File Upload
  • 18 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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File Upload

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Article summary

File Upload control enables the form consumer to upload any document(s) of the accepted file type within the defined maximum file size limit.

Figure: File Upload control as seen by Application Designer 

Let's explore the following Use Case for File Upload control!

Use Case

User Persona: Project Manager

Kevin, the Project Manager at Novotech, wants to attach the Warranty and other licensing documents while adding a new asset to the system.  Sam can drag and drop the File Upload control on the form and configure its properties accordingly. He can attach multiple files (max 5) and the allowed file types are PDF, Word, and JPEG.

For details about the Use Case, refer to the graphics below:

File upload

Figure: Assigning Navigation controls

Configure File Upload control

The section contains the list of steps to perform the configuration of File Upload control.

  1. Navigate to the Design step of the Form Designer by selecting Designer > Form Designer > Design Form tab. 
  2. Expand the control library, from the Form Controls section locate the File Upload control.
  3. Drag and drop the File Upload control to the desired location on the canvas. 
  4. Hover over the added control to access the gear icon for configuration, as well as the delete icon. 
  5. Click on the gear icon to open the configure properties pop-up window for the File Upload control. Figure: Adding File Upload control

Configurable properties are grouped under tabs such as


This section lists generic configurable properties for the File Upload control, including the control's title, subtitle, allowed file types, maximum file size, and informative and validation messages. Figure: Properties

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Properties section: 


Type in the unique name for the control. Specify the name of the file. For example, here it is as titled as License Documents.

Figure: Title
Sub Title

Offers a brief description or title for the file upload control, providing context about its purpose or the type of files users should upload. It appears directly below the control, aiding users in understanding its function. Specify the subtitle of the file, if needed.

Allowed file typesSelect the types of files users can upload. The screen appears as shown below:Figure: Allowed file type fields
Maximum File SizeSelect the maximum size for file to be uploaded.Figure: Maximum file size screen
Help Text

Enter the Help text for the uploaded file. It provides descriptive text or instructions to assist users in understanding how to use the file upload control. Figure: Help Text

Rich TextToggle the switch for Rich Text. On switching, a Rich Text editor is displayed where bulky content can be updated as Help Text. Rich texted Help Text improves user understanding by allowing formatting like bold text, images, and clickable links, making information clearer and more interactive for users.

Figure: Rich Text

TooltipType in the tooltip field. A tooltip is a small pop-up message explaining a field when hovered over. It is displayed when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the field/control.
Figure: Tooltip
Validation Message
Invalid File Type Message DetailEnter text (error details) to be displayed when user is trying to upload an invalid File Type. For example, you can provide error message as shown "Allowed file types are .doc, .jpeg".
Figure: Invalid File Type Message Detail
Invalid File Size Message DetailEnter text (error details) to be displayed when user is trying to upload a file of size greater than the defined limit.
For example, if the maximum file size is defined as 350 KB, then the message can be displayed as " Maximum upload size is 350KB."
Figure: Invalid File Size Message Detail 
Invalid File Limit Message DetailEnter text (error details) to be displayed when user is trying to upload files more than the set file limit.Figure: Invalid File Limit Message Detail
For example, if file limit is set to 2 and user is trying to upload more than 2 files, then the message can be displayed as " Maximum number of files exceeded."
Invalid File Type Message Summary Enter text (error summary) to be displayed as summary when user is trying to upload an invalid File Type.

Figure: Invalid File Type Message Summary

Invalid File Size Message SummaryEnter text (error summary) to be displayed when user is trying to upload a file of size greater than the defined limit.Figure: Invalid File Size Message Summary
Invalid File Limit Message SummaryEnter text (error summary) to be displayed when user is trying to upload files more than the set File Limit.Figure: Invalid File Limit Message Summary
Include {0} if you want the user-selected file name to appear dynamically in the error message summary.


This section contains the list of features properties using which the Application Designer can allow multiple file upload. To know more about the fields that are available under the section, see Field Description given below.

 Figure: Advance

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Advance section: 

Allow MultipleSlide the toggle bar to allow multiple file upload by default.
File LimitSelect the number of files user can upload under control.
Figure: File Limit


This section contains pre-built validations to save time and effort by ensuring data accuracy and completeness without the need for custom rules.

Figure: Validations

To know more about Validations, see the Field Description given below. 

TenantSelect the tenant from the drop-down list if the validation should only be applied to that tenant. 

For All Tenants, select this option from the Tenant drop-down if the validation should be applied universally across all tenants, regardless of the selected tenant in the transaction or admin record. 

For "Specific Tenant," choose a particular tenant if the validation only applies to that tenant. Please note that validations added for a specific tenant will always take precedence over common validations.

Figure: Tenant list
File Upload should be

Select the Mandatory from the drop-down list to make the control mandatory. It ensures that the field must be filled out before submitting the form. 
Select the Disabled from the drop-down list to make the control a disabled control. This prevents users from interacting with a field, effectively making it read-only and preventing any changes or inputs.
Select the Hidden from the drop-down list to make the control a hidden control.
Select the Editable from the drop-down list to make the control editable.
Below Conditions Meet
Select this option if you want the validations on the control to be triggered based on a specific condition(s).
Figure: Conditions

Configure the conditions using the following fields:

Field: Choose the field from the drop-down list to which the condition applies.

Value: Define the value for the chosen field, determining when the condition should be triggered. Enter the value in a text box for non-referenced fields like short and long text. For referenced fields such as single choice and tree control, select the value from the respective field type.

Operator: Select the appropriate operator from the drop-down list, which varies based on the selected field type.

  • Use  icon to add more conditions.
  • Use  icon to delete conditions.

Here Product is selected as condition, with the operator equal to is and value as Mac in the text field.

Figure: Below Conditions Meet

Every Time

Select Every time if you want to display this control always without any specific conditions.Figure: Every time


Customize controls appearance by aligning brand colors through appearance properties, enhancing user experience, and reinforcing brand identity. To know more about the fields that are available under the Appearance section, see the Field Description given below.

Figure: Appearance

Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Appearance section:

Font TypeSelect the desired font from the drop-down menu to customize the control.
Font ColorSelect a font color from the color palette to enhance the visibility and aesthetics of the control.
Font SizeSelect the desired font size to your preference for better readability and presentation for the control.
Font StyleSelect either Bold, underlined, or Italic font style to emphasize specific text within the control.


The Security tab ensures data security and privacy by applying restricted access or encryption to sensitive field data, ensuring that only users with authorized roles can access or modify it.

Figure: Security under not Encrypted state
Field Description
This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Security section:


Restrict field access

Enable this option to ensure that designated roles possess exclusive viewing or editing privileges for the content within the control, thereby restricting access to authorized users only. 

For example: In a software licensing and warranty management system, only authorized personnel, such as legal advisors or designated administrators, should have the privilege to edit or delete uploaded license documents and warranties.


Enable this option to ensure sensitive information remains secure and confidential by making it unreadable without the appropriate decryption key. 

For example: In a document management system for sensitive contracts and agreements, uploaded files containing confidential information, such as partnership agreements or non-disclosure agreements, can be encrypted. Only authorized individuals with decryption keys, typically legal advisors or designated executives, are granted access to view or modify these documents.

For more details about Security, see Form Security.

Click Save to save the configurations. Configurations get saved, the window closes, and the control moves back to the design canvas. If you want to cancel the configuration, click Cancel.

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