End User Service Portal with Knowledge Article Search Options
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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End User Service Portal with Knowledge Article Search Options

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Article summary

Seamlessly Search Knowledge Articles at Your Fingertips!

End User Service Portal offers a user-friendly search bar, making it easy for you to enter queries and find relevant knowledge articles quickly.

Portal with robust knowledge article search options empowers you to resolve issues independently, reducing the burden on IT support and enhancing overall satisfaction.

User Persona: End User

Let's explore the following use case.

Use Case

User Persona: End User
Bob, the End User at NovaTech Services encounters a problem with his laptop and is unable to access company email. Instead of contacting IT support immediately, he decides to use the End User Service Portal to find a solution independently in the Apex application.

Bob logs into the portal using his credentials and in the search bar, he types "unable to access email on the laptop" and hits enter.

The End User portal quickly generates relevant results, displaying articles related to email access issues on laptops. He finds a promising article titled "Troubleshooting Email Access on Laptops" and clicks to read the detailed steps.

The knowledge article provides clear step-by-step instructions, including screenshots, guiding Bob through the troubleshooting process. Following the instructions, Bob successfully troubleshoots the problem, and his laptop's email access is restored.

End User Service Portal

The intuitive interface of the End Service Portal with Knowledge Article Search options allows Users can independently find solutions to common issues, reducing dependency on support teams. The portal evolves to meet changing needs, incorporating new knowledge articles based on emerging issues or organizational updates.

To access the End User Service Portal, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the application.
  2. Navigate to My Apps > Service Management
  3. Select the role of End User PortalThe End User Portal is displayed.Figure: End User Service Portal

  4. You can access relevant knowledge articles by clicking the Knowledge Base card on the portal. The screenshot displays search results displaying articles related to troubleshoot VPN issues.
    Figure: Search options

  5.  Select a Knowledge Article and click to read the detailed steps. The knowledge article provides clear step-by-step instructions, including videos, guiding users through the troubleshooting process. Refer to the screenshot for more details.
    Figure: Article related to troubleshooting

    Many details, such as Category-wise Knowledge Record distribution, the recently published articles, the most frequently read articles, the highest rates articles, etc. can be found on this dashboard.

  6. Click KR to view the KR details on a new browser tab. You can view the list of the last five recently visited Knowledge Records under the RECENTLY VIEWED section.
    If a Knowledge Record is configured as a Public Article, the Knowledge Record can be shared with a user even if the user does not have any access to the Apex application. The Public Knowledge Records open in a new tab on your browser and not as a pop-up page within the Application.

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