fields. If you do want to update any communication about the SR, then click Cancel to close the pop-up window.

Cancel Service Request

Cancel Service Request to terminate the ongoing process of the SR. If you have determined that the SR is no longer needed or if circumstances have changed, you can use this option to cancel the SR by clicking icon on the top ribbon.
Figure: Cancel SR icon

When you clickicon, the following pop-up is displayed:

Figure: Cancel Service Request

Select the reason to cancel the SR from the dropdown menu of Cancellation Reason. The following cancellation reasons are present in the menu:

  • Change of requirement
  • Duplicate request
  • Incorrectly submitted
  • Others
  • Error in the request
  • No longer needed
  • Request withdrawn

You can provide additional information regarding cancelling the SR in the Cancellation Remarks section. Click Save to cancel the SR.

Provide Feedback

The feedback feature allows users to provide their opinions and comments once a Service Request has been resolved. The feedback option is available when the status of the Service Request is "Resolved." By incorporating user feedback into the resolution process, businesses can continuously improve their services, address any issues promptly, and foster a positive user experience.

To provide feedback for a resolved SR, perform the following steps;

  1. Login to Apex.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > Click My Service Requests.
  3. The list page of all the SRs logged in is displayed. Click Resolved tab to view the list of resolved SRs.
  4. Click on the ID link of the resolved SR for which you want to provide feedback.
  5. SR details screen is displayed. Click icon on the top right corner. Refer the sample screenshot:
    Figure: Provide Feedback for SR
  6. The following pop-up is displayed. There are two sections: Services and Experience. You can provide feedback for the services you received and the experience of the complete Service Request process. Refer the sample screenshot:
    Figure: SR feedback details
  7. Click Save to save the feedback. If you do not want to provide any feedback, click Cancel.

Close Service Request

Close an SR from the SR details screen in case the SR is withdrawn, its a duplicate SR, or for any other reason.

To close an SR, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Apex.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > Click My Service Requests.
  3. The list page of all the SRs logged in is displayed. Click Resolved tab to view the list of resolved SRs.
  4. Click on the ID link of the SR which you want to close.
  5. SR details screen is displayed. Click on the right corner of the top panel. Refer the sample screenshot below:
    Figure: Close SR
  6. Click Close Service Request.
  7. The below pop-up is displayed.
    Figure: Close SR - details

    Select Closure Reason from the dropdown menu. It is mandatory to select the Closure Reason for closing the SR. The following Closure Reasons are available in the dropdown menu:
    • Request fulfilled
    • Request withdrawn
    • Duplicate Request
    • Request outside scope
    • Others

      Refer the below sample screenshot:
      Figure: Closure Reasons
  8. Click Save to save all the filled-in details and close the SR. If you do not want to save the details and close the pop-up, click Cancel. Click Reset to revert back to the default details.

Reopen Service Request

Reopen an SR in case you did not receive the service that you requested for, quality issues in the service received, or for any other reasons.

To reopen an SR, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Apex.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > Click My Service Requests.
  3. The list page of all the SRs logged in is displayed. Click Resolved tab to view the list of resolved SRs.
  4. Click on the ID link of the SR which you want to reopen.
  5. SR details screen is displayed. Click on the top right corner > click Reopen Service Request. Refer the screenshot displayed below:
    Figure: Reopen SR
  6. The following pop-up is displayed:
    Figure: Reopen SR - pop-up

    Select Reopen reason from the dropdown menu. It is mandatory to select the Reopen reason for reopening the SR. The following Reopen reasons are available in the dropdown menu:
    • Did not receive the product
    • Incomplete resolution
    • Unresolved dependencies
    • Quality issue
    • Miscommunication
    • Others

      Refer the below sample screenshot:
      Figure: Reopen reasons
      You can provide additional remarks for reopening the SR in the Remarks section.
  7. Click Save to save all the filled-in details and reopen the SR. If you do not want to save the details and close the pop-up, click Cancel.

Change History

View complete record or log of all the changes made to the SR throughout its lifecycle by clicking on the Change History icon. To know in detail about the different tabs present in Change History, refer Change History.

Sub Form

You can view the SR catalog linked to a specific SR through Sub Form option. This functionality provides users with visibility into the available services or solutions relevant to their SR. By accessing the SR catalog associated with their specific SR, users can view information about the SR like the requestor, department, folder path, access type, and other additional details.

To view the SR catalog associated with an SR, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Apex.
  2. Navigate to Service Request > Click My Service Requests.
  3. The list page of all the SRs logged in is displayed. Click on the ID link of the SR for which you want to view the linked Service Request catalog.
  4. SR details screen is displayed. Navigate to the right corner of the top panel.
  5. Clickon the top right corner > click Sub Form. Refer the screenshot displayed below:
    Figure: Sub Form

    A pop-up opens that displays the SR catalog linked to the SR. A sample screenshot is displayed below:
    Figure: Sub Form - pop-up


Subject section displays the symptom of the SR along with the date of the creation of the SR.

Figure: Subject card


Description section displays additional information about the SR.

Requestor Card

Requestor card displays the information about the Requestor like name, location, employment details. 

Assigned To

Assigned To section displays details about the Workgroup, Analyst, Service Window assigned to the SR. From the dropdown menu of the respective fields, select and update the values as per the requirement. Refer the following screenshot:

Figure: Assigned To section

Following are the tabs present in the SR details screen:

Figure: Different tabs in SR details screen

Catalog Details

Catalog Details tab provides a comprehensive information about the service you have requested for, the Requestor name, remarks and other details.

The different fields and sections in the Catalog Details tab varies depending on the catalog selected.


General tab has details about the Requestor, Tenant, Category, Classification, and attachments related to the SR.

Figure: General tab


Solution tab contains information about the resolution or workaround implemented to address the SR. This section provides details on steps taken to resolve the SR, including any necessary actions. It serves as a reference for users seeking information about the solution applied to their SR. The following sections are present under the Solution tab:

  • Solution: In the Solution text box, mention relevant details about the resolution of the SR.
  • I found this solution in a Knowledge Article: Enable this switch, in case you found the solution of the SR in Knowledge Article.
  • Please link the article that helped: Select the Knowledge Article from the dropdown menu that has helped in finding solution for the SR.
    Figure: Solutions tab

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