    • 23 Oct 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read


    Article summary

    Having a set of actions on parsing, such as creating a record, updating, and approving using existing tables from an Email, can be beneficial for several reasons. This reduces the manual effort required to manage these records. Having a set of actions on parsing will enhance automation, efficiency, data integrity, and compliance. It enables organizations to deliver better IT services while optimizing resource utilization and reducing the risk of errors.

    Workflow of Actions on Record

    The Notification Parser executes the incoming mail and checks the Action stepper, the system should select the correct action out of the three actions.
    Based on Active or Inactive of the Action, the sequence that is followed to select the action will be as following:

    Approve > Update Record > Create Record

    Sequence Description


    The system will check the Approve Record Action, If Action is Active then the steps described here apply.
    By default, this control switch is disabled.

    Figure: Approve

    Execution: If Approve Action is Active then, then the system will execute the Approve configuration. If the action's configuration does not satisfy the condition on the mail, then the system checks for the Update Record.

    Update Record

    The system will check the Update Record Action, If Action is Active then the steps described here apply.
    By default, this control switch is disabled.

    Figure: Update Record

    Execution: If Update Record Action is Active then, the system will execute the Update configuration. If the configuration of the Update Record Action does not satisfy the condition on the mail, then the system will create a new record only if, the last action Create Record satisfies the condition of the mail.

    Create Record

    The system will check the Create Record Action, If Action is Active then the steps described here apply.
    By default, this control switch is disabled.

    Figure: Create Record

    Execution: If Create Record Action is Active then, the system will execute the Create configuration. If the configuration of the Create Record Action does not satisfy the condition on the mail then the email is considered as unprocessed.


    • When the system finds an action that satisfies for the mail then the system will not go further for the next action.

    • The system will process the mail for the most apt action.

    • If none of the action seems satisfying then the system will consider the mail as unprocessed mail and will delete the mail accordingly.

    Following is the graphical representation of the workflow for Actions:

    Approve and Update Record requirement

    To Approve or Update a record over the mail via a parser the system should first identify the correct record, for more details, refer to the following:

    1. A Record can be identified based on the configuration set in the Mailbox.

    2. The Application Designer can define how a record can be identified, either through a Record ID or Unique ID.

    3. Based on this configuration the system will check the incoming mail to match it to any of the existing record.

    4. If a matching record is found, then the system will try to match the record with the configurations in the Actions.

    5. If none of the record is matching, then the mail will be considered as unprocessed.

    The following links will direct to the respective configuration pages:

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