Executive Dashboard
  • 12 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Executive Dashboard

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Article summary

Executive Dashboard provides an overview of data across all the modules. It is a visual representation of multiple reports. These dashboards are crucial for executives and senior management to make informed decisions, monitor the health of IT services, and align IT performance with overall business goals. 

Executive Dashboard

The dashboard displays data related to overview, volumetric analysis, trends, aging, SLA compliance, and top drivers. It's a dashboard featuring several charts, including pie and bar charts, and numerical data. 

To view the Executive Dashboard, perform the following steps,

  1.  Navigate to Service Management > Reports.
  2. Select Dashboards. Select the module as Incident.
    The available dashboards are displayed.

    Figure: Executive Dashboard

  3. Click Executive Dashboard to open and view the dashboard.
    The executive dashboard details page is displayed.
    Figure: Details of Executive Dashboard

The sections available under the Executive Dashboard are:


The overview page of the Executive Dashboard provides a brief overview of all modules. It is a numerical representation of data displaying real-time data for various modules. 

The following table explains the data available for the modules. 

Incident ManagementDisplays a consolidated count of the various types of open incidents, pending incidents, resolved incidents, open VIP incidents, and incidents met and missed resolution SLA. 
Service RequestDisplays a consolidated count of the various types of open service requests, open VIP service requests, requests pending approval, resolved service requests, and service requests met and missed resolution SLA.
Change RequestDisplays a consolidated count of the various types of open change requests, high-risk changes, emergency changes, changes awaiting approval, unassigned changes, rolled-back changes, and successful changes for the month. 
Problem RecordDisplays a consolidated count of the various types of open problem records, high-priority problem records, awaiting RCA problem records, resolved problem records, problem logged for this month, and RCA-approved problem records. 

Volumetric Analysis

The volumetric analysis helps to examine and interpret the data volume and quantity. It examines and assesses various aspects of service usage or demand, typically represented in terms of volume metrics such as the number of incidents, requests, changes, or other service-related activities.

The graphs representing the volumetric analysis are displayed.

Figure: Volumetric analysis


It describes trends or patterns that have been noticed throughout time in several service management-related areas. These patterns, which are frequently discovered by examining past data, can offer insightful information on the efficacy, efficiency, and performance of IT services.

The graphs representing the trends are displayed.

Figure: Trends


It refers to the length of time that a particular ticket or item has been open or unresolved within the system. It's a measure of how long a ticket has been in a particular status or stage of the service management process.

The graphs representing aging are displayed.

Figure: Aging

SLA Compliance

It is typically measured against predefined targets or thresholds outlined in the SLA. These targets can include metrics such as response time, resolution time, uptime, availability, and performance.

The graphs representing the SLA compliance are displayed.

Figure: SLA compliance

Top Drivers

It refers to the primary factors or causes influencing certain aspects of IT service delivery or performance. These drivers are typically identified through data analysis and represent the most significant contributors to particular outcomes or trends observed in IT metrics.

Figure: Top drivers

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