Configure Cancellation Reason
  • 04 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configure Cancellation Reason

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Article summary

Cancellation reason provides transparency about why a work order was canceled. It helps in maintaining a clear record of the decision-making process and ensures accountability for cancellations. By capturing the reasons for work order cancellations, organizations can analyze trends and identify recurring issues. This data can be used to make informed decisions and improve operational processes to reduce future cancellations.

To configure Cancellation Reason for a Work Order, perform the following steps:

  1.  Log in to the application.

  2.  Navigate to Design Studio > Service Management > Work Order > Configurations > WO Masters > Cancellation Reason.
    The cancellation Reason list page is displayed.
    Figure: Configure Cancellation Reason

  3.  Enter the appropriate details in the required fields.

    Refer to the following table for field description: 
    TenantSpecifies the Tenant name.
    WO Cancellation ReasonMentions the reason for WO cancellation.
    Provide an explanation or justification for why a work order is being canceled.
    DescriptionDescribes about the cancellation Request.
    Sort Order

    Specifies a value to set the sorting position in the WO Cancellation Reason list section or WO Cancellation Reason drop-down inside the Group across the Application.

    The Sort Order field accepts values from 0 to 999. Cancellation Reason is executed alphabetically on the pages irrespective of the number of Cancellation Reasons that are configured with the same Sort Order or without any sort order.
    • If Cancellation Reason 1 ( Leave Request Not approved ) is configured with sort order value 1.
    • Cancellation Reason 2(Not a Valid WorkOrder) is configured with sort order value 2.
    Cancellation Reason 1 (Leave Request Not approved) is placed on the top of the Cancellation Reason 2(Not a Valid WorkOrder) across all the pages.
    ActiveIndicates that the Cancellation Reason is Active across all the pages wherever it is been used. 
    DefaultIndicates if the WO Cancellation Reason is set as Default and this value will be considered as Default value when used.
  4. Click Save.
    The configured Cancellation Request is displayed on the list page.
    Figure: Cancellation Reason List

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