  • 02 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Priority establishes the precedence to address a Service Request (SR). The sequence in which a SR is handled is based on its Priority, with higher priority SRs receiving preference over lower priority ones. Priority allows organizations to effectively prioritize SRs based on their severity and the level of disruption they may cause.

Priority helps to ensure that critical SRs are addressed first, minimizing the impact on the business, improving customer satisfaction and service levels. Also, Priority enables to manage the workload of the Analysts to focus their efforts on the most critical SRs. 

Let's explore the following use-case.

Use Case
User Persona: Administrator

NovaTech receives a SR for a software upgrade that is necessary to meet a critical business deadline. The SR specifies that the upgrade needs to be completed within the next 24 hours to avoid potential business impact. NovaTech wants to ensure that there are no delays in resolving this SR.
Administrator Sandra can configure a set of predefined Priority levels that reflect the urgency and impact of the SRs.

For example, common Priority levels may include:
  • Low Priority: Issues that have minimal impact on business operations and user productivity.
  • Medium Priority: Issues that cause partial disruption but are not critical to business operations.
  • High Priority: Critical issues that significantly impact business operations and require immediate attention.
A high priority SR requires that it is completed within the required timeframe, minimizing the impact on the business and improving customer satisfaction.

Configure Priority

Configuring Priority in Service Request Management is essential to establish a hierarchy for handling the SRs. By assigning Priority to the SRs, teams can ensure that critical and high-priority requests receive immediate attention and are resolved promptly, while lower-priority requests are addressed accordingly.

To configure Priority, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Service Management.
  2. Click Settings > Design Studio.
    Figure: Select Design Studio
  3. Select Module > Service Request > Configurations > SR SLA Configs > PriorityThe Priority list page is displayed.
    Figure: Priority list page
  4. Click New to configure a new Priority value. The Priority ID page is displayed.
    Figure: Priority ID page
  5. Enter the required details as described in the following table:
Select the Tenant from the dropdown menu for which you want to configure a new Priority. This is a mandatory field. Once you choose the Tenant, the SR Priority field becomes mandatory.
Specify a brief description about the Priority. Including a description for Priority values provides a better understanding of each Priority level, facilitates informed decision-making and quick SR resolution.
SR Priority*
Give a Priority value in this field. This provides a clear understanding about the priority given to the SR.
Display Name
Enter the name of the Priority that will be displayed. Assigning names to Priority values provides a clear and standardized way to communicate the importance levels of SRs.
Highlight Color
Choose a color for a particular Priority. Click the color box next to Highlight color field. A color palette opens up where you can choose whatever color you want to assign the Priority.
Figure: Highlight color for Priority
Select the check box to display the Priority for the selected Tenant, by default.
Select the check box to make the Priority available on the other pages of the application.

An asterisk (*) represents a mandatory field.

7. Click Save to configure the new Priority. Click Reset to clear all the inputs in the Priority ID page. If you do not want to save the details and configure the Priority, click Cancel.

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