Fixed Asset - Allocated
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Fixed Asset - Allocated

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Article summary

When an asset is allocated to a user, project, location, or a customer, the status will change from In Store to Allocated. The asset details provided during creation will be recorded.
Let's explore the 'Allocated' status in detail.

Figure: Asset details page - Allocated status

Top Panel

Top Panel consists of following fields:



Asset Code

Asset Code is a unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to assets in the inventory. It prominently displays the assigned code, where the first two letters denote the asset type.

For example: In FI015416, 'FI' signifies a fixed asset.

Asset Status

Asset Status is displayed as Allocated when the asset is allocated to a user, project, location or customer.

Click Reconciliation option to initiate reconciliation action for the asset.


Asset reconciliation is the process of comparing physical assets with recorded data to ensure accurate and up-to-date financial reporting and efficient asset management.

Figure: Reconciliation pop-up

Field Description

The following table provides details about fields:



Reconciliation Name

Select the required Reconciliation Name from the drop-down.


Enter a brief description.

Is Manager Approval Required?

Select Yes/No based on the requirement.

Audit Trail captures information such as Change, Workflow, Link, Communication, BR, and Access History.

Figure: Audit Trail pop-up

Kebab menu consists of options such as Deallocate, Send Email, Remote Asset control etc.

For more details on kebab menu options, refer to the Allocated - Actions segment below.

Allocated To

Allocated To grid displays the details of user to whom the asset is allocated. It displays details such as ID, role, contact number and email address.

Figure: Allocated To grid

More Information

More Information section covers the details of action-related attributes for each specific asset lifecycle status.

Figure: More Information grid


Asset Condition field will be displayed for all asset lifecycle statuses, as it is a crucial detail that helps in decision-making throughout the asset lifecycle.

Warranty Information

Warranty Information section captures the start and end dates of the asset's warranty.

Figure: Warranty Information grid

The following table provides details about fields:



Warranty Start Date

Displays the Warranty Start Date of the Fixed Asset from the calendar.

Warranty End Date

Displays the Warranty End Date of the Fixed Asset from the calendar.

Allocated - Actions

Remote Asset Control 

Remote Asset Control involves monitoring and managing assets remotely. This approach streamlines operations by minimizing the need for physical presence on-site, optimizing efficiency from anywhere. This feature enables the support team to easily control end-user systems for seamless access with enhanced security.

  1. On the Fixed Asset Details page, click the kebab menu from the right corner to find the Remote Asset Control option as shown below:

    Figure: Fixed Asset Details page - Remote Asset Control option

  2. On the Remote Asset Control pop-up, enter all the required details and click Save. For more information on fields, refer Field Description.

    remote asset control pop-up

    Figure: Remote Asset Control pop-up

Field Description

This table contains the list of fields and their descriptions that are available under the Remote Asset Control



Communication Channel

Choose the Communication Channel through which the connection can be established.

Analyst Email

Select the required Analyst’s email from the drop-down.


Select the required Username from the drop-down.

Reason for request

Enter a brief information explaining the reason for connection request.


When an asset is in the allocated state, you can streamline its reassignment process without performing the deallocation and then reallocating it. By using the Reallocate option, you can quickly reallocate the asset to a new user, project, location, or customer with ease.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select Reallocate option.

    Figure: Asset Details page- Reallocate option

  2. Provide all the required details as shown below and click Save. Refer the Field Description table for more information on fields.

    Figure: Reallocate page

Field Description

The following table provides details about fields:




Allows you to allocate assets using the following options:

User: Select this option if you wish to reallocate the asset to a user.

Project: Select this option to assign the asset to a specific project.

Location: Select this option if you wish to reallocate the asset to a location.

Customer: Select this option if you wish to reallocate the asset to a customer.

Asset Owner

Select the Asset Owner from the drop-down to whom the asset is allocated.


Select the Customer from the drop-down to whom you want to reallocate the asset.


Select the Project from the drop-down to which you want to reallocate the asset.


Select the Floor to which you want to re-allocate the asset.


Mention the Cubicle number to which you want to reallocate the asset.

Reporting Manager

Choose the Reporting Manager of the selected user.

Alternate Supervisor

Choose the Alternate Supervisor of the selected user.

Allocation Date

Click the Calendar icon to select the reallocation date of the asset.

Asset Usage Type

Select the Asset Usage Type from the available options: None, Primary, Secondary.

Allocation Type

Select the type of allocation for the Asset. There are two types of asset allocations:

Permanent: Select this option if the Asset reallocation is a permanent reallocation.

Temporary: Select this option if the Asset reallocation is a temporary reallocation.

Return Date

Click the Calendar icon to select the return date of the asset.

Asset Purpose

Select the required Asset Purpose from the drop-down.

Request Type

Select the Request Type source from the available options: Service Request, Incident, Work Order.

Request ID

Mention the Request ID details.

Print Barcode

Barcode labels can be printed for each Asset that is added to the Asset Inventory including deactivated Assets. Each barcode is unique so this is useful in identifying the Assets. During Asset Movement, the Floor or Store Manager can easily validate and scan the Asset barcode using a barcode scanner. Apex application supports ISBN barcode and QR Code types. Barcode labels can be configured separately based on the Stores and the Asset Categories.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select Print Barcode option.

    Figure: Asset details page - Print Barcode option

    Print Barcode pop-up is displayed with barcode details.

    Figure: Print Barcode pop-up

  2. Click Print to take a physical printout of the barcode details in PDF format.

    Figure: Print barcode prompt window

Asset Allocation Confirmation Form

For the Fixed Asset in Allocated status, the Asset Allocation Confirmation Form displays the acknowledgment details on the assignment and distribution of Fixed Asset to specific end user.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select Print Asset Allocation Confirmation Form option.

    Figure: Fixed Asset Details page - Asset Allocation Confirmation Form option

  2. Upon clicking the option, the Asset Allocation Confirmation Form pop-up is displayed as follows:

    Figure: Asset Allocation Confirmation Form pop-up

Asset Action History

Asset Action History tab will display the allocations, deallocations, and other actions that were performed on the specific asset.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select Asset Action History option.

    Figure: Asset Detail page - Asset Action History option

  2. Asset Action History pop-up is displayed with the Current Allocation List data.

    Figure: Asset Action History pop-up

Discovery Information

Discovery Information provides details about Hardware and Software Discovery.

Hardware Details tab provides details about the hardware discovered on the asset. Software Details tab provides the list of software installed on the particular asset including information about publisher and installation date.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select Discovery Information option.

    Figure: Asset Details page - Discovery Information option

  2. Hardware and Software Details are displayed as follows.

    Hardware Details

    Figure: Discovery Information - Hardware Details

    Figure: Hardware Details List

    Software Details

    Figure: Discovery Information - Software Details

User Asset History

User Asset History provides a detailed view of all assets currently allocated to a specific user. This view allows you to see the total number of assets assigned to the user, which includes all the four asset types. This provides a comprehensive understanding of the user's allocated resources.

  1. Click the kebab menu on the asset details page to select User Asset History option.

    Figure: Asset Details page - User Asset History option

  2. User Asset History data for all asset types is displayed as shown below.

    Figure: User Asset History pop-up

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